
The Imperian Avatar

Alex a being very powerful died for some reason. Reborn again after his death he started his interesting journey to the top. Will he be able to reach the top? first time writing. and I don't have a decent schedule. and please don't be angry if I didn't update. (The Cover picture is not mine if you are that's artist please contact me so that I can remove it thankyou.) My discord - (https://discord.gg/gQSjcc6Ec7) pat*eon.com/M*COOL__14(remove '*' and add letter 'r')

MrCool_14 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Chapter 4 Knowing about my family

POV Alexios

'would you look at that I am already exposed by that woman. called Lucia Grimrose let's see her status'

Alexios focused his gaze on Lucia to activate his skill Inscept.


Name:-Lucia Grimrose


Bloodline:-Crimson Dragon



Mana:-9th Circle level 6

Body:-7th Stage level 6

Charm:-83 (max:100)

Potential:-Diamond class 8

Physic:-Crimson Monarch's physic


Looking at the status that came after inspecting Lucia Alex asked Alice a question.

'yo, Alice what's that her potential? Does it have different tiers, Do you know about this?'

[yes, Alex there are different levels of potential from the lowest to the highest Iron<Bronze<Silver<Gold<Platinum<Diamond. And they have 9 class differences. your grandmother is very talented]

hearing Alice explain it to Alex. Alex began to inspect everyone in the room with him.


Name:-Jennifer Grimrose


Bloodline:-Human (Vampire hidden)

Race:-Human (Vampire not awakened)


Mana:-8th Circle level 3

Body:-6th Stage level 4


Potential:-Platinum class 9




Name:-Angela Grimrose


Bloodline:-Gale Dragon



Mana:-6th Circle level 1

Body:-8th Stage level 3


Potential:-Diamond class 6




Name:-Amber Grimrose


Bloodline:-Volcano Dragon



Mana:-5th Circle level 5

Body:-8th Stage level 8


Potential:-Diamond Class 9

Physic:-Volcan Monarch's physic


After looking at the people's status Alex joyed that everyone in his family is very powerful.

after some time Alex's grandmother,2nd mother, and aunt began to leave the room leaving Alexios and his mother.

⁂months later⁂

Alex's life is simple, wake, eat, sleep repeat. while doing this Alex began to exercise his talking and started to move his body so he can move around the house.

After trying for some days Alex tried talking with his mother and sister with his incorrect baby voice. They are shocked to know that Alex is talking before reaching 1-year-old. Rumors began to spread that Duke's newborn son is a genius and he even began to read books. After this incident the attention he is getting from inside and outside his house increased.

Alex didn't care about that and mainly focused on his studies now. Alex started to read all kinds of books that he got in his hands to increase his knowledge. Now he is looking for someone to ask for help. At that time Alex's big sister Julia walked into his room.

POV Alexios

'now that I have successfully shown his talent it's time to go out of this room before starting to walk I have to go to the library. now I have to ask someone to help me get there.'

'oh, big sister Julia is coming to play with me maybe I can ask her to help me?'

"sisstar howw ar_e youu?"

Julia replayed "I'm fine my genius little brother how are you doing?"

"I'm doing fine sistter butt can you helpp me with soma thi..ngs pleseee?"

now big sister took me in her small hands and asked me what I need."what do you need Alex you can ask me?"

I replayed"sistter you know all the bookss that I had beforee rigght? I finished reaging all of them I want to read new bookss so can you take me to the house's main libraryy?"

big sister replied, "ok but you have to stay with me all the time and before we go I have to ask mom for permission so wait in bed ok?"

20 minutes later big sister Julia came and take me from the bed and said"mother gave me permission to take you to the library but we can only stay 2 hours so let's go quickly"

After my sister carried me in her small hands and started to walk out of my room to the library. The main library is far from my room so very have to walk at least 5 minutes to go there because we are small.

After reaching the main library we are welcomed by the guards at the door the thing I noticed is that the guards at the doors are power full. there are 6 guards four warriors, two in 5th Stage level 3, two in 6th Stage level 2, and two mages they are at 6th Circle level 2.

I assumed that the main library is protected by people because it contains very important information and writings of my family.

After entering the library I'm greeted with an old paper smell that is very relaxing to smell. My sister and I quickly went through the books that I'm interested in and I began to read them while sitting on my sister's lap. After some time reading, I can't find the information that I need.

So I decided to come to the main library every day so I can get what I want. it's a problem that I can't find the information I want.

⁂7 days ago⁂

My father usually come to see me and my mother while they are talking I used my skill Inscept so I can know about him and his power level. But the thing I didn't expect is that his status is very different in a wrong way.

I asked it about to Alice but the reply she gave shocked me to the core.

[Alex his status changed after you are born you Don't have to feel guilty about it. this happened because of your father's and your mother's racial difference]

'but is there any way to change that status?'

[That's for you to find out]


Name:-Lawrence Grimrose

To Be continued.....

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