
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs


"Aemoura should be the first continent west from here" Jean said as he washed blood off of his hands while releasing some of his m.e.

Jean was inside of the tent Soldier1 was inside, under the sink he was washing his hands in the was a trail of blood leading to a corner with a cot leaking blood. On top of the cot was soldier1's body but unlike how it was before his torso was ripped open and his sternum was standing upright, going through his heart and cot, all of his ribs were piercing some of his other organs. Soldier1's spine was wrapped around his head, squeezing his skull. Only two of his limbs were torn off, his left leg and right arm was sitting under the bed.

Suddenly Azure appeared behind Jean with her wings already sprouted. She noticed the blood trail by his feet that lead to the cot.

"A bit out of character right?" Azure asked as she poked the ribs.

"Yeah I took your advice to keep my mind at bay but I did go too far, especially with keeping him alive at some point" Jean said as he turned the faucet off.

"How come you didn't let me know where your location before you went this far? I know you don't enjoy doing this" Azure asked as she watched him walk out of the tent.

"I was going to but though that I should give it another try…. Never again…. Anyways let's get going" Jean said as he spreader his wings.

Just before Jean and Azure started to fly, they hid their m.es perfectly, at almost as if they never had it.

"I'm gonna send Sefra back to my room in the castle" Jean said as he created a small ball of black mana on his hand and placed it on his stomach.

"Make sure to cut off the tracker" Azure said as a small white circle appeared on her stomach.

[Drausa Kingdom, castle]

"King Elkove didn't give me all the details in fear of having information leaked, so tell me what did he need and don't worry, you can go into detail here without worrying about leaks. It's only you and me" King Drausa said before he felt two familiar m.e inside the castle.

King Drausa immediately created a barrier around the castle so the m.e wouldn't leak and freak the citizens out.

*Knock knock* "Sir, it seems as the 5th and 6th have finally arrived" Butler1 said from the other side of the door.

King Drausa lifted his hand which raised a darkly transparent wall from in front of the door "Let Queen Drausa handle their arrival in the other room, I want no interruption" King Drausa said before he lowered the door. "Alright, no more interruptions 3rd Commander Yolva. You can now start" King Drausa said.

"First, I want to thank you for allowing my presence with you as my king abruptly brought it up without any prior mentioning but without further ado, I'll get into the reason behind my sudden appearance" Commander Yolva said as she bowed her head.

The butler created a door to the Queen's room in the middle of the hallway, as he walked through it, he immediately stepped back as the door swung open.

"Milady, the king has given the task of their arrival to you as he is currently occupied" Butler1 said as he stepped to the side.

"Is everyone inside the residence alright?" Queen Drausa asked.

"Yes, they are all fine as they took your warning and prepared a mind barrier beforehand. Although neither of us expected them to be have such a dense m.e" Butler1 said.

"….At least they accomplished what they set out to do. Take me to their rooms" Queen Drausa said.

The butler grabbed the air and pulled forward which opened a door, on the other side of the door was the two room that belonged to Azure and Jean. As they walked through, they noticed that there was three soldiers one each side of the hallway with weapons aimed at the doors.

"Put your weapons down, it's the 5th and 6th arrival" Queen Drausa said as she waved her hand downwards.

The soldiers immediately stood to the side with their weapon pointed to the floor but they hesitated upon following the order as they hadn't recognized the m.e. As she put her hand on the door, she immediately looked back to the butler.

"Step back" Queen Drausa ordered before she opened the door.

As soon as he was far enough, the soldiers rushed to her side although it was against her word, they still wanted to protect her "prepare yourselves" She said as she didn't mind that they wanted to protect her. Once she opened the door a large wave of m.e hit them like a stone wall which pushed the soldiers into the wall but Queen Drausa looked unaffected by it as she just stood there.

"…. I told you too prepare yourselves" Queen Drausa said as she looked at them.

"Ummm Milady, I only see Master Celes" Butler1 said as he was peeking through one of his doors.

Queen Drausa immediately walked into the looking all around, she noticed that Celes wasn't even awake and put a necklace around him which absorbed his m.e. Then she checked Jean's room, Sefra was also asleep while Jean wasn't in his room either, she put a necklace around Sefra's neck which also absorbed his m.e. Queen Drausa tapped Sefra's back before walking back into Azure's room and tapped Celes's back. As she touched them, their bodies flashed up a baby blue color.

"They look awfully different…. Help me bring them to my room" Queen Drausa asked the six soldiers.

The six soldiers immediately split up and ran into the rooms, the butler opened a door just outside the rooms which led to the front of the Queen's room.

"I mean I appreciate them just doing it without questioning but they don't talk" Queen Drausa said after the soldiers walked through the door.

"It's you" Butler1 said as he walked through the door.

[King Drausa and 3rd Commander Yolva's]

"Fredrick sent his generals to Retotyo and only left two empires to survive, now he's about to go after you" King Drausa said as he was looking over nine pieces of paper.

"Yes, King Elkove, Emperor Trom, and Empress Daldra already created the alliance, their waiting on your decision whether or not you wanna join. Although even if you don't, they'll still carry out their plan to invade that faction" Commander Yolva said.

"I see…. Well I guess it's better if my army invade them before they invade me" King Drausa said.

"He gave you a warning?!" Commander Yolva said in surprise.

"Not yet but I have two people who would be his target when he does decide to invade" King Drausa said.

"Two people?…. Is it the ones with the magic emergence? If it isn't any trouble would you mind telling me what they would targeted for" Commander Yolva asked.

"Yeah my 5th prince and 6th princess. They accidentally destroyed a state and all of its residents. The reason they did it, is quite sensitive" King Drausa said.

"Alright and thank you for sparing the time to talk to meet with me. I should head back to the empire now. Until next time" Commander Yolva said as she tried creating a portal.

"One more thing before you go" King Drausa said.

"It's awkward now…." Commander Yolva thought to herself "Yes?" Commander Yolva said.

"If they only needed 8 people to successfully invade a continent and all of it's nations, what makes them think invading the army of that 8 people would work? You told me even with a warning the empirical continent couldn't beat them. On top of that they only left two empires on the continent, they could've easily destroy those two empires like they did with the other 3" King Drausa asked.

"It's just one army. The only trouble-" Before she could finish her sentence, King Drausa spoke up again.

"No, not 'just one army' it's Fredrick's army. Fredrick the man whose been calculating every step since he formed the army. Did they even think about it? Fredrick went quiet for 7 years and the moment he did make noise it was with 5 of his generals who was strong enough to take out whole nation, they're probably stronger than that" King Drausa said as the portal opened.

"…." Commander Yolva was speechless as she bowed her head before walking through the portal.

"Everything's the same" King Drausa said as he kept staring at 2 pieces of paper.

King Drausa lifted the transparently dark wall, and allowed one of the maids to come in after he put the papers in a folder.

"Sir, the Queen wants you to come to her room immediately" Maid1 said as she waited by the door.

"That's convenient. I need to talk to her as well" King Drausa said as he stood up.

The maid opened up a circular portal which only shown a blue and yellow sky but as they walked through the portal, the sky only appeared like that for a split second before they made it to the other side of the portal where they stood in front of the Queens room. There were two guards standing at the entrance to her room and as they saw King Drausa walked out of the portal, they immediately opened the door.

As the door opened he saw Sefra and Celes laying down on their stomachs, as he got closer he noticed they were even awake as he heard the light snores coming from them. As he was fully inside of the room, guards quickly closed the door and the maid continued on doing what she was doing before.

"Where's Jean and Azure?" King Drausa asked.

"We're probably about to find out" Queen Drausa said as she tapped their heads.

When Queen Drausa tapped their heads, they lit up green but only for a split second as, they both abruptly stopped snoring and picked their heads up, their eyes slowly opened but they squinted them as the light in the room was too bright.

"Do you think they were knocked out by Jean and Azure?" Queen Drausa asked

"They probably were" King Drausa said.

Sefra and Celes were confused as they began looking around, as they started recognizing the room as well as the King and Queen, they immediately stood up.

"Are you two finally awake now?" Queen Drausa asked.

"Yes?" Celes said in a confused

"Okay where's Jean and Azure" King Drausa asked.

"….Aren't they in the castle" Celes said.

"They should've been here with us" Sefra said.

"No they aren't, you both arrived here by yourselves. Shouldn't you be sharing locations" Queen Drausa said.

"…Jean cut his location with me hours ago" Sefra said.

"Yea, same for me but her last location was the Retotyo continent" Sefra said.

King and Queen Drausa stood there wondering why they would go to that continent instead of coming back to castle.

"There isn't anything for them in Retotyo especially with the state it's in now" Queen Drausa said.

"Besides the location of continent which near Aemoura" King Drausa said.

"What would they need from there anyway" Queen Drausa said.

[Aemoura continent, Fredrick's hq]

"When are we gonna invade them?" General Walis asked.

"We aren't, what we did was to provoke them into an alliance so they could invade us" General Jonathan said.

"We have more divisions than they think, so then invading us won't be much of an issue. But that wasn't the first topic of this meeting" Crystal said.

"Then what the hell are we all here for and why the hell is that seat empty isn't Acting General Michael Grendel supposed to be filling in?" Walis said in annoyance.

"I was gonna get to that before you rudely interrupted me. You need to learn some patience…. Anyway you can come and step in now" Fredrick said as he waved to the door.

As the door to the room opened, Jean (Black) walked into the room, with the same badge that had the letter "T" on it.

"As you all know, the 2nd general's was temporarily filled in for several years by his Lieutenant who is currently serving as Acting General, who was relieved of that duty earlier today" Fredrick said as he pulled out a white badge with "G2" on it "He was able to prove his role and power as the 2nd General in my faction by completely overwhelming the Retom Empire by himself without taking any damage but most importantly he was able to take out multiple Ice gods and the ice progenitor, which some of you were barely able to take out two Demigods, his strength and skill is very much needed among us. So I am relieved to say that he has earned his title and seat back" Fredrick said as he handed Jean the "G2" badge.

"I am very much honored" Jean (Black) said as he stuck the badge to the right side of his chest.

As Jean took the badge, the color immediately changed from white to lavender unlike when he had it before when it was just the regular purple color. But Jean quickly took the empty seat soon after.

"Okay, now let's get to the other topic of this meeting" Fredrick said as he sat down.

[Aemoura continent, over 30 miles above New York]

After hours of looking around Jean (White) and Azure finally found the hole but it was too small for them to squeeze, so they needed a way to make it bigger.


"Are you ready?! We're almost at the end. Scene 1 is reaching it's climax" The Black Entity said as he grabbed Regal.