
The Incubus system to conquer the world!

Meet Xolvion, he is the youngest son of the demon lord and his favourite in line to inherit his throne. However, he is also the bastard son of a low ranking succubus, and unlike his older brothers and half-sisters not a full-blooded and powerful demon. Xolvion has inherited no great magical power from his father like his siblings and is seen as a good for nothing hornless bastard with nothing going for him, other than the ability to seduce the opposite sex. The night before his 221st birthday his siblings decide to get rid of him for good and attempt to kill him. However, he survives and flees to the human kingdom, knowing it is no longer safe to stay in the demon kingdom for fear of his life. He swears revenge against his siblings vowing to one day return and reclaims the throne for his own. Once in the human kingdom, the MC quickly uses his incubus powers of seduction to make his way in their world. Soon discovering that the ability to seduce the opposite sex isn't the only magical power he possesses. Learning that if he absorbs the fluids of another living being. He will gain their abilities and increase his strength. Xolvion embarks on a quest to seduce the most powerful female heroes and adventures in the land known as the holy saints, gaining their powers one by one until he becomes strong enough to get his revenge and become the next demon lord! Also I do not own the cover pic, found it on Pinterest!

Lavalord115 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
32 Chs

Chapter 14: The battle commences!

"Leave this to me!" Xolvion shouted as he suddenly shot both arms in front of him.

"Fireball!" He roared, unleashing powerful fire magic at the small horde of undead.

The fire magic burst, creating explosions all around destroying the undead creatures by the dozen.

The undead shrieked and cried out as they continued to be extinguished by Xolvions fire magic. Not letting up, he continued to hurl more and more, letting his magical ability pump as much power out as he could manage.

Luna and Crystal had a good veiw and watched in amazement as his power seemed to go on and on.

"Master is already stronger than the last time we fought at the castle..." Luna thought as she noticed his magical ability had increased exponentially since the last time she witnessed it.

Xolvion finished the last troop of the undead monsters that stood before him, not even giving them a chance to groan before he engulfed them in fire.

"Begone." He said with one finally swish of his hand.

His magic exploded killing the undead in an instant. With that being the last of them, Xolvion turned around looking at Luna and Crystal, seeing their surprised reaction.

"Well, that's that." He said, smiling at them.

"So how about we head into the castle?" He then said, turning his back on them as he started to walk towards the castle.

Luna and Crystal shook their expression off and quickly ran after him, seeing as he was leaving them behind.

"Wait for us master!" They shouted as they ran after him.

Xolvion and the others finally reached the castle, approaching the large wooden doors that seemed to be sealed shut.

Crystal took a good look around, taking in the sight of the old brickwork. Although old, the castle still held strong only being withered with age.

"Guess we should knock?" Luna said, wondering how they would get in.

Xolvion placed his hand on the door, pushing it open without much effort.

"Seems the door was already open." He said a little surprised.

The three of them slowly walked into the front hall of the castle, being greeted with nothing but darkness, followed by the old moans and groans of its foundations.

"H-Hello?" Crystal said slowly, not sure what to do, both Xolvion and Luna giving her a questioning look as she did.

"What? it's polite." She said, feeling a little embarrassed.

Suddenly, the touches that surrounded the hall ignited, illuminating the large room taking the group by surprise.

"What's going on?" Luna asked as she took a ready position.

"I can't sense anything either..." Xolvion thought as he took a good look around, trying to get a hold of what was happening.

"Who dares enter my castle!" A voice suddenly boomed, echoing off the castle walls.

Xolvion still couldn't sense anything with the wolf sense ability. Having no choice but to listen and wait to see what happened next.

"Leave now, or pay the price!" The voice shouted, letting its words sink in.

"Master... What should we do?" Luna asked, waiting for his answer.

Xolvion could tell Crystal was scarred. Seeing that she was shaking a little as she slowly moved closer to him.

"I'm afraid we aren't going anywhere just yet," Xolvion said, standing tall with confidence.

"So be it..." The voice said.

Not a moment later, the doors on each side of the hall burst open as heavy footsteps came crashing through.

Xolvion and the others watched as the group of adventures they had been told about marched into the hall, each of them looking as of they were possessed.

Xolvion used his wolf sense, seeing that they were still alive. However, he could tell they were certainly not in control of their own body, acting to the will of another like puppets on a string.

"If you will not leave. Then you will share the same fate as the others!" The voice shouted, giving the signal for the adventures to take a fighting stance.

The group was made up of one male human warrior, armed with a sword and a shield, while the other was of beastman origin, taking on the appearance of a Tiger-man, weilding a large two-handed axe with its large muscles out on display.

(See comments here to get an idea of what a Tiger-man looks like.)

The third was a female Elf hunter, armed with a bow and set of daggers strapped to her hips.

"Not good... These guys look strong." Luna said, being able to sense their strength and abilities.

Xolvion could also feel the same thing, knowing this wasn't going to be easy.

"Whoever... Or whatever is controlling these guys must be very strong." Xolvion thought as he drew his sword and stepped in front of Crystal.

"Luna, you take the one with the axe, I'll handle the other two," Xolvion said, getting a nod from her.

"Wha-what about me master?" Crystal said, feeling a little helpless.

"You stay back for now Crystal. You aren't a match for these guys yet." He said in the nicest way he could.

Crystal didn't disagree, taking a small step back as she didn't want to get in their way.

The tense standstill before battle had begun. What lasted only a second felt like forever as both groups waited for the other to make the first move.

"Fuck this." Xolvion said as he raised his sword and charged forwards, growing impatient.

Xolvion dashed across the hall with good speed, however, the Elf quickly shot a round of arrows towards him, forcing Xolvion to slam his foot onto a table, using it to flip into the air as he dodged the volley of arrows.

The arrows zoomed past his body as he flipped and landed in a spiderman pose. Looking up, Xolvion had little time to react as the sword from the human warrior came crashing down towards his skull.

Xolvion was able to push back off his hand and block his foes strike with his own sword, being pushed onto his back foot from the mans strength.

Their swords clashed as the sound of steel striking steel rang out in the air, both of them holding their ground without being pushed back.

However, Xolvion was soon forced to move back as his opponent's shield was proving difficult to get past.

That and the added danger of the Elf's arrows, one of which hit him in his leg and body, due to Xolvion being too slow to deflect them this time.

"Shit... Heal!" He shouted as he healed himself quickly blocking another slash from the swordsmen.

Xolvion swiftly kicked the man in the chest, pushing him back with a powerful blow, giving him a well needed second to cast his magic.

"Fireball!" He shouted as he used his free hand to fire the spell at the warrior, watching as it smashed into his shield, engulfing him in flames.

"That's one down." Xolvion thought as he turned his attention to the Elf, blocking another arrow with his sword.

"I'll enjoy taking you down." He said as he smirked.

Suddenly a shadow burst out of the smoke, taking Xolvion off guard and thrusting its sword through his shoulder.

"Shi-shit!" He shouted through clenched teeth, biting through the pain.

The warrior he had hit with his fireball seemed unharmed as he pushed Xolvion back into a wall, knocking the wind out of him as his back slapped off the cold stones.

"This isn't good..." He thought as he looked into the zombie eyes of the controlled warrior, seeing zero emotion.

Meanwhile, Luna had engaged in battle with the second warrior, letting the mayhem commence.

The beastman warrior was large and powerful, his features that of a striped tiger with large muscles.

The beast smashed its axe down, aiming to cleave Luna in half with one mighty blow.

Thankfully, Luna was swift and easily avoided the blow, darting to the left before she used her claws to slash at the Tigers knee.

The best man's muscles weren't only for power though, as it quickly moved out of the way, spinning back before it unleashed a kick.

Luna was barely able to duck under the kick, knowing full well the power of it would have shattered her ribs.

The Tigerman spun its leg back round, regaining its footing before blocking a counter-attack from Luna, pushing her into the air as she flipped over his head.

Once again the Tigerman jumped off the ground, using its large and powerful muscles to smash a kick into Luna, who was able to block the attack with her arms at the last second.

"Argh!" She screamed as the force of the kick sent her flying into one of the stone walls, hitting it so hard she crashed through it.

"Luna!" Crystal shouted in worry as she watched her body crash through the wall.

The Tigerman smiled before it lifted its axe onto its shoulder, turning to look at Crystal.

"Oh no..." She said, slowly shuffling back in fear as it started to walk towards her.

The Tigerman got closer and closer, until it was within striking distance, raising its axe into the air.

"No... Stay back."

"STAY BACK!!!" Crystal shouted suddenly, letting her powers burst to life.

Ice spikes suddenly burst from the floor, surrounding the Tigerman and causing him to jump clear of the danger.

Crystal was shocked to see what she had done as her magic burst to life. However, her sudden eruption had ended and the Tigerman wasn't about to wait to see what happened next.

The beast jumped into the air, raising its axe ready to cut Crystal in half. Crystal was forced to watch unable to move as the monster sailed through the air.

"I don't think so!" A voice shouted, its owner sending the Tigerman flying through the air, returning the favour.

Luna landed on her back two legs having taken her wolf form, now rivalling the Tigerman in size.

Crystal was terrified at the sight of the werewolf, not having seem Luna in her wolf form since Xolvion had wiped her memory.

"Don't worry Crystal... I'll handle this," Luna said as she looked at Crystal, helping to ease her fear a little.

"Now how about round two?" Luna said as she turned back to face the Tigerman, flashing her razor-sharp claws and fangs.