
The Impossible way to Fight

Robin is a rebel, a symbol of hope against a cruel and oppressive totalitarian regime. His journey begins in the shadows, hiding from the watchful eyes of the regime. He sees the corruption and injustice inflicted upon the people of his region, and he knows he can no longer remain silent. As he begins his fight, he faces numerous challenges and dangers. The empire's loyalists are everywhere, and the slightest misstep could mean his capture or worse. But Robin refuses to back down, and he finds himself rising through the ranks of the rebel organization, his unwavering spirit and tireless dedication earning him the respect of his fellow rebels and the fear of the regime. With each victory, Robin's determination grows, but so does the regime's wrath. They will stop at nothing to crush the rebellion and maintain their hold on power. Robin is faced with difficult decisions, and he must constantly weigh the cost of his actions against the greater good. Will Robin be able to claim independence for his region, or will he be forced to remain underground forever, fighting from the shadows? The answer remains uncertain, but one thing is clear: Robin will never stop fighting until justice is served and freedom is secured for his people. --------------------------------------------------------- Special thanks to chaosdigger656 for helping with grammar problems and editing my text!

Mcfesch · War
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4 Chs


In a steampunk-like world where the very concept of freedom is a distant memory, the government of the Inneronia Empire reigns supreme with an iron fist. Its citizens, stripped of their rights, are nothing but slaves in the hands of their rulers. The government's watchful eyes follow their every move, tracking their every breath, the police and military are almost everywhere, patrolling the streets. It is a place where individuality is forbidden, and conformity is the only way to survive.

The Imperial Security Bureau (short: ISB), the government's henchmen, lurks in the shadows, waiting to pounce on any political dissident who dares to challenge their authority. The punishment for such defiance is severe - imprisonment, torture, or even death. The government's propaganda machine is in full swing, controlling the narrative and shaping the minds of the masses. The people are blind to the atrocities being committed in the Emperor's name.

But even in the face of such overwhelming oppression, there are those who dare to resist. They are the rebels, the dissidents, the ones who refuse to bow down to the emperor's tyranny. Their numbers are few, their resources limited, but their spirit is unbreakable. They fight for a world where freedom is not just a distant memory, but a living reality. A world where the people are not mere pawns in the hands of their rulers, but masters of their own destinies.

As the story progresses, I, the storyteller, will sometimes explain how the world works.

This is my first novel, so please be kind.

I would appreciate feedback.

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