Outside,the police kept on ordering Madam Elizabeth to come out.
Madam Elizabeth didn't know what to do.
"You have 20seconds to open this gate and let us do our work,or we'll do it the hard way",the head of police threatened her.
Fear gripped Madam Elizabeth.
"This isn't right!
Just because of a fake video of the Incredibles,they want to demolish the castle?
This..this is crazy!", Blessing Sparks in anger.
Everything that was happening,was making her to feel angry.
"Let God just help me to catch that person,that posted that disgusting video of us..., he'll regret the day he was born",Ife added.
Madam Elizabeth became confused.
If she decides to open the gate, they'll demolish the castle.
And if she refuses,.. they'll still demolish the castle.
So Madam Elizabeth refused to open the gate.
She stood boldly and said out loud to the head of police,"What's the difference officer?