
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs


"Okay we will start the mission to exterminate the Cursed Royal families in 1 - 2 days and you will pick whatever team you want to join Xeala will tell you the name and leaders of the team's and after that Allyn of the STF will explain what the mission" Carmen said standing on top of a large platform in a large room full of the organization's soldiers with the S+ ranks and higher standing next to her

"there are seven team's such as team Mitsurin: leader is Ivan and Violetta, team Wüste: leader Ariel and Wyatt, team Grad: leader Scarlett and Jean, team Šume:leader Jonathan and Crystal, team Vilaj: leader Cornell and Rika, team Dosi: leader psi and Dave, team kastro: Kayla and Lorena. you will be able to choose between theses seven team's and at least two healers are required for each team" Aunt Xeala explained to the soldiers before sitting down

"you soldiers will be facing against evolved beast and the S ranks will help fight against the joker,princess and prince and the A ranks and lower will go against evolved if the S+ and S++ ranks were to die you retreat immediately do not try to be a hero and help them you will only die... each team can only have 5000 battle soldiers and 2000 healing soldiers... as you can tell only a number of you in the organization can join a team and the rest will have to stay here, we have another mission for you" Allyn said before walking out of the large room

"as I said before this mission will start in 1 week get ready, choose the team you wanna be apart of and write your will, your family might need it" Carmen said to everyone in the large room before ending the conference

[when Carmen was on the phone with Noland]

"this is Special Task Force Noland I'm calling to report" Noland said

"ok what did you find out" Carmen said as she got a small notebook and a pen

"unit 1 found out that in 2 weeks from now the rogue organization will launch an attack on our cityand unit 2 found out that the Cursed Royal Families are gonna make their move on humanity in 2 weeks from now" Noland said

"we can either go after the Curse Royal Families or protect the HQ" Roland finished

"we'll do both... we'll launch an attack on each of the Cursed Royal Families with a quarter of our soldiers and leave the rest of the soldiers to protect the city" Carmen planned

"what would you like us to do" Noland asked

"I'll call you if we need help just send Allyn here.. we gonna need somebody to control the mission of protecting the city" Carmen said

"isn't that Ms. Xeala's or your job to protect the country" Allyn said when he grabbed the phone

"me and Xeala gotta take care of something" Carmen said

"okay I'm on my way I guess" Allyn said

[6 hours after the conference]

"ok we will be going against the Monkeya Family which is located 430 miles to the south" Crystal said to team Mitsurin

"the place known growing a forest in the middle of the city... the residents probably died" Jonathan said before grabbing the mission file

everyone going on the extermination was preparing; some were writting their wills or leaving something for their families to remember them by... they knew this mission would be more dangerous than anything they have ever done but if it was for the sake of humanity or to be more precise it was for the sake of their families

the leaders were wondering if the title of the mission was meant for them or the Cursed Royal Beast

the mission started with 49,000 soldiers