
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Final War X

[Nearly an hour ago, just after Regal blocked Jean (Black) and Jean (White)'s attack]

Just as Jean (White) balanced himself, Jean (Black) attacked him. Though he was able to block the attack with his sword, Jean (Black) pushed it away.

"A truce" Jean (Black) said as he attacked him again.

"…" Jean (White) ignored him as he blocked the attack again.

"He wouldn't suspect me to form a truce with you like this. I want to end this quickly, this is the best way" Jean (Black) said as his sword was pushed away.

"I thought you wanted to kill me. Why did you change you mind" Jean (White) said as he tried to attack him.

"I don't care about killing you as much as I want to kill him. I will deal with you after" Jean (Black) said as he barely dodged it.

"…. Then until his death, we are Allies but what about your friends. Did you tell them about this?" Jean (White) asked as he tried to roundhouse kicked him.

"Not yet but they should be able figure it out" Jean (Black) said as his body formed to lightning before Jean (White)'s attack hit.

Jean (White) covered himself in black goo and just as he was falling into his shadow, Lord Rlun tried to attack him but his attack effortlessly passed through Jean him. Without delay Jean (White) was able to fall into his shadow.


"You agreed with him so fast. You barely even thought about it" Azure said as she was flying with 4 glowing ropes protruding from her gauntlets.

"I don't wanna kill him as much as I want kill the other guy. I found him" Jean (White) as he darted towards Regal with four black chains projecting from his back.

With the four chains projecting from Jean (White)'s back, he carried half of the eight generals while Azure carried the other half with her ropes.

"Drop us" Jean (Black) said as he switched to his scythe.

As Jean (White) and Scarlett began towards Regal, the general's detached from him. Seconds after the general detached from him and once they landed, they all rushed towards Regal.

Although Jean (White) and Azure were the first to get to him, Jean (Black) was attacked first by a large pole of ice that extended into his stomach. Following up behind with another attack was a side kick from the 2nd Ice progenitor and pushed him meters away from the general and Regal.

"He'll deal with it. Fight me" Regal said as he deflected Jean (White)'s attack.

As Regal deflected his attack, he landed a spin kick on Jean (White)'s face and as Regal's attack landed, Jean (White) flew into the ground. Suddenly Azure tried to cut his head off from but he ducked her attack and grabbed her wrist. He quickly pulled Azure over his body and guided her body low enough so he could land a kick on her stomach.

After Regal kicked her away from him, Wyatt immediately tried to wrap the chain around his neck but Regal grabbed the chain and pulled Wyatt into the ground. Just as he pulled Wyatt into the ground, he took the black chain from Wyatt. Suddenly Ivan tried to attack him, though unexpectedly Regal wrapped the black chains around his wrists and threw him into Scarlett, who was trying to attack from behind him.

After Regal dealt with them, Crystal tried to attacked him but he was able to block her and pulled her closer to hit her with a lariat. And just as he brought her down, Jonathan tried to slam his hammer into Regal's head, unfortunately it broke as Regal blocked. Once it broke, Regal grabbed the handle and began to hit him with a barrage of jabs before he pulled Jonathan closer towards himself and pushed his knee into Jonathan's stomach. Although Violetta tried to stop him with an attack, Regal almost effortlessly blocked her and pushed her arm. The second he pushed her arm, he dropped Jonathan with a punch and knocked Violetta down with a elbow to her face.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!?" Wyatt said as he tried to tackle Regal.

"Probably buried a hundred meters in ice" Regal said before the ice started rumbling.

As the ice started rumbling Regal started repeatedly hitting Wyatt on his forehead with his elbow. As Regal kept throwing his elbows at him, Wyatt suddenly began to lift Regal off of his feet and as Regal feel his body lifted, he feels something falling off Wyatt's arms. Although just as he tried pull him off, Wyatt slammed him on his head.

"Amazing you already caught up" Regal said as he saw dust fall in front of him.

"Caught up?" Wyatt thought as he stood up.

But as Wyatt stood up, Regal already recovered and pushed his hand through Wyatt's stomach and crushed his mana core. As Regal crushed the mana core, the same process that happened with the girl occurred but Azure tried to cut his arms off so he tried to use Wyatt as meat shield while his body was about to release a shockwave. Azure was able to watch as the shockwave left Wyatt body, she immediately gathered up all of the mana throughout all of her body and even her mana core until she reached her core's limits and disappeared just before the shockwave could touch her.

Once the shockwave expanded away from Regal and Wyatt, Azure reappeared behind him and tried to slice his head off but Regal was barely able to dodge it as she cut the tips of his hair off as he dipped his upper body and kicked Azure in her stomach. Jonathan quickly tried to follow up with an attack just Regal stood up, however the second shockwave occurred and this time it was about 100x stronger than the one that froze everything. As the shockwave expanded, parts of the ice formed into dark soil that quickly grew grass and an abundance of trees grew. The shockwave traveled approximately 1000 kilometers as plant grew from whatever the shockwave touched it overwhelmed the ice, making it seem like a frozen river following the newly created forest. The shockwave extended past the atmosphere and he was able to reach some of the neighboring planets.

"It was much more stronger than hers, he really met his peak" Regal said in a proud tone as he admired the newly created forest.

Regal immediately let go of Wyatt as he waited for him to wake up and as he did Scarlett appeared in front of him, with a blaze of fire wrapped around her blades. She attempted to cut down Regal with as much fire power she can build up.

However Regal was able to block as he hardened the skin on his left forearm just before he blocked the attack. As Scarlett's attack was effortlessly blocked, more fire surged out of her blades. With the weight of the fire endlessly surging from her blades as well as the blades already cutting through half of his forearm, Regal couldn't push her away.

As he was trying to push Scarlett away, a glimmer of light appeared in his peripheral vision. Completely taking his attention, Regal tried to look at the light but by the time he turned his head, it disappeared and he felt a large hole open in his stomach and as he looked at the hole, Azure was in front of him with her guns pointed at his head. Then a blazing wall of fire rushed in front of him as his arm was cut off. As Regal tried to push back, Wyatt emerged from the fire and attacked him.

Wyatt's attack was able to send Regal approximately 70 yards away while crashing into the trees that weren't burned by Scarlett's fire.

"I wonder what his progress looks like" Regal thought as the rumbling worsened.

As Regal finally landed a large gust of mist brushed past his body. As he stood up, blood began gushing out from the hole in his chest but he was able to freeze the hole over with the ice. As he tried rushing towards them again Wyatt appeared in front of him.

Suddenly a large explosion occurred sending a strong flurry of hale came flying towards and as the mist dispersed, Jean (Black) appeared with his scythe hanging from dark purple strings that were wrapped around arm.

Jean (Black) quickly grabbed his scythe and immediately formed his body and scythe into lightning and rushed towards the 2nd progenitor.

As Jean (Black) was less than five feet from the 2nd ice progenitor a pole shot out from the ice and pierced through Jean (Black)'s head.

"What a monster. I can't fathom the fact, you challenged my father and won. Detestable" The 2nd ice progenitor said as she walked towards Jean (Black).

As The 2nd Ice Progenitor walked up to Jean (Black), she ripped pole of ice out of his head and tried to destroy his heart. Fortunately Jean (Black) was able to dodge her attack and get back up on his feet.

"I didn't challenge anyone" Jean (Black) said as his head regenerated.

"I must be weakening you if you can't even manifest simple forms. I, as his eldest daughter will redeem his sullen honor" The 2nd Ice Progenitor said as she ignored his words and rushed him.

"I don't use those strings anymore" Jean (Black) said as he tried to slice her head off.

As he tried to cut her head off, ice formed around her neck and completely stopped Jean (Black)'s attack. She immediately tried to throw a jab at his ribs but Jean (Black) was able to block her attack. However her attack was too strong for him to block and broke his wrist just before it pushed past his hand to break his ribs.

She immediately grabbed his hair and slammed him into the the ground. She tried to stomp on his head quickly after slamming him but he dodged just before her attack landed.

As he jumped back, she tried to attack him again but he was able dodge and nearly land a hit of his own, unfortunately she was able to block his attack and push him away.

"I don't know how you monsters appeared but you disgraced me, my father, and the entirety of the great dragon race in this worthless war you started" The 2nd Ice progenitor said in a infuriated tone.

"I never planned on this war or these deaths. I didn't even know I was on the gods radar. All I wanted was to kill my father and get my revenge" Jean (White) said as he started getting annoyed.

"SO YOUR SAYING THEY DIED BECAUSE OF SOME STUPID FUCKING REVENGE! I swear on my life that I will drag you through every hell the world has to offer" The 2nd Ice progenitor said as she flattened her tone and took a stance.

"If they died so easily than they weren't fit to be gods" Jean (Black) said as he tried to attack her.

"YOU F-" The 2nd Ice progenitor immediately composed herself and stopped talking as she waited for Jean (Black) to get closer.

"Although she waited for him, Jean (Black) tried to attack first while his mana kept breaking apart on his body and sword. The 2nd Ice progenitor was able effortlessly block his attack and counterattacked him with a punch that was hardened by small and dense slabs of ice but as the ice impacted, it shattered on his chest as if it was glass. As the ice shattered on his chest, some of the broken pieces were forced into his body and nearly cut up his heart.

"Just like most of these low life monsters, you're weak" The 2nd Ice progenitor said just before she punched so hard that it sent him into multiple trees.

"Bite your tongue, bitch" Jean (Black) said in a perplexed tone as the trees spontaneously combusted.

"Such vulgar language is fitting for such a lowly creature" The 2nd Ice progenitor said as she watched Jean (Black)'s body engulfed in flames along with the tree he crashed into.

Believing he died from the raging flames, The 2nd Ice progenitor turned towards the other source of overwhelming mana that was emanating approximately 20 meters away. Just as she started making her way towards the m.e, a heatwave suddenly spread past her before a yellow light flashed throughout the entire forest. Soon after she saw the heatwave and flash of light, another heatwave appeared but this time as the heatwave started spreading, flames were igniting on the grass in the footsteps of the heatwave. And just before the heatwave reached her, The 2nd Ice progenitor instinctively formed a dense sphere of ice around her body which protected her from flames.

"I must pray for Gaia's lost after this battle but I'm sure there is gonna be another calamity. Otherwise there wouldn't be any reason for her light mana to welling up like this" The 2nd Ice progenitor thought before she saw a dim glimmer of light appear in the ice.

Just as the glimmer of light appeared, The 2nd Ice progenitor immediately uses her nictitating membrane to protect her eyes from the light just before the dim glimmer began to rapidly grow in size but her vision was suddenly blanketed by a white flash. As the white light disappeared, The 2nd ice progenitor opened her eyes and to her surprise the entire forest was healed as well as the river like ice.

As the heatwave and flash of light disappeared, Scarlett and Azure's mana transcended far beyond their universe.