
The Indie Gamer

Micheal Anderson was a normal guy living an average life, out of pure boredom he takes a strange Google test. When he wakes up he finds himself in a familiar world… ------------------------------ Watch as he grows and changes in the worlds that he heads to, he will experience both sadness and happiness. And he will come upon a Grimm realization of his existence. ----------------- Worlds In Order. Hollow Knight (Two Parts/ Still in Part One.) Demon Slayer Rwby My Hero Academia Seven Deadly Sins Bleach SCP And perhaps there will be more worlds in the future?

Indie_Excursion · Video Games
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44 Chs

Soul Master(1/2)

' ' For Thoughts

" " For Dialogue

[* *] For when the system is speaking.

* * For sounds.


I came upon a realization with the help of ObamaUchiha(The lord himself). I was rushing this book too much and as such, it was poorly made. I'm not dropping this book but I decided to slow down and rewrite some pages the last thing I want to do is drop this book. I will improve to make this book better and better I don't care about rank or the power stones even though I'm thankful for them.

My goal is to make a fanfic about the things I like so I will fulfill this goal.


I walked around Soul Sanctum with my nail in hand. Most of the Soul Twisters were dead at this point so I decided to not hide anymore. Now I was searching for the Soul Master I was excited to kill him weirdly enough.

Because when once I kill him I will get Desolate Dive a move utilizing soul. It was also one of the strongest spells and my second favorite spell. So I continued through the empty hallways the lack of noise disturbed me I was used to the talking of Soul Twisters or the screams of their victims.

I stepped on a glass piece on the floor. I then heard cracking I then fell down a floor I landed on the hard metal floor I stood up while holding my head. I was in a large room that lacked any furniture there was a large window that showed the streets of the City Of Tears.

I then heard a loud strike of thunder as the Soul Master appeared before me. He had anger written over his face as he stared at me in disgust he spawned four orbs of soul and said.

Soul Master: "You insolent, insect! You kill my scholars and dirty OUR Sanctum with your presence! My anger can't be described with mere words. For your insolence your punishment is DEATH!"

Soul Master fired the four orbs at me I ran at them and slid underneath them. The orbs hit the ground and exploded behind me. A cold hand grabbed my neck I then heard whispers from behind me as a voice spoke.

Soul Master: "I pity you. Even though you made it this far you will die for me. Don't worry I'll keep your skull as a cup."

Soul Master then began to rise up he then Desolote Dived while holding me. I got closer and closer to the ground my head hit the ground with a lot of force causing cracks to appear on my shell. It hurt like hell the Soul Master must've known this since he began laughing as he prepared to repeat the Desolate Dive.

I grabbed my nail and sliced the Soul Masters eye open. He screamed in agony while holding his eye he dropped me in the process. I walked up to the Soul Master ready to end the fight.

The Soul Master disappeared I looked above me and found no one I looked around but found no sign of the Soul Master. Then I was suddenly pulled down by a hand the Soul Master looked at me with pure rage he spared no time for words as he flew to the wall and pushed me against the iron wall.

Soul Master: "You idiotic, disgusting, insolent, little insect! You come into my home and dare to harm me!? THE SOUL MASTER!? And the Scholars that I trained!? I will make you fear ME!"

The Soul Master broke through the wall and started to fly upwards while dragging me on the wall. My hp was rapidly depleting with some double damage increasing the rate of depletion I kicked Soul Master off of me. I began to fall down I stabbed my nail into the wall stopping my fall.

My cloak had been torn apart from the battle I was tired from the attacks. The Soul Master appeared in front of me I knew that he was going to push me through the wall so before he did it I jumped up.

I decided to hitch a ride I stabbed my nail into his back the Soul Master moved around like a raging bull slamming into everything.

Excursion: "Now I'm going to show you to fear me!"

Soul Master: "SHUT UP!"

Soul Master said while he began to Desolate Dive I only had one thought as he charged his Desolate Dive 'Oh shi-'.

Soul Master brought me down many floors with debris hitting me. We then ended up on another floor he grabbed me and threw me to the floor Soul Master then tried to step on me but I rolled out of the way.

Soul Master: "I've had ENOUGH!"

The floor shattered as I fell onto the oddly soft floor. I looked down only to see the corpses of bugs. Soul Master then began to hum as a massive amount of soul entered his body. He then started to speak.

Soul Master: "It is a shame that you brought me to this point. I will offer you something insect... Join me and we can both achieve Godhood we could be the most powerful beings in Hollownest. Surely you want more power, right?"

Excursion: "Yeah I want more power."

The Soul Master smiled as I walked closer to him. I then took out my nail as I stabbed in the eye Soul Master did a burst sending me away. He then used focus to heal his wounds I decided to do the same the Soul Master was too confident in his power and let me fully heal.

Soul Master: "Down here...I'm a God, not even the Pale King could hurt me but I need to be more powerful than a God I need to be the GOD OF GODS!"

Soul Master then strikes he teleports behind me and punches me in the face his arm charged with soul. He dealt double damage my shell began to crack. He summons a massive orb of soul I couldn't dodge the orb so I had to face it head-on.

The orb neared me I used my nail as a shield I protected myself from the orb but my nail began to shatter. The Soul Master smiled with glee he watched as I struggled against the orb.

Yep, that's the end of this chapter. I'll begin to rewrite some chapters. CIAO!


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