

It was a cold dawn

afternoon as the tribes was as everyone continue their daily activities as usual as the some men did their business and the boys went to school as the young girls joined their mother in going the house chores.

A figure could been seen among the thick bushes as it's spy at the tribes people and other stuff at the market.

It was a child about the age of seven or eight years old, wearing a drity bagging clothes with pale skin , grey short grey hair and big inclusive bright grey eyes filled of mischief and cunningness as her thin pink lips which always had a devious grin that could scared the living-hell out of a person.

The people were dark or tan skin, powerful strong built and angelic faces that fool anyone that came to visit but not the little girl look like the Englishmen.

She knows this people, their insane rules, their true color... But at this moment, her eyes were glued at the big delicious honey bread that were shaded at the other side.

So hungry...

Her stomach growl for another countless time , making her only pat my super flat stomach and swallow her drool...

She have to get that bread on starve to death. It's either ways.

She climbed to the nearest tree and continue jumping on trees with quite skillfulness and great flexibility.

" Haa...aah!"

Her small feet's almost slipping from a wide branch but she quickly caught herself, and staring at the gathering underneath her head.

Nobody seem to noticed her.

Such great relief...

" I Heard our hunters have caught the small rat snooping around out items and they're going to celebrate a feast..."

The little girl was about to jump into another tree but her movement stiff as her long ears moved slightly.


Was that the name this wicked people decided to give her?!


But she still here, nobody have even saw her not even to catching her?!

Different questions seem to run in her wide board mind set but she still eardrop a little.

" Too bad... But we're going to feast today ... We're going to feast on meat finally...!"

The words of the people didn't seem to change any expression on the girl face as she flip into another tree and another tree and another tree.

THIS WAS THE LAW... This was how things role here...!

The little girl finally stop at here destination. Her eyes still staring at bread but she seem to be at trance.

This was how is role... Here.

She felt almost no pity for the person being caught in her place or the gore punishment that had fallen upon that person...

If she also got caught , no one will care, no one will be a shit to the fatherless child with a dying mother.

They will only feast and rip on her skinny body.

So why should she care.

This game was a twisted one... And one must play dirty to survive.

" Theif...!"