
Chapter 1 : The Beautiful Maid

As the man looked at the wind blowing on the tree leaves he wondered to himself, 'how long has it been that I'm alive ?' as he thought and thought he didn't have an answer maybe it had been 20 decades or 30? Or was it 40? Ahh it had just been too long and that's all he knew.

He had been bored for so long that even the starry night couldn't amuse him, the wonders of the sky were as boring to him as anything else. He's just done with everything nothing entertained him anymore. Maybe it was...

"No.." he said Out loud to himself, "I don't ever want to experience that again" he looked at the sky bored nothing to do nothing to say he just wanted to die yet he couldn't cause he was immortal.

All he could do is live with despair, he didn't need food nor had to drink water to live, he couldn't be starved nor could he be nor die from thirst. He was just immortal, he had simply lived for too long and had nothing more to do, he just wanted to find a way to kill himself.

Deep in his thoughts he didn't notice the butler approaching from behind, a sudden tap on his shoulder startled him as he looked at the person who tapped the shoulder "Sir, Daniel. Food is ready" the butler said with a slight bow "thank you Albert. You may go now" Albert bowed slightly again and went back into the mansion.

Even though Daniel did not need to eat nor drink he did so anyway, because it would bring him satisfaction and one of the only things that had not gotten boring because he loved food so much, it brought him joy and that's All he cared about nowadays, joy was hard to come by for him so even the slightest bit helps.

Daniel got up to get into the mansion to eat, even tho Daniel looked 20 years of age his actual age was older than any person on earth, as he was immortal, he doesn't even know the reason for him being immortal he just.. is immortal. At first it was like a blessing nothing could injure him he would not die, he could do whatever he wanted.

But slowly that so called blessing turned into a curse when he started losing his loved ones. One by one each and everyone of them died some slowly some fast but he never did, he tried to make new friends but they too died and the cycle repeated over a 100 times before he decided to stop making new friends and loved ones, he only had a handful of servants that he replaced once every 70-80 years picking from the very best every time..

As Daniel walked inside the mansion he started walking to the dining room, no clear excitement on his face but he was pretty excited to eat for sure, he just couldn't show it on his face as he was more bored than excited.

Daniel walked in the dining room being greeted by all his servants and the food already ready on the table. He sat down to eat gesturing everyone else to take a seat for food as well, everyone complied to his orders and then they said their prayers as usual of course And then finally started eating.

Daniel ate a lot of exotic food in his life but the simple ones always made him full and happy, like chicken curry and rice or chicken fry or something like that, as he was eating with his servants started to chat with each other about things how was life going how their families were, children, wives father's, mother's.

Suddenly Albert asked Daniel "Sir, it's been a long time since a new face has been introduced in this household how about we go out and try and find a new maid or butler?" Daniel stopped his eating to those words, "Hm?" He asked again "Sir, I think it's time we get a new servant one personally attending to you and not the house only" why was Albert saying such things? What had gotten into him? And on top of that Albert knows he doesn't want to go outside.

He didn't want to agree to albert but Albert was a very trusted person of him, he didn't want to say no directly to albert he brought him in as a child and he has been working here ever since, Albert is the only servant who knows Daniels secret, and he was very trusted too.

"(Cough) I don't know Albert, I don't really need a personal servant" in response to this Albert whispered into his ears "I know you are lonely sir, it is very apparent, you look at the sky all day deep in your thoughts of probably nothing or the pains of your past."

"I know you don't want to be hurt again but sir I want to see you smile again. I want to return my thank you for taking me in." Daniel couldn't refuse his offer anymore, Daniel liked Albert he was very trusted and if he still had sympathy left for humanity after seeing all the atrocities humanity caused, it'd be for Albert.

"Okay albert, let's go find a new servant." Albert gave a slight smile on his face maintaining his professional look still, after finally finishing his meal Daniel got ready to find a new servant for himself or I guess maid cause he knew what Albert was going for.

Nonetheless he just didn't have to get attached to the maid, which was easier said than done, but alright he'd manage. Daniel and Albert went to court yard and got onto the horse cart, it had been a long time since Daniel had been out in the world anyway let's see the disgusting world in person why not.

As Daniel passed the golden fields filled with paddy he knew that the farmers were being oppressed by the landlords as everything would likely be taken by the cruel landlords while the smallest bit is left for the farmers who actually did the work, that's just how humans are greedy bastards.

There are two types of humans in Daniels eyes one who oppresses the greedy bastards who want everything for themselves and the one oppressed, the ones too weak to do anything against the oppression. He couldn't care less about either he just didn't want to be even near humans, too many memories of the past taught him his lesson, Yet he still trusted Albert even though he knew even he would die one day.

After an hour of non stop travel they finally reached the closest city to the mansion Akadh, it is here where he would come to replace his servants, I guess it's time to see his 'personal maid' as they got of the carriage near the servant association where people went to hire servants Albert handed the receptionist a note.

"Ahh mister Albert! And mister Daniel! we've been waiting for you, please right this way" as they went into of the backrooms of the association he couldn't but wonder why was the maid inside here instead of outside like the others?

You see the inside rooms were reserved for a different type of servant... The one who you'd call an assassin.. oh well not like he could be killed and he trusted Albert Enough to believe he wouldn't try such a thing either.

"Please, right this way" as she said that she opened the door to the room numbered 141 "Mr Daniel please meet Natasaha. Your personal servant and also one of our top class assassin's."

Once Daniel put his eyes on her he couldn't put them away, she was absolutely beautiful. More beautiful than any women he had ever met she wore a black maids outfit with white stripes on it and had a bowtie on the back of it, she was fairer than the clouds and was so beautiful that all the beauties he had met in his life of decades he was sure it was her who was the most beautiful.

Even though Daniel showed no reaction on his face Albert knew Daniel was astonished by her beauty and that was Alberts plan, he wanted to give his master a gift to payback all his debt to his master, and he rightfully did so.

"Such a beautiful lady an assassin?" He said out loud instead of thinking, as soon as the maid heard this she took out a knife from her legs and she ran as fast as she could to daniel, of course after decades of accumulating experience in battle he saw it coming but she was faster than any other assassin he had seen.

He didn't stop the maid from attacking him seeing what she'd do, but just before his throat was about to be sliced off she stopped "any doubts sir?" She asked Daniel "No, absolutely not" Daniel replied chuckling a little.

As they hired her for a hefty sum of money all three of them went back to the carriage to go back home to the mansion, Daniel couldn't stop his eyes from looking at the dangerous yet beautiful maid his now personal servant, of course he still didn't want to get attached to her but she was just too beautiful to not look at.

Albert whispered into Daniels ears "So sir? Did you like my gift?" "Maybe, maybe not figure out I guess" he said in such a tone that it could not be deduced whether he actually liked the gift or not.

As they got back to the mansion the maid looked at it in Aw, she had not seen such a big mansion ever not even a castle was so big, who had built this mansion and how did they build this, so many questions in her mind yet no answers to be found, she couldn't ask her master just yet cause they just now met, he might find it disrespectful.

They went inside the mansion the mansion was so huge that moving tiles had to be used in order to move around sometimes, of course moving tiles were another thing of aw to Natasaha I mean how did they even make these moving tiles? Again so many questions arose in her mind yet no answers, I guess they'd go unanswered for a while.

As Albert was going to go back to his duty he told natasha to take care of Daniel well, and be by his side always, Daniel still did not want to get close to Natasha but Natasha would always be near, he went to his room as Natasha followed, he sat down on his rocking chair and picked up a book about the life of rabindranath tagore, Natasha wondered who was that? As she had never heard of that man.

Seeing the confused look on her face Daniel answered "he is a man lost to time, you won't know him but he is a great man of an era" Natasha was still confused but she understood most of what Daniel said so she just went with whatever she understood.

While Daniel was reading the book suddenly his chest started to hurt, he held his chest falling to the ground from his chair, Natasha went and held Daniel before he could fall and called for someone but it was such a big mansion no one could hear her, she couldn't let her new master die it had been long since she found a master.

"F*ck" she cursed as Daniel laying there, what is going on? Its like the time... Don't tell me... No... No no no....

Damn it... why now... why Infront of her...

hello! it's the first chapter! I had to rush this as there aren't many days left of the competition but anyways please do vote for this if you liked the first chapter and add it to the library for latest updates on chapters!

SoftBreezeWasTakencreators' thoughts