
The Improper Goodbye

Its all started when Mrs. Sabrina had a breast cancer. As she expected, her life will change forever. She is married with a man which has a bad temper and they had a child. Their child is Adam. He is 13 years old. For him, fighting within his mom and dad are not a common things at all. Because they always fighting. Unfortunately, Mrs. Sabrina don't tell anyone about the cancer. But, not long after that, his son knew about the cancer. What Mrs. Sabrina gonna do?

chayohan_ · Teen
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16 Chs

Pills and Water

"BLURRGH !! URGGH ! URGHH!!" Lira vomited as she tried to get up from her place.

"Lira!!?? Are you okay??!!" Sebastian asked her with concern look in his face. Then, he went to her as he rubbed her back softly.

"Did you eat something? Ah ... is it because the breakfast that I made this morning? I-i am s-sorry! I-I don't know that you don't like bacon ... I-i am so sorry!! C-can you stand up?? L-let me help you ... !! Slowly ... I am afraid that you will fell .. " he said to her as he tried to help Lira to stand up.

"URGHH ... My head is spinning ... URGH ... Thank you ..." she thanked him as they successfully got on a bench near the mini lake in their well made garden.

"Do you want to go to the clinic?" he asked her sweetly as his hand ran towards her pale hand as he caressed them softly.

"URGH .. N-no I am fine ... There is no need to go to the clinic .. It just some minor migraine and maybe my stomach is upset ... I will be okay after I take some pills ... So, there is no need to go to the clinic ... I might burden you ... " she replied to her husband, Sebastian gently as she massaged her forehead and wiped her mouth.

"Are you sure?? You don't want to go to the clinic??" he asked her sweetly.

"Yes. But ... can you help me to fetch my pills? Its in the drawer at the kitchen. The bottom one and can you take a glass of mineral water too? Hehehe " she asked her husband as she smiled softly towards him.

"Alright. The bottom drawer and a glass of mineral water, right? Thats all? Do you want me to fetch anything more?" he asked her again as he got up from the bench that he sit just now.

"Yeah! Thats all. Hehehe .. Thank you, Bub." She thanked him sweetly as she smiled widely.

"Well .. anything for my beloved wife" he replied to her as he smiled sweetly towards his wife and went to the kitchen.

After that, Sebastian left her with the pain in her stomach alone. She got confused. Its not the first time that she vomited. Its 3 times in this month. As she remembered, she don't ate anything weird back then too. Just what happened towards her own body? Is she sick or what? She thinked , thinked, and thinked. But, all the symptoms always came to pregnant.

But, how come that she can get pregnant? The doctor confirmed that she can't get pregnant. Moreover, when Sebastian and her doing sex, Sebastian always make sure to wear condom and she always take the birth control too. Before she can think any further, Sebastian approached her with the medicine and a glass of water on his hand.