
The Immortal Overlord

In a realm where good and evil deities vie for power, The Immortal rises as an extraordinary ruler, commanding both the forces of light and darkness. However, his dominion is shaken when some of the gods betray him. After leaving his throne seat to seek knowledge of the human world and investigate an uprising phenomenon, The Immortal's journey takes an unexpected turn. As he delves deeper into the mysteries of the mortal realm while aiming to investigate an uprising anomaly.

Lucid_Devil · Fantasy
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24 Chs

CH 24 :Noble’s demands

Martin made his way back to the reception area. He saw the receptionist still sitting behind her desk, looking up in surprise at his arrival.

"Mr. Martin what are you doing here, your exam already started more than 10 minutes ago!", the receptionist asked, her eyes widening with confusion.

"Oh, I know, in fact, I just came back from the exam, it was fairly easy", Martin replied with an even more confused expression because of her reaction.

At this point, the receptionist was eyeing Martin with suspicious looks, not knowing what to conclude from this situation. Her thoughts went wild, "what the hell? What does he mean he came back from the exam? Did he give up on the written test, but he said it was fairly easy, or was that a bluff? Maybe it was, after all the written test isn't everyone's forte, he is probably aiming for the casting and dual exams ".

"Excuse me miss, miss", hearing Martin's voice the receptionist snapped out of her daze.

Oh, sorry about that, I just drifted in thought for a second there, entrance exam periods are a bit challenging.", fixing her poster back to a professional one, she continued, "Going back to our topic at hand, you currently have 2 hours until he next exam, its originally only 1-hour rest but since you finished your first exam in less than half an hour you will get an extra hour until other examinees finish their written test".

Nodding Martin said, "I see, then I'll kill some time till then".

Leaving the academy's reception area, Martin walked towards the garden area, but soon he found himself in a huge garden with a fountain in the midst of it. The garden had all types of trees and flowers of all colors, with benches all over the place for students to enjoy its beauty.

As he walked, he came across a particularly inviting tree, its branches casting a cool shade on the green grass below it. He sat down beneath it and leaned against its trunk letting his eyes rest for a bit.

Time flew by and the academy's bell rang indicating that the first test time had come to an end. Examinees started flooding out of their respective test rooms and straight to the reception area, and soon to the garden trying to release some stress by taking in some fresh air.

Martin opened his eyes and noticed that there were now more students present in the garden who had also taken the entrance exam. Some were huddled in groups talking nervously about the test, while others paced back and forth while wearing anxious looks.

Martin listened intently to the conversations happening around him. The students were discussing the different parts of the exam, compared notes, and shared their thoughts on the questions they had been asked.

A group of students was standing a few feet away from Martin, guessing that they are nobles of their luxurious wear. They started chatting among themselves while pointing at Martin.

One of these examinees noticed Martin under the tree, she exclaimed, "How can someone be able to sleep before the second exam? "

"Wait for a second, I recognize this guy, he submitted his exam after 10 minutes", a noble girl forms the group named Sara Luton said.

"Look at the mediocre clothes he is wearing, what do you expect of a commoner, only us with Nobel blood have the ability to attend this academy", one of the boys in the group said with a wicked grin on his face.

The group started laughing hysterically at him except one, Sara who was in the same test room as him, finally, she broke through their laughter, reluctantly saying, "I think I heard the instructor say that he aced it".

Following those words, everyone was silenced, and looked back at her in shock, "do you believe that he submitted his papers in 10 minutes?!"

Looking at the ground, she didn't answer his question.

"Fine ill see what he is made of himself", saying that the noble boy approached Martin's figure, but being too focused on Martin he bumped into another person. Falling back and landing on his butt.

"Hey, watch it, don't you see where you are going", the noble boy growled with bloodshot eyes.

The person who had been bumped into just fell silent, not daring to look him in the eyes, even though it was the noble's fault.

Getting up the noble looked at the said person, in the next moment a grin appeared on his face, saying, "Oh, so you are a commoner as well, you commoners don't know your place, you see when I fell on the ground I really got hurt, and you being the one who has hurt me, the least you could do is pay for my medical fees, let's see", after pausing to consider for a moment, he continued, "I think 10 gold coins will be enough".

Taken by surprise by the sum of coins that the noble has just asked for, the commoner replied with anger without thinking, "What the hell you mean 10 gold coins, you damn well know that I don't have that much money, and besides you didn't even get scratched". Realizing what he had just said, he covered his mouth with both hands.

The noble's expression turned sour as he glared at the commoner. "Watch your tongue boy, you are from the Sata family, you bunch are nothing more than some dirty blacksmiths".

Feeling ashamed, the commoner lowered his head and muttered an apology. The noble's stern expression softened slightly, and he spoke again. "It's fine. However now that you talked to me in such a manner it's only fair that I double my asking price".

The group of nobles started laughing and mocking the commoner except Sara, who felt pity for him, but she wasn't able to stop them.

Getting irritated by the noble's behavior, Martin got up and walked up to the noble, and spoke firmly, "I think you owe this person an apology instead of making ridiculous demands for coins. Accidents happen, and it was your fault for not watching where you were going."

The noble was taken aback by Martin's sudden interference, his face contorting into a look of annoyance. "And who are you to talk to me like that? A commoner like this one?" He gestured toward the person he had bumped into.

Martin simply stood his ground, unimpressed by the noble's attempt to intimidate him. "Yes, I'm a commoner, but that doesn't give you the right to treat anyone with disrespect. We are all equal in the eyes of magic."

The noble scoffed, clearly not used to being challenged by someone of lower status. He opened his mouth to retort, but to get interrupted by Martin yet again.

"And besides, how are you applying to this academy, when merely bumping into someone breaks you, needing a medical fee, it was better for you to stay at home princess".

A shocked expression colored the noble boy's face; he didn't even know what to reply at this point.

Hearing his peer's laughter getting focused on him instead, he got irritated, "This isn't over you will pay for this ", saying those words he left the garden, and soon his group followed.

Turing towered to the Sata kid Martin asked, "Are you ok?".

Lucid_Devil#9008, My discord if you want to ask or tell me something, webnovel is way too sensitive, and many messages and reviews get shadowbanned