
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Team Twelve's end

[September 16th, ????, just an hour after Jean and Azure became members of the Drausa family]

"are you really not worried about our team" Azure asked as she laid down

"...." Jean (White) pretended as he was asleep to ignore the question

after a while Jean (White) and Azure both fell asleep but only a second past and they were both falling back through the hole and suddenly they were back in the same exact spot, as if they never left

"Jean! pay attention" Nora said

Jean pulled the trigger again, but this time when the bullet left the barrel, it kept going and broke through the handcuff. Azure then kicked the door open and shot the handcuffs off of Seras, they repeated this until all of Team Twelve was free from the cells

"you should go there with them, those soldiers might not be able to do anything against that Team of monsters" Ryoa said as he was playing chess

"I'll give them about 3 minutes before I help them" Lieutenant Jackey said

"alright but kill the angels and leave the others alive" Ryoa said

the A.A.N.M soldiers started rushing down the stairs and into the brig. As the first soldier made it to the cell close to the exit, he checked the room, only to be hit in the head and used as a body shield for Azure. She took the pistol off of his hip and started shooting at the other soldiers, the others doing the same to them

"3 minutes passed and you still didn't take them out?...it's pathetic for us as an army" Lieutenant Jackey said as she walked past the soldiers with a shield

once Lieutenant Jackey made it to the door she saw Azure holding one of the soldiers as a hostage and without hesitation she shot Azure in the head with the bullet only grazing the soldiers cheek, Jean tried to shoot her but she blocked the bullets with her shield and shot Jean's hand to let go of the trigger before she shot him in the head, both of them were knocked unconscious

out of anger Nora tried shooting her as well but tears began running down her face and her vision became blurry, she tried focusing her aim but Lieutenant Jackey shot one of her knees and her shoulder, taking cover behind a wall, almost immediately after

"cover your eyes and ear" Lieutenant Jackey said before throwing a flashbang

she waited for it to go off and threw another one, after it went off she rushed into the brig again but she had the shield on her back and shot the knees and shoulders of the disoriented "Team of monsters"

"Its as easy as that. Pick them up and bring them to Ryoa" Lieutenant Jacky said as she shot Karla and Alias

after 1 minute had past, Jean and Azure finally woke up and they saw blood trails leading up the stairs

"fucking shit!, they took the guns" Jean said before he saw Azure run up the stair through the corner of his eye

"forget about the fucking guns!"  Azure said

Jean ran up the stairs behind her but to his surprise there was no soldiers up there just a trail of blood up another set of stairs and they followed it

"I was planning on leaving the little girl alive but I guess there no reason to since they killed both of my kids" Ryoa said as he stared at Karla and Alias's dead bodies

once Ryoa saw Jean and Azure at the top of the staire he pressed the gun up against Evelyn's head and Lieutenant Jackey shot both of their legs and after they fell down they noticed their team was tied up in front of Lieutenant Jackey with a pool of blood leaking out of their bullet wounds

"I thought i shot you in the head, I know I didn't miss" Lieutenant Jackey said

"I swear to god Ryoa if you kill-" Azure said before her shoulder was shot

"come on, hurry up" Jean thought as he looked at his legs

"hey, pay attention to me" Lieutenant Jackey said as she put the gun to Seras's head

"..." Azure was not able to get the words out as she tried to stand up

Lieutenant Jackey pulled the trigger and shot Seras in the head, she walked over to Selena and shot her in the head, then Noah, Kota, Zoey, Mych, Amanda, Nora, Owen, and lastly Zack

Azure watched all of them get shot in the head while her wounds slowly healed and tear started running down her face while Jean tried keeping his composure and forcing his leg to heal but it kept failing, they looked over to Ryoa and as if he was waiting for them and at that time Evelyn woke up and saw Azure with a bright smile on her face she ran to her but as she was running Ryoa pulled the trigger four times, shooting her legs, chest, and head

Jean and Azure's wounds quickly healed after all of their friends died and Azure immediately tried rushing but once she stepped forward, the walls in the room started lowering and all the soldiers were there waiting on the other side

once it finished lowering they opened fire on Jean and Azure but once the bullets were in arms reach everything froze in place and they were back in their room

a loud *thud* came from their room and the sound echoed through the hallways of the castle, some of the guards came along with two Generals to their room

as one of the guards were going to open the door Azure walked out of the room and headed off somewhere down the hallway

"who hell are you two" Jean (White) said as he walked to the door

"I'm Orval Rebla, one of the Generals assigned with protecting a Royal when off of the field, did something happen here" General Orval said before the other General rushed after Azure

"...it was nothing more than a heated debate" Jean (White) said

"so, everything's fine?" General Orval asked as he peeked into Jean (White's) room

"what time is it?" Jean (White) asked

"it's 5:30 right now" General Orval said as he looked at his watch

"I'm gonna go out for a walk" Jean (White) said as he closed his door

"sir, are we even allowed to let him out this early?" Guard1 asked

"probably, I don't know but I'm gonna be with him so it'll be fine" General Orval said

Jean (White) changed into his Darkangel outfit and left the castle with General Orval while Azure was still walking around the castle with the other General

"...why are you following me?" Azure asked as she stopped walking

"were you not told, I'm supposed to be protecting you when I'm off of the field" the General said as she walked up to Azure's side

"no I wasn't, what's your name?" Azure asked

"call me General Klas or Klas" General Klas said

"...do you get breaks?" Azure asked as she continued walking

"I consider it an honor to be able to protect a Royal even if I don't get any time off to myself, although I'm allowed to I don't take breaks unless I fall asleep" General Klas said

"is it an honor to protect someone who just became a Royal without being born into the family?" Azure asked

"I rather protect someone with the magic power to decimate a continent than a person whose power is only their reputation. although they might be stronger than me I'll still choose to do so" General Klas said

"even if I can't use my magic power yet?" Azure asked

"even so I'll still protect you until I can't and if I see fit I'll even teach you myself" General Klas said as she knelt down to Azure

"...don't be so quick to make that promise until later on, I might not be someone so worthy of such devotion, give that another thought" Azure said as held her hand out

"of course" General Klas said as Azure helped her get up and continued walking with her

about 3 hours went by and Jean was still wondering around outside the city with General Orval

"the King controls this whole continent?" Jean (White) asked

"he controls three quarters of the continent those three quarters are considered the Drausa kingdom and we are currently at peace with the person who controls that one quarter of the continent which is called Muah Kingdom" General Orval said

"how big is this continent?" Jean (White) asked

"let's see.... okay so we'll use Aemoura as an example" General Orval said as he took a pen and was looking for paper

"okay" Jean (White) said as he gave him paper

"if Aemoura was separated just a bit more there would have been six more continents but since it isn't separated enough to make another continent it's just one whole continent with about 194 countries I think" General Orval said as he drew what was supposed to be 7 continents on the paper

Jean (White) was surprised when he saw the drawing because it had all of the continents of the earth he used to live on

"is something wrong?" General Orval asked

"no nothing, I'm just surprised that you are good drawer" Jean (White) said

"alright well this is the Drausa Continent: which is about 100 time or more larger than Aemoura, obviously I won't name all of the countries here but you'll figure it out while you learn about it... this one is our capital city of the Drausa kingdom: Delsa, the first princess was named after it and this is the capital city of the Muah kingdom is: Reo city, it was renamed after the new King" General Orval explained as he sketched two cities

"these are the two capitals of our continent, do we have the biggest continent " Jean (White) asked

"fuck no, excuse me for my language but our continent is only the 30th largest continent in the world" General Orval said with a laugh

"amazing" Jean said

"they should be serving breakfast in a couple of minutes, so let's head back" General Orval said as he stood up and stretched