
The Indomitable Sect

In a world where martial prowess and ambition converge, Wang Jun, the charismatic and often laughing leader of the Solid Strike Sect, finds himself on an extraordinary journey. When an unexpected twist of fate propels him into a new life, Wang Jun inherits the responsibilities and challenges of his sect, one that has fallen from grace. The Solid Strike Sect, once a thriving martial arts school known for its unyielding resolve and determination, now stands as a shadow of its former self. With only one member and a formidable mission ahead, Wang Jun must navigate the treacherous path of rebuilding his sect. As Wang Jun delves into the intricacies of martial arts and confronts rival factions, he stumbles upon a mysterious martial arts system that holds the key to his sect's revival. Armed with unparalleled techniques, he sets out to prove that the Solid Strike Sect can rise from the ashes and become the most formidable force in the Starfall Continent. "The Indomitable Sect" is an epic tale of determination, perseverance, and the unbreakable spirit of a martial artist. Follow the Story and find out what happens next.......

Little_Scribe · Action
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40 Chs

A Saving Grace

From the very beginning of this confrontation, it was clear to Wang Jun, the master of the Solid Strike Sect, that he needed to assert his authority as the faction's leader.

He cleared his throat, his eyes firm with determination, and began to speak,

"You spoke the truth when you said we cannot be kind to our enemies. However, we must also remember that as practitioners of martial arts, we cultivate not only our physical strength but also our hearts and minds. To become true martial artists, we must adhere to the principles of honor and integrity.''

Wang Jun's words carried weight,

"Bullying bullies is no different from becoming bullies ourselves,"

His decision showcased not only his strength but also his wisdom and mercy, earning him respect from those present.

Wang Jun often smiled and continued, "Remember, Lu Yan, martial arts isn't just about physical prowess; it's also about cultivating a noble spirit. As my disciple, you must embody these values in your journey."

He paused briefly, his gaze unwavering as he concluded, "Moreover, these disciples from the Spirit Spring Sect pose no real threat to us. If we were to resort to violence and harm them, it would not only be unjust but also tarnish the reputation of our martial arts."

As he finished speaking, a notification from the system rang out,


"Congratulations to the host for completing the side missions and getting 1 Sect lcontribution!"


Sect contribution: 5/100."

Wang Jun smiled confidently, believing that his words had successfully conveyed the importance of maintaining dignity and honor as the head of the Solid Strike Sect.

This branch task was not strictly about Lu Yan's compliance; it was about embodying the principles he aimed to instill in his disciple.

He glanced at Lu Yan, whose expression indicated she might not have entirely agreed with his approach. Nonetheless, he knew that it was her choice to make, and he respected her way of thinking.

"I understand,"

Lu Yan finally responded, her voice firm. "Killing these individuals would indeed be a stain on the leader's prestige. Let me handle this situation with wisdom."

The longsword gleamed as it was drawn from its sheath, its icy aura filling the air.

Wang Jun, who often carried a playful demeanor, now adopted a more serious tone. He looked at Lu Yan, concern evident in his eyes, and said, "You see, Lu Lu, this defensive stance isn't just about blocking physical attacks. It's also about protecting your inner self."

He paused, a touch of frustration in his voice. "Don't be so quick to resort to violence. You're a woman, and there's more to being a woman than just fighting and killing."

Lu Yan halted her steps, her expression cold and unyielding. She replied with an air of indifference, "Who says women can't be warriors?"

Her beauty was undeniable, and from Wang Jun's perspective, she appeared flawless. However, beneath that exterior, there was a hidden depth of coldness and a hint of a dark past. Wang Jun couldn't help but think, "This woman has a story, and it's not a simple one."

Lu Yan had joined the Solid Strike Sect, and Wang Jun had briefly contemplated asking about her background and past. Yet, after their initial interactions, he realized that she was perpetually aloof and distant, which deterred him from prying further.

Dealing with a woman as cold and indifferent as Lu Yan was proving to be a challenge, even for Wang Jun, who often maintained a cheerful demeanor.

Wang Jun smiled as he spoke, "Sheath your sword for now."

With a swift motion, Lu Yan closed her sword and responded coolly, "As the head, I will follow your orders. But remember, do not underestimate any woman."

Wang Jun was left momentarily speechless. He hadn't been concerned about her fighting or killing prowess; his worry was more about her safety. However, he couldn't help but feel that his position as the head lacked the respect and reverence it should command, especially from the sect's sole female disciple.

How could he earn her respect?

Wang Jun pondered this question as he looked at his meager 5 points of contribution value. He wondered if there was anything in the martial arts mall that could help him in this endeavor.

Without hesitation, he skipped the novice mall and opened the Junior mall, revealing an array of items before him. It was a tantalizing selection, and he couldn't help but think, "Could one of these items hold the key to earning Lu Yan's respect?"

Xun Jun reviewed the Junior mall offerings:

''Fireball Talisman" - Required 10 points of contribution.

"Ice Cone Charm" - Also required 10 points of contribution.

"Frostbite Sword - First Tier " - Another item requiring 10 points of contribution.

"Ninefold Fist of Destruction" - Yet another item with a 10-point contribution requirement.

Wang Jun chuckled to himself, realizing that the items in the first-level mall were indeed beyond his reach with just 5 points of contribution. He dismissed the idea of exchanging for the first product healing Dan since he wasn't injured, and it would be useless to him.

He shook his head in amusement and muttered, "Even if it's given for free, it can't be exchanged."

With a sigh, he decided to save up more contribution points for the valuable items in the mall that required 10 points.

Wang Jun realized that he would need to recruit more disciples in Qingyang City to increase his contribution points. He sighed at the limited options in the Junior mall.

As they walked, Lu Yan suddenly stopped and placed her hand on the hilt of her sword. She frowned and said, "Someone."

Wang Jun couldn't see anyone and asked, "Where is this person?" He thought Lu Yan might be joking.

However, Lu Yan remained vigilant, her eyes fixed on the grass by the roadside. Following her gaze, Wang Jun noticed the grass trembling slightly, as if there was something hidden within. He asked cautiously,

"Could it be a beast?"

In the Starfall continent, there were not only humans but also ferocious beasts, and despite lacking martial arts, these beasts possessed great power. For instance, during their journey, Wang Jun once encountered a fierce beast in a mountain forest that could rival a Foundation establishment cultivator in strength. It had the physique and power to effortlessly smash rocks and trees with its punches. Faced with such a formidable creature from another world, Wang Jun wisely chose to detour around it, naming the area

"unsuitable for travel."

However, this time, it wasn't a ferocious beast. Lu Yan clarified,

"It's a person."

Relieved that it wasn't a beast, Wang Jun confidently approached the scene. As he pushed aside the bushes, he discovered a severely injured warrior lying on the ground.

Not only was he human, but he was also in critical condition. Lu Yan confirmed, "He's seriously injured."

She released her grip on her sword and glanced at the darkening sky. "It's getting late. We should continue on our way."

But Wang Jun, with a perplexed look questioned,

"Aren't we going to help him?"

Lu Yan gave him a skeptical look and remarked, "You want to save him?"

With a confident smile, Wang Jun replied, "Saving a life may lead to a profound friendship."

Lu Yan remained indifferent and warned, "But what if he was being pursued by enemies? By saving him, you might bring significant trouble to both yourself and me."

Wang Jun recognized the wisdom in her words. He knelt down and partially uncovered the injured person's blood-soaked clothing, revealing a deep claw mark on his back.

Lu Yan observed the injury and confirmed,

"It's a claw mark."

Wang Jun nodded, his expression serious. "Indeed, it appears that he was attacked by a Ferocious beast.''

Lu Lu agreed, faintly saying: "This person is very injured and will fall at any time. do you know how to save him?"

Wang Jun often smiled and nodded in response to Lu Lu's question. "While I might not possess advanced medical skills, I do have an elixir that can work wonders."

Lu Lu cast a skeptical glance at the small elixir in his hand. "This elixir looks quite ordinary in terms of appearance. Are you sure it can truly help a severely injured person?"

With confidence, Wang Jun often grinned and replied,

"Let's find out."

Lu Lu said nothing.

This person has not only Blood loss, but also internal injuries. It is impossible to cure with common healing pill.


Suddenly, the injured person in a coma coughed slightly, his closed eyelids shaking lightly, and then opened slowly.

''He....he woke up''

As the injured person fully regained consciousness, Lu Lu's beautiful eyes continued to radiate surprise. She marveled at the seemingly miraculous recovery brought about by the elixir administered by Wang Jun.

Wang Jun often smiled triumphantly, his grin growing wider. "Looks like my little elixir did the trick,"