
The Immortal of The World's End

A ball of light suddenly descended from the sky, killing more than half of the population on earth. Almost all lands was destroyed and contaminated by the radiation that followed after the massive explosion, turned any living creatures into a chimera-like monster called, The Corrupted. As for the survivors, many of them were suffering and soon died. 500 years had passed. The population was slowly growing back. The survivors were divides into two races. Humans, those have started growing some resistance towards the radiation, made them able to live for at least 50 years The Immortal, those survivors who went through a body evolution after the explosion, made them immune to radiation, and also possessed a special ability. Their population was the smallest, but it grew on a significantly fast pace. Because of this, they were hated and despised by others. To protect the immortal, all former country leaders of each nations were joining hands to provide a shelter for them, The Academy. The Immortal were all happy with this. Little did they know, The Academy actually did not appear to be as good as they think. Alleen, (11), was an Immortal child. After being sold by her parents, she was rescued by The Academy. While living under the care of The Academy, Alleen seemed to be doing good but soon she discovered a dark truth of what was hidden beneath the face of The Academy What would Alleen do after knowing the truth? Was The Academy an ally or there was something more evil that lurked beneath the shadow? How would she survive?

Nevermeltice · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 : The Academy And I

When I was a kid, like 5 or 6 years old, my mother used to tell me that I had a good health. My body was stronger than any kids my age, and even I too, suffered from the side effect of the radiation, the pain was not unbearable. I had never caught any serious disease, except allergy reaction, in all my entire life. Up until now.

Whenever I went together with children around my neighborhood to play tags, they would all agree that I should not be the hunter, because I could catch them all in the blink of an eye. In the end, they would also be the one to end the game.

It was just, my body was that strong that I left everybody speechless. It was already strange, but no one said anything. Not yet.

But my body did not change, instead, it grew healthier by the year. People begin to suspect. Yet, I did not give much thought about it.

At first, I did not know that my body was different. I thought the one that was strange were my friends, who were too weak. I thought maybe, their body had to bear 'more' side effects than I had. Maybe they were born that way for some reason I did not know. However, when I saw my parents and my little brother did not have the same condition as I was, that I realize, I was the one who was not normal.

I was born different, but I did not know why I was so unusual.

I chose to ignore it, thought that it was not really important. I chose to never care of the cold glares and frowns that the neighbors gave. I turned on a deaf ear to all the suspicious whispers behind my back. I endured it, because my family never said anything to me.

They treated me the same, as their 'delicate little baby Alleen' whom they used to spoiled, and that was what mattered. My family was the most important to me, anyway.

Yes, if the story stopped right there then I would be so grateful.

In reality, Gods had decided to curse me.

Starting from that first day of winter, right on my ninth birthday, my life would be a living hell.

The point where the human me was dead...and the immortal me was born.





2 years and 3 months later.

"So, here is your latest status. Don't worry, there is no problem, your body seems to be doing better than before. Anyway, thanks to your Potential." The woman in white lab coat hands a transparent screen to me.

I look at the screen in front of me. It is full of writings, arrows, and check marks here and there that keeps on moving. I tap on my picture on the top-right corner to it flips back and show all my complete health information. Next to the 'Potential' column, there is a black dot.

"Do I still need to give blood sample regularly?"

"Oh, no need, sweetie. Your power has not shown any improvement since the first time of your check up. Ah, what a shame, it was a good ability though. But it's okay, maybe that is mean to be."

'So it is a level 1 then.' I said to myself as I take out my identity card and insert it on the screen, downloading all the information on the screen to my card, before putting it back inside my pocket.

Looking at my thinking expression, the woman in white coat smiles sadly at me while giving me a pat on the head.

"You're still young, there is always a chance that it would be different next time. You're still fine, don't be too discouraged, okay honey?" she said gently as she takes away the screen and gives me vitamins, which I usually get whenever I visit the lab.

Every month, I have to go to the lab to do the health check up. Since the first day I arrive here, I have been doing that for three times already, not that I am against it. Instead, I feel like it is rather necessary for me to know everything about my body as I am aware of who I am.

The Immortal, that is what ordinary people refer to a being like me.

The survivors who are immune to radiation, who stay healthy and unperturbed while others are dying.

Those who was not normal, the undead, a monster. Despised and hated.

As immortals, we also possess not only the immunity towards radiation but also special abilities as well. The scientists would call it 'Potential'.

Potential has two types, Potential Level 1, and Potential Level 2. Potential Level 1 are those abilities that do not give any major or important effect like the ability that can change shape, healing, invisibility, and many more.

Potential Level 2 is more special and powerful, in my opinion, like ability that can masters any element, teleportation, necromancy, and so on.

The level of the Potential can be detected since early ages, but it does not mean that it cannot change.

The level of potential can change as children gets older until they reach 17 years old. That is why, as Immortals, a monthly health check up is necessary for me to see my Potential growth.

After coming out of the lab, I go directly to the long indoor glass bridge that connects both the laboratory and the school building. Today is the third day of the week, it seems that I would have all day for classes.

Everyday, except 6 and 7 day, immortals under the age of 18 have to attend classes. There are various subjects we should learn, and every three months we should take a test for each subject.

I hate classes though, all classes except basic science. They are all boring and troublesome. Especially history, it is just a no-no.

I look around at the tall buildings below as I am walking. School buildings, dorms, canteens, stores, gymnasiums, laboratory, hospitals, watchtowers, and offices, those lamppost on the street, benches in the gardens, a huge fountain in the middle, are all painted in white. It looks like a prototype city.

Now that I think about it, I kind of get used to see this unusual views as I live here months by months.

It has been three months.

This...is The Academy.

A place where immortal can live peacefully without being hunted, killed, or sold. A utopia for immortal, or so they told me.

They take in all immortal who do not have anywhere to go, keep them inside so that they are not going to be the victim of those humans outside.

Children have their own dorms and schools suitable for their age.

Adults, they the apartments they can use for as long as they need.

All of us could live like a normal people too. Like a human. Or so they told me.

As soon as I arrived here at The Academy, I was told that if I wanted to survive, then I need to stay.

'Outside is something that you could not imagine. As The Immortal, your enemy is not only The Corrupted, but Humans too.' that was what they said to me, and I couldn't find it wrong for I know and have experience it myself how cruel can people be to a monster like me.

But are they not human too?

They talked like they are different from them, and they speak like they are the same as us.

But are they that different? Or not.

Humans never do something that has no benefit for them. Everything must base on what they could get in return, no matter what. As I too, am like that.

So there is no reason for them to help us in the first place, yet they would have all the reason to hate us, just like everyone.

Then what is their purpose?

Did I really make a good decision by coming here? Or did I not?

I do not trust them, I know my intuition so I will not. These people, these whole place is too suspicious.

But whatever can I do?

I could not possibly survive everywhere outside this high stone wall, I am aware of that so why don't I stay here? At last, as long as they do not do something funny.

Suddenly I feel arms around my neck, pulling me from behind, followed up with a cheerful 'Found you!' voice.

I look at the source of voice to see a snow-white hair is blocking my view.

"Alleeen! I've been looking for you but here you areee! Why did you just disappear without telling me, you dummy!"

said the snow-white haired girl while rubbing her head on my face. I need to push her head aside for me to speak.

"I did not disappear. I went to the lab to do my check up."

"Buut still, you could just tell me so we can go togetherrr! I want to do the check up with youu!"

she backs out a little to look into my eyes as she is pursing her lips.

"Haa...Aya, you know that's impossible. You just had one yesterday. Alleen also did say that she was going to the lab, it's just that you were too busy eating your chicken so you didn't listen."

a red haired girl walks up towards me. She pulls the white haired girl, Aya's hand away from me with a little bit of force. Her dark indigo eyes squint towards Aya's red ruby ones.

"You are really troublesome. I really can't take my eyes off you for a sec. Alleen you too, just smack her on the head if she did that again."

"Aww...Sirona, you're soo meaannn. Meannieee!"

"Okay, you two please stop. Let's just head to class. We're going to be late" I said as I turn back and continue walking.

"Waitt!" They both yell and running to catch up with me.

"Hey, are we heading to the training ground?" Sirona put her arm around me.

"Ehh, training ground? Noo, I do not want to fight anymoree! You see my ability is too soft for something so brutal!"

"Shut up, Aya. You're going to make Alleen deaf."

Aya grab my arm, and pull me towards her. "Wha-hmpph! Sirona meaniee, Alleen just go with me, we're going to skip class today! Wherever shall we goo!??"

I can only have a long sigh as I watch these two girls who does not seem to know how to stop.


I think before I could worry about my future and this mysterious Academy, I should just take care of these two kids first.

Heyoo guys, I'm back!

How's your day? Is it good? I hope all of you would have a good day today!

Thank you for reading my story again guys! You know, I'm really grateful for you all!

So what're your thoughts about this chapter? If it's bad, if it's good, just let me know! I love to hear all your thoughts about my story, and maybe with that I could make my story better next time!

Again, thank you all! Have a nice day!

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