
The Indie Gamer

Micheal Anderson was a normal guy living an average life, out of pure boredom he takes a strange Google test. When he wakes up he finds himself in a familiar world… ------------------------------ Watch as he grows and changes in the worlds that he heads to, he will experience both sadness and happiness. And he will come upon a Grimm realization of his existence. ----------------- Worlds In Order. Hollow Knight (Two Parts/ Still in Part One.) Demon Slayer Rwby My Hero Academia Seven Deadly Sins Bleach SCP And perhaps there will be more worlds in the future?

Indie_Excursion · Video Games
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44 Chs

Meeting A Very Strong Bug :)

' ' For Thoughts

" " For Dialogue

[* *] For when the system is speaking.

* * For sounds.

Also a shameless sponsor for my other book Tales of The Darkverse which in my opinion is very unique. So read it :).


The slimy waters dripped down from the roof of the sewers the stench of feces and other waste filled my nose. I was used to the smell by now but I would never get used to the humid air of the sewers and the slurping sounds of course.

I walked around the sewers impatiently I was contemplating something. 'Is it time to leave the sewers? I've been here for a day and I'm starting to feel really uncomfortable with the humidity.' I thought.

I walked around for a bit before deciding to leave. After all, if I stay here for too long a Flukemuga might find me assuming that they aren't limited to one side of the Royal Waterways. So I made my choice I was going to leave the sewers but not without a disguise.

I opened the shop and looked for anything that could change my appearance. And all of the items were either too expensive or barely even hid my appearance. Like who would buy a sack just to put it over their heads?

Anyways I left the sewers wearing a sack. One of the best things about leaving the sewers was smelling the fresh air and remembering how I took it for granted. I let the cool water clean off the stains of my cloak some passerby stared at me with disgust.

I didn't really care about their reactions though. So I walked forwards and found a bar 'Maybe I can get some info from the bartender?' I thought as I walked into the bar.

When I walked into the bar I was met by the strong scent of Alchohol. I walked to the front of the bar and looked at the bartender.

The bartender was small but with two massive whiskers that looked like a mustache. He looked at me and looked at him he began to laugh.

Excursion: "What's funny?"

Bartender: "Boy we can see through your little sack!"

I took off the sack and looked at it and it broke down due to the rain. I looked at the bartender again he didn't seem to mind that I hid my identity.

Excursion: "Can you tell me some info?"

Bartender: "Sure but any important info needs to be paid for. So what do you want to know kid?"

'Hmm, I should ask for how charms are made. So that I could possibly make my own charms.' I thought.

Excursion: "How are charms made."

Bartender: "Sorry but that info needs to be paid for."

Excursion: "Damn! Alright, do you have any information on the Colosseum Of Fools?"

Bartender: "Hmm the Colosseum Of Fools... Oh, that group! Yeah, I heard of them before. They currently are in the Kingdom's Edge. I heard that they were going to do a tournament soon too."

Bartender: "Oh but I wouldn't mess with them. The only type of people that associate themselves with the colosseum is battle maniacs."

Excursion: "Alright thanks for all of the inf-"

I was interrupted when the doors suddenly slammed open. The cold air rushed into the warm bar causing a chill to go up my spine. I looked at the door wanting to know who entered.

I could only see a small shadow but they seemed to wield a very large nail. The small bug stepped into the bar the wood creaked underneath the weight.

The light shined on the bug and revealed it to be 'Sly!?' I thought. I watched as Sly walked right past me. He sat on a stool and ordered a drink from the bartender.

Sly: "Oh? I have never seen you in this bar before. What's your name?"

Excursion: "Excursion. My name is Excursion."

Sly: "My name is Sly. You look to be strong."

Excursion: "Strong? How can you tell if I'm strong or not."

Sly: "Hmm I guess it's because I have the eye of a warrior."

Sly said as he shrugged and drank. I looked at Sly and decided to take a chance at something if it works then I should get stronger.

Excursion: "Sly I heard that name before. You must be the Great Nailsage. Right?"

Sly: "Yeah I'm the Great Nailsage."

Excursion: "Can you train me?"

Sly: "No."

Sly said as he stood up and started to leave.

Excursion: "Is there anything for me to do to get you to train me?"

Sly: "Prove your strength. I won't have a weak disciple."

I stood up and Sly looked at me amused by how much I wanted to be trained by him. He walked out of the bar and took out his nail it hit the ground and rocks flew everywhere.

Sly: "Take out your weapon."

Excursion: "I don't have a weapon."

Sly: "Eh!? Why would you even fight me then?"

Excursion: "I need those lessons."

Sly: "Alright I'm not going to hold back!"

Sly yelled! Sly began to run at me he was fast and by fast I mean fast. I could barely see him. Sly then appeared in front of me with his nail pulled back like a spring I brought up my arm and blocked the attack.


My arm broke from the impact of the nail. I screamed in pain and grabbed Sly because of how small Sly was I managed to pick him up and slam him to the ground. But it didn't seem to do a lot of damage. Sly then broke out of my grip and landed on the ground.

Sly: "Alright that's enough you already shown me that you are worthy of being my disciple. I'm honestly impressed! You didn't run away from my attacks and even took one head-on. Some may say that what you did was stupid but to me, that was pure bravery. And a warrio- no a Nailsage needs bravery."

Sly then looked at me and smiled sadistically.

Sly: "Get ready because my training isn't going to be easy!"

SPONSOR!!!!!! My other book needs some love it's called Tales Of The Darkverse! Please read it. Anyways CIAO!


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