
The Indifferent Luna

Silveen a young Omega who is displaced by her family due to her inability to shift, finds love and settles for it until she experience the betrayal of the one she trust the most, her mate. Escaping death and discovering that her inability to shift is due to a curse placed on her at birth, she swears to take revenge on all who have or will try to hurt her. After chosing to walk the path of revenge, silveen soon finds out that there is more to her than the regular girl and there was more to her story. Following self discovery she soon finds herself face to face with the one person she couldn't bring herself to hate, her mate.

Messilaw · Urban
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57 Chs


The week passed by quickly, though very uneventful. Eric stayed around, taking me on walks, showing me around the pack, while the pack members greeted us with quick bows. He was probably showing me off to them so they would have an idea who their Luna was. I didn't mind, I was happy meeting the pack members. Sometimes we went on picnics. At one time, he took me to meet the border patrols on duty and they immediately swore allegiance to me, accepting me as their Luna.

I never saw Luna Misheal. She was in the house but she avoided me altogether. Neither did I see Layla nor was there any news from their pack. As Eric had said, they must have settled it without much problem. I was happy and knew I would only be happier in the years to come. I mean I loved Eric. I was sure of that now and there was no doubt or confusion in my heart about my feelings for him. I wonder what my parents would think if they saw that the daughter they rejected was becoming the Luna of this pack. A part of me wished to see the look on my siblings' faces.

I would be the one with the most well-off mate. Lady Freya did suggest that I invite them to the Luna crowning ceremony, but I refused without even giving it a thought. As much as I wanted to flaunt this in their faces, they didn't deserve to share in my happiness when they weren't there when I was hurting.

I always spent lunch with Lady Freya and Maria. Since she found out that Luna Misheal didn't like me very much, she had stayed away from her and the house and had grown attached to me, so I made it a duty to visit her instead. Honestly, I missed them too.

I had also become very close to Cecilia. I liked the girl very much and we were soon friends. She was the only daughter of Mathilda, who seemed impressed at our friendship and thus treated me nicer. I had also become very familiar with the pack house in which I lived. Mathilda and all the omegas who took care of the house lived on the first floor, the second floor was for visitors, so it was basically empty, and the third floor was meant for betas and gammas who wished to live in the pack house, it was also were Eric's office was located. The fourth floor was where Eric and Luna Misheal's room was located and where I will be staying after the ceremony tomorrow.

I cleaned my teeth, admiring my face in the vanity mirror. Lady Freya, Cecilia, Maria, and I were going to get my gown today and would be going for another round of facials and hairdo. That is if Lady Freya didn't drag us to go shopping for things we had absolutely no use of.

The feeling of festivity had been in the air for the past three days. The whole pack was excited and had practically involved themselves in preparation for the ceremony.

The square had been decorated and large tables for the reception that would be held later were already being arranged there. I was both nervous and excited, I just couldn't believe I would soon be Eric's forever.

I took a quick bath and put on a yellow knee-length flower gown and was walking out of the bathroom when a quick knock resounded on my door before Cecilia walked in beaming. She doesn't wait for my come-in reply anymore, we were way past that now.

"How are you preparing to meet your gown, Lady Silveen?"

She still called me Lady Silveen because I had refused to let her call me Luna, at least not yet.

"Don't ask." I said, beaming. She giggled as she walked to my wardrobe and helped me pick out a pair of shoes.

"I think this shoe would fit better."

I smiled at her, taking the purple shoes which matched the flower print on my dress from her.

"Thanks, Cecil. Are you ready?"

She nodded and together we walked out of the room after I had put on the flat shoe, of course. We met Lady Freya and Maria waiting in front of the house. They probably didn't enter because Lady Freya was still trying to avoid Luna Misheal. She obviously loved her aunt but also wanted to be a loyal friend, so she resulted to avoiding her, despite the fact that I had told her that it wasn't a problem at all.

We found our way to the hairstylist's shop first, as lady Freya claimed we should visit the dressmaker last, stressing something about saving the best for the last. We agreed and after a few hours, we had our hair and faces ready for the celebration.

I looked at my friends admiring their revitalized faces. I had made sure that I wasn't the only one that got the facial treatment. I let my eyes drift to Cecil as we walked into the dressmaker's shop. She looked stunning, her midnight black hair was silky and shiny, her freckles were barely visible now and whatever had been applied to her lips made them look blood red, making her look absolutely stunning. Since werewolves would be coming from other packs to witness and congratulate Eric and I tomorrow, I couldn't help but hope that she meets her mate.

"Ha! Luna!" the dressmaker said as she ran out from the back to meet us. She obviously knew I was the Luna to be by now, who in the town didn't.

"Is our dress ready?" lady Freya asked, almost too excited and she nodded, urging us to follow her.

We followed her to the back where we all sat on soft comfy cushions, she had one of her apprentices serve the others tea but brought a bottle of whisky and two glasses to me. I frowned and looked at her. She smiled sheepishly.

"I was hoping that you would do me the honors of drinking with me, Luna." she said.

"I don't know, I have never drunk alcohol before," I stated nervously.

"Oh, you should. She's smitten by your presence." lady Freya whispered to me proudly.

"What if I get drunk?"

"Oh please, we'll take you home. By the way, we should be celebrating. Let's go to my house after all this and have a girl's party." Lady Freya said excitedly, but I looked at Maria for her opinion.

I loved Lady Freya but she was a spontaneous woman and Maria was the mother amongst us, she usually seemed more level-headed and gave advice based on her experience as a mother.

"There's nothing wrong with having a little fun, Silveen." she said reassuringly, and I nodded, taking the glass as the dressmaker poured whisky into it before she did hers and we all cheered clinking our glasses, me clinking mine with their tea cups before taking a sip of the whisky.

I frowned at the sting on my throat and they laughed at my facial expression, making me feel embarrassed. I looked at the dressmaker to see that she had started pouring herself a second glass. I immediately downed the whisky and stretched my cup to her for more. The ladies cheered in encouragement and the dressmaker poured me another glass, smiling at me innocently, a hint of sadness on her face.

That's weird, I thought as I poured the whisky down my throat. I was on the third glass when my dress came and we all exclaimed stunned at the beautiful dress. It was an off-shoulder white dress, overlaid with a transparent black net. Black laces were used to design the tip of the dress. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I downed the third glass before standing to move towards it, staggering a little and they, made to catch me giggling as they did.

Oh God, I was drunk, I thought, as I staggered to the dress, feeling light-headed and dizzy. I touched it, letting my fingers run through the soft silk, before allowing the dressmaker's apprentice to help me put it on, as I didn't know where the dressmaker had gone.

Staggering in the dress, I spawned before falling to the floor. The spinning had obviously made my head too light to maintain my balance. I watched as the ladies ran toward me saying inaudible words and I couldn't help but flush in embarrassment. I was wasted.

I woke up a few minutes later to see myself in my room. The ladies were all around me with worried expressions on their faces. I wanted to ask how they had brought me home but was too tired to speak. I also realized that we wouldn't be able to have our small party anymore because, of course, I had allowed myself to drink too much.

I felt bile rise in my throat and I rushed up from the bed to push it out. Someone immediately brought a bowl to my lips and I vomited my stomach content, feeling my stomach twist painfully in the process. I groaned and laid down when I was done, regretting that I had drunk so much. There were voices all around me but I couldn't make out what was being said.

Is drinking that bad? If the experience was this bad, why do people keep on drinking? I thought to myself as I perceived Eric's scent before I felt my body being raised onto a lap, a hand stroking my forehead, causing light sparks to run through my body, calming me down in ways I didn't know was possible.

Eric was here, good. All I need now is a quick nap, I would soon wake up with a terrible headache and hangover-like all those drunk people I have seen. I thought as my eyes drifted shut again.