
The Imperial Concubine is the Most Favored in the Harem

Lin Wanyi, the daughter of the prime minister, is beautiful and talented, but she has been cautious in the harem for the sake of a safe life. She thought she would marry a peaceful family and live a smooth life, but things took a sharp turn when she received the imperial edict to enter the palace. Her father and brother were not helpful, and her position in the palace was only a low-ranking one. She seemed to have no other way out except to rely on her elder cousin sister, the imperial concubine. She wanted to live a quiet life behind closed doors, but the cold-hearted and cold-faced emperor came more diligently than anyone else! Outsiders all said that Lin Wanyi was spoiled, but they didn't know that the strong and forbearing young emperor was confused at a glance...

Alex_5130 · History
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30 Chs

Unstable Foundation

In Yuxiu Palace, Concubine Yi sat on a rosewood couch. There was a gilded copper stove on the table next to her. The incense from the northwest was burning inside, which was light and sweet.

It was the smell that Concubine Yi loved the most.

Unfortunately, no one present was interested in such a good fragrance.

Concubine Chu angrily recounted the things that happened before Concubine Yi came. She made up stories about Lin Wanyi and almost gave her the title of a beauty who brought disaster. "Your Majesty, Lin Yi is obviously a flatterer. If His Majesty really loves her, then the Concubine will be even more powerful!"

She hated Lin Wanyi and wished she could use Concubine Yi's hand to kill Lin Wanyi immediately.

But in fact, Lin Wanyi didn't offended her much.

It was probably just her self-esteem.

When she was in the boudoir, she was a person who liked to excel in everything.

Especially her bright beauty, which can be said to be outstanding in the northwest where many military families gather.

Now that she has entered the palace, her appearance is only above average.

To be selected into the palace, beauty is just the basis, especially compared with Lin Wanyi, she looks even more mediocre, which makes her very unhappy.

"The imperial concubine can't give birth herself, so she found a young and beautiful one from home. Everyone can see what she is thinking. Madam, although our third prince is the most favored by His Majesty now, if a series of princes are born, it is hard to say when this favor will be diluted. If it affects the future of the third prince, it will be bad!" The Chu family depends on the Marquis of the Northwest, and the noble lady Chu naturally depends on Concubine Yi.

Every word of her sentence hit Concubine Yi's heart. She was playing with a jade roller in her hand. That thing was sent to the palace by her natal family a few days ago. It is said to have a miraculous effect on keeping the face.

Although her facial features were ordinary, she was well maintained. So although she was a few years older than Concubine Lin, she didn't look much older than Concubine Chu.

"What you can see, Lin Wanyi can see as well. Don't worry, the Lin family is in deep trouble. Let's wait and see what happens."


Concubine Yi had been in the palace for many years and knew a lot about the affairs of the concubines in the palace.

So she roughly understood what was going on in Prime Minister Lin's mansion.

She even felt that she didn't need to do anything, Concubine Lin wouldn't let Lin Wanyi climb too fast.

Otherwise, there is no room for two tigers to fight on the same mountain. Since the sisters of the Lin family can consolidate their favor together, they may also compete for favor by dividing.

Thinking of this, she found this matter much more interesting.

Concubine Chu didn't understand the reason, but felt that Concubine Yi was letting the tiger go back to the mountain.

If she didn't suppress Lin Wanyi when she just entered the palace, would she wait until she became a favorite concubine to compete with her? She was full of anger in her heart, but she didn't dare to get angry in front of Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi, however, knew what Concubine Chu was thinking when she saw her angry face.

"Well, this is the imperial city of Shengjing, not the northwest. Even if you want to deal with Lin, you have to take into account the Xiangfu behind her. Her grandfather is now a hot figure in the court. Have you ever thought that the Chu family can afford to offend the Lin family?"

Concubine Chu's arrogance was reduced a lot by Concubine Yi's rebuke.

"Didn't you say that she is not favored in the Xiangfu?"

"No matter how unfavored she is, she entered the palace under the name of the second lady of the Xiangfu. She and the Xiangfu are also in the same boat. Do you understand?"

"I know."

"It's not enough to just know. Don't make trouble. Right now, your foundation in the palace is not stable. It's important to find a way to get more favor from His Majesty. Don't pick up watermelons and lose sesame seeds."

Concubine Yi said this, and Concubine Chu reacted.

No matter how favored Lin Wanyi is, she is still just a small concubine now. I am a noble lady. If I can be promoted to a higher position, I will be a concubine. Then she could live in the main hall of Yihua Palace.

Thinking of the glittering main hall of Yihua Palace, her disgust for Lin Wanyi seemed less important.

"Thank you, Madam, for your guidance!"

Seeing that she was not as arrogant as before, Concubine Yi put away her fierce temper, talked and laughed with her, and talked about some interesting things in the northwest.

At this moment, Concubine Chu did not know that the two concubines in the same palace with her were chatting and joking in the imperial garden full of spring.

"Sister as you know that I was born in Huaiyang County in Jiangnan. I have seen all kinds of flowers most of the year, but I have never seen many flowers in this imperial garden before."

Pointing casually, there was a sea of ​​flowers.

The white flowers, with a light egg yolk in the center, and the center of the flower is orange, are very beautiful when they are in full bloom.

"This is pink hibiscus from the Western Regions. I have seen two in my grandmother's room. I heard they are very valuable."

"From the Western Regions?"

"Yes, some Western caravans brought local flower seeds here, and there are also experts in cultivating flowers in Shengjing City, so this pink hibiscus appeared."

"Pink hibiscus? Sister, don't just say it, look carefully, it is indeed somewhat similar to the hibiscus we see every day."

"I heard that this pink hibiscus has several colors, but the palace respects bright yellow, so the pink hibiscus introduced also has some yellow mixed in it."

So that's how it is, sister, you are knowledgeable and ambitious, I admire you!"

Lin Wanyi smiled, it was just a flower, not knowledgeable.

But she couldn't help but think of the five years she had traveled around the mountains and rivers with her maternal grandfather and two uncles, and it really felt like a lifetime ago.

"If you are not shy, please call me Lanchun from now on. This is my maiden name."


"Well, I was born at the end of March. When my father named me, he thought of the spring scenery in the yard. It is probably because of this name that I have loved to visit the garden since I was a child."

"Then your birthday has passed."

It is almost mid-April now, so of course it has passed.

Mu Ying nodded, with some helplessness in her tone.

"In the past, my parents always accompanied me on my birthday at home, but now on this big day of coming of age, there are only me and my maid Ying'er."

The coming of age ceremony for women is a very important ceremony in the Wei Dynasty.

Of course, rich families have their own ways, and ordinary people have their own ways.

But Mu Ying's coming of age ceremony was a bit bleak.

Not to mention that she had spent her fifteenth birthday alone in the palace, she would have to stay away from these high walls for the rest of her life.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanyi felt that she was a bit pitiful.

So she smiled and comforted her.

"If you don't mind, you can go back to the left hall with me to eat the longevity noodles. Chunqi is the best cook. Let her make you a bowl."