
First Project

Hayen's life continued being very comfortable, he worked every day from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. searching for pages. While doing so, he found a lot of usable information he could use to make money.

For example the source code he found more than three months ago. As he got it, he hoped that the code wasn't developed yet, but unfortunately or fortunately the application already existed.

As he put the source code in the right place and made it work, he realized that this was the code of a well known mobile phone game. But there was a difference and not a small one.

The game was at least a few actualisations ahead and had many features that the current game didn't have. It was the same game, but it felt very different.

So, Hayen used this opportunity to contact the company that developed this game and he then presented himself as an extern developer. He said that he had managed to improve the game and make it more secure for players.

This company was very skeptical at the beginning, they didn't believe everything he said, but they didn't ignore it either. They had already contacted many hackers and game developers that claimed to have found loopholes in the game and they were very satisfied with the work they did, but to say that someone from the outside really managed to improve the game was outrageous.

But Hayen managed to convince them and he also showed them the game and everything and as expected they were shocked.

At the end, they offered him a place in the management of the company and stocks if he could keep working with them, but he refused and said instead: „I want cash, I am a free soul, I can't be in one place!"

So, they handed him a cheque for ten million dollars.

With the money in hand, he gave them the source code and left without turning back.

And then a month later, the company released a new actualisation and the game jumped from number 10 in the charts to number 1.

The best part of the story is that they only used small parts of the source code and left the rest for the future.

But Hayen didn't care at all, because he had something more important to do than working for a gaming company.


„Mr. Kain, this is the company I was talking about to you!" A man in a suit was standing in front of a building and speaking to Hayen.

„Good, is everything prepared?" Hayen said while looking around.

„Yes, this biochemical laboratory is already in bankruptcy and they need someone to take over it now, but nobody seems to be interested at all but you." The man in a suit named Kirk replied. He was a very well known middleman that helped people to find everything they wanted. He was especially hired by Hayen to find for him a biochemical laboratory that was cheap, but had all the facilities.

„The owner has already signed the contract and left, that means this company belongs to you from now on." Kirk continued speaking while following Hayen from behind.

Hayen looked very calm from the outside, but he was shaking from the inside. The reason was very simple, he was going to change the world and he knew it very well.

In the past three months, he came across many books about scientific discoveries, analysis and the way to replicate these discoveries. But most importantly these two books changed every plan he had: Discoveries that could have saved the world if discovered earlier by Mustafa Zamam and The Basics of Evolution by unknown.

The first book was like a repopulation of the scientific discoveries made by people in the future and that could have prevented the earth from a lot of catastrophes.

And the second book was very mysterious, even hayen didn't know what it was about exactly, he only understood something: Genetic alterations to make humans stronger and better.

Therefore, Hayen did everything in the past three months to raise his wealth to the maximum possible. He used all the time he had to search for pages that could give him quick wealth, like news about stocks, bets and even natural catastrophes. He was always ready and he could make a fortune like anyone else. He had transformed his wealth from zero to 150.000.000,00 millions dollars in less than three months.

That would be impossible if he didn't have the ten million dollars to start with.

But he has already spent one third of his wealth to buy this biochemical laboratory and their facilities, therefore he was quite satisfied with all the hard work he had put into this project.

After doing some sightseeing in the building, Kirk and Hayen left again.

„I have to search for a manager now and workers, how the hell should I do that?" Hayen thought while in the taxi. He had the building, but now he needed the people that are capable to work there. But he also knew that he couldn't bring anyone here, he needed talented people and those were rare.

Luckily, Haleen City was known for its international universities and that talented young people from all over the world gathered here to study here. Haleen was also the leading city in giving scholarships, so there weren't only spoiled children with money. Statistically, one of every three students has a scholarship.

„Hayen, you are finally here!" Sophia said after seeing Hayen, then she took something from behind and said: „I bought a new book last week and I have to recommend it to you!"

Hayen was surprised by this energetic young woman, but he couldn't do anything, so he smiled and looked at the book in her hand: „The Immortal Tale of the Lion Guardian?"

„Yeah, it's the best selling book in Euras Union for two months, you have to give it a try!" Sophia said and then followed Hayen into his apartment.