
The Imperial Concubine is the Most Favored in the Harem

Lin Wanyi, the daughter of the prime minister, is beautiful and talented, but she has been cautious in the harem for the sake of a safe life. She thought she would marry a peaceful family and live a smooth life, but things took a sharp turn when she received the imperial edict to enter the palace. Her father and brother were not helpful, and her position in the palace was only a low-ranking one. She seemed to have no other way out except to rely on her elder cousin sister, the imperial concubine. She wanted to live a quiet life behind closed doors, but the cold-hearted and cold-faced emperor came more diligently than anyone else! Outsiders all said that Lin Wanyi was spoiled, but they didn't know that the strong and forbearing young emperor was confused at a glance...

Alex_5130 · History
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30 Chs

Normal Days

I wonder how my mother is doing at home?

There are also my father, elder brother and younger brother.

With her current position, she cannot see her family even if she is pregnant. She only hopes that when Princess Rongkang goes to the palace to pay homage to the imperial concubine, she can bring her mother with her.

But how could such a good thing happen to the eldest wife?

Alas, after all, you are still living under someone else's roof and relying on others.

Just thinking about it, Chunqi brought in the sweet soup.

The hot sweet soup immediately relieved Lin Wanyi's melancholy. This is the taste of the old times. When she smelled it, she seemed to have returned to the past.

"My lady, the things in this palace are good. The sweet soup is more transparent than the one at home."

After saying that, she brought the sweet soup to Lin Wanyi.

Lin Wanyi took a look and it was indeed better. In the past, their food, clothing, housing and transportation in the prime minister's mansion were always deducted.

All the good things were rushed to Ronghe Hall and the West Wing Courtyard. What they could get were only second-class goods, which were not even as exquisite as the food and drink she had when she lived in her grandfather's house.

"I wonder how mother is doing now? This sweet soup is her favorite dish on weekdays."

Chunqi stood aside in silence. She also wanted to say a few words of comfort, but she couldn't say it when she got to her lips. Instead, Xia An said to her while serving soup to Lin Wanyi.

"Don't worry, my lady, if she knew, she would be sad too."

"My lady, can't we send the letter out? Now you have a lot of face in front of His Majesty and the Imperial Concubine. If you write a letter, I'm sure the errand boy will be able to find it."

Chunqi thought for a long time and came up with this idea, but it was a pity that Lin Wanyi refused.

"No, it's only been a short time since I entered the palace and I'm thinking about sending a letter home. Those who know will say that I miss home too much, and those who don't know will say that I'm spoiled by my favor."

Chunqi widened her eyes and waved her hand quickly.

"Please forgive me, young lady. I didn't know this matter would be so serious. If I knew, I wouldn't have mentioned it."

Lin Wanyi patted her hands and comforted her with her annoyed and regretful look.

"That's why I said you must be careful. You have an active temper. You don't know when you might offend someone. Think more before you speak or do anything, understand?"

"I know."

The answer now was not as loud as in the morning. Chunqi also blamed herself in her heart.

If she hurt the young lady because of her unintentional mistake, it would be useless for her to die to apologize. So she secretly made up her mind to talk less and do more in the future, and to temper her thinking before making plans.

Seeing that Chunqi was really scared, Lin Wanyi stopped comforting her.

Some things must be experienced and overcome by yourself to be effective.

No one is born with so many thoughts and cautions, but they are all tempered day after day.

The days in the palace pass slowly, rising in the morning and setting in the evening.Those who have some skills are easy to deal with, but those who have no interests or hobbies can only look at the corridor at the door every day, looking forward to the arrival of the sedan chair.

On the contrary, the masters and servants in the left hall lived their own lives.

None of them was idle.

Since the day when she served in the bed and was rewarded, Lin Wanyi was pushed to the forefront. Although she was protected by Concubine Lin, she was still subject to gossip.

She was not fond of excitement by nature, so except for paying respects to Linzhi Palace every day, she almost never left the door of the left hall. She was either studying new dishes with Chunqi in the small kitchen, or painting landscapes under the service of Xia An, which was almost the same as her life in the small courtyard of the prime minister's mansion. Behind closed doors, she lived a quiet life.

Seeing that she was also a recluse, the rumors outside became boring as they spread.

They turned to gossip about other favored concubines.   

In a moment, this "former" favorite concubine became a thing of the past.

Seven or eight days passed.

Early in the morning of this day, Lin Wanyi had just returned from paying respects at the Linzhi Palace when the Inner Court Department sent some wood of different lengths and a skilled craftsman.

Qin An, the deputy chief steward of the Inner Court Department, stood in front of Lin Wanyi, bowed slightly, his eyebrows curved, and spoke with respect.

"I heard from Xiao Luzi that the young lady wanted to build a swing next to the pavilion in the backyard, so I brought some things here today. These are made by the best carpenter in the palace. They will be completed after they are fixed."

Lin Wanyi didn't expect that she just said something out of boredom, but Xiao Luzi was a god of hearing and passed the message to the deputy chief steward so quickly.

She was afraid that people outside would start talking again, so she hurried to explain.

"You are too polite, Eunuch Qin. I was just chatting. I am sorry to bother you."

"What are you talking about? It is a blessing for us to work for you."

After saying that, he glanced at Lin Wanyi. Seeing her frowning slightly, he immediately understood.

"Don't worry, my lady. I have reported this matter to Steward Dong. I started preparing after getting his consent. It will not violate the palace rules."

Reported to Steward Dong?

Isn't that the same as telling the emperor?

She only talked about a small thing, but she had to report it to the emperor just to build a swing. These people are really making a fuss. She sighed in her heart. I am afraid that she can't live a peaceful life anymore.

But she still has to thank Eunuch Qin on the surface.

"In that case, thank you Eunuch Qin for your trouble to arrange it.

"After saying that, she said to Xiao Luzi again.

"Take Eunuch Qin and the others to the backyard and see if there is a suitable place to build it. If there is any extra wood, build a pergola."

"Yes, I obey your order."

She was in the limelight, so she might as well accept it instead of shirking it, and get some benefits for herself.

Plant some grape vines in the corner of the swing. When next summer comes, I'm afraid they will cover the entire pergola. In this way, there will be a place to cool off in summer.

This dream that could not be realized in the small courtyard of the prime minister's mansion has come true in the palace.

Lin Wanyi couldn't help but chuckle.

This "favor" is really important. At least he possibility of benefiting is much greater.

Seeing that Chunqi couldn't control her temper and kept looking outside, Lin Wanyi understood a lot more.

"Go and see if you want to. Call me when it's built."

"Yes, my lady!"

Chunqi ran out excitedly while speaking, but Xia An, who was standing aside, was still so well-behaved and cautious.

"Chunqi's expression changed. She was upset just now, but she is happy again in the blink of an eye."

"Yes, Chunqi has a simple personality and is loyal to the young lady. She is just a little jumpy sometimes, but she can control her temper when cooking, otherwise her cooking skills would not be so good!"

"Indeed, since we have a small kitchen, we haven't touched the things sent by the imperial kitchen."

Xia An also smiled, and then served Lin Wanyi and continued to read.