
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Armageddon XII (Finale)

Lucifer immediately grabbed Jean's hand and rotated his body on to it's side, and kneed him in his right rib. Completely breaking his right rib cage while puncturing one of Jean's organ with the spikes on his knee. Lucifer tossed Jean's body up and punched him in the chest, piercing his heart with the spikes on his knuckles which pushed Jean further away from Lucifer.

Jean was able to land on his feet as the wounds regenerated almost immediately, but Lucifer already caught up to him. Lucifer tried to land a punch to his face but Jean blocked the attack. Lucifer immediately tried to throw a left hook aimed for his stomach but Jean quickly pushed himself back.

"For a second there I thought God was stronger than you" Jean said before Lucifer disappeared.

"Him? Stronger than me? You must've been delusional" Lucifer said as he reappeared behind Jean with an attack already aimed for his neck.

Suddenly Lucifer immediately stopped his attack and jumped back as three tentacles flew out of the ground. He started jumping as the three tentacles blocked his view of Jean. Lucifer stopped as he noticed there were no more tentacles but the three that flew out of the ground was charging him.

As the three tentacles were approximately an inch away from Lucifer, he punched one of them to the ground before grabbing two of them by the tip. The two tentacles he grabbed immediately broke down as if they were melting. As the one in his right hand broke down, Jean flew from it pushing his blade towards Lucifer's neck but he immediately caught the blade.

"You have to be quicker than that" Lucifer said as he pulled the blade down.

"Will do" Jean said as he instantly switched to his revolvers.

Lucifer was surprised by the change but quickly adapted to it and tried to throw more attacks at Jean but he already had his pistols aimed for his head. As Jean pulled the trigger, Lucifer noticed he was aiming for his head and himself, making sure to cover his eyes, but it seemed Jean added more power to the bullets as his hands were blown back. As Lucifer's eyes were uncovered, he saw a large blade swinging down on him.

"Unbelievable to blissfully drink from a creator" Father God said as he healed his ears.

"Your only purpose now is to be a fountain, flowing blood out of every hole in your body" Azure said before she disappeared.

"To imagine a world where you rule my precious followers is nothing short of a nightmare" Father God said as he turned around and blocked Azure's attack.

The force from Azure's attack pushed him a couple meters from the door. As soon as he was balanced he looked to where Azure was but she wasn't there anymore. Instead, she was infront of him, pulling her blades down on his neck. Although he was able to block the attack, she was able to pull her blades back and go for another.

Azure strengthened both of her blades with her mana while pushing them towards Father God's neck. However Father God was able to grab both of her wrists, pull Azure towards himself and slam his head right onto her's. As Father God's head slammed into Azure's head a small gash was made causing blood to leak from her forehead

A small "thumping" sound appeared in Azure's head but quickly started to fade before she felt Father God tighten his grip around her wrists. Azure felt the bones in her wrists start squeezing together as Father God raised his foot and pushed it through her stomach. Azure almost lost consciousness but she was able to regenerate her wounds immediately.

Azure stomped her feet into the ground, made sure they were as stable as they could be, two desert eagles appeared in her hands. And even with Father God's hands tightly wrapped around her wrist, she was able to her hands together and aim her pistols at his head.

Father God realized that she was loading stronger bullets into the chamber and immediately pulled his foot away as soon as she finished loading. Although he was able to dodge bullets by disappearing just before she pulled the trigger, the bullets landed about 30 meters away. Upon impact with the ground, it made a large explosion which sent shockwaves throughout Megiddo.

But the explosion was ignored as Father God reappeared and attacked Azure from her side. Although it seemed like he was almost able to land a perfect attack on Azure, as it seemed like she tried to block the attack. Father God's blades passed right through her and Azure appeared in front of him with stronger bullets loaded into the chamber, as he stared down the barrel of her gun. Just as he saw her fingers move Father God immediately pulled his head back to let his armor to tank the attack.

"YOU WORTHLESS FUCKING MUTT, YOU THINK YOUR BETTER THAN ME!" Lucifer said as he caught all of Jean's tentacles.

As the tentacles started breaking down, Jean immediately appeared in front of him with his two handed sword flying towards his head. The speed at which the sword was flying at him was unexpected and all he was able to do was raise his arms so his armor could handle the attack. The force from attack sent him back to the door, where he met up with Father God again.

"We might have to release them…" Father God said as he stood up.

"We do-" Before Lucifer could finish his sentence he felt both Azure and Jean's m.e increase incredibly.

As their m.e increased, the doors disappeared. Jean was bursting with Dark m.e as Azure was with Light m.e.

Jean's wings and horns were completely pitch black, his canines grew sharper and a bit longer as cracks in his horns were made, shining a bright white light which dimmed out only appearing as lines. His "SPE" changed from red and black to black and white. Azure grew four wings which were all a blinding white but dimmed shortly after so gazing upon it was easier, her halo was pure white with black lines appearing on it, half of the light mana in the atmosphere quickly became her eyes as her real eyes seemed colorless they were actually as white as Father God's shield.

"Before we had half a chance probably even less than that but now…" Father God said as he stepped to the door.

"Shut up…. I guess we don't have a choice now, hopefully they'll lend a helping hand to the controllers of both Heaven and Hell" Lucifer said as he turned to the door.

Lucifer put his left hand on a random part and Father God put his right hand on another part. They began pouring their mana into the door which filled the gaps separating each symbol.

"These forms don't really fit us…. Do they?" Jean asked as he look at Azure.

"For you not really but for me… it's kinda contradicting" Azure said as she looked over to the door.

As Azure looked over at Father God and Lucifer, she immediately tried to go after them, Jean also tried to follow behind her but they were too late as the door already opened sending out a overwhelmingly strong gust of wind which pushed both Jean and Azure away from the door.

The door which opened four ways corresponding to the symbols on it, opened with two seemingly neutral m.es bursting out. As they got stable footing on the ground they saw four entities appeared at the door way.

Four entities each corresponding to symbols which were engraved into the door. The first entity came out with a black ripped up robe which covered his body from head to toe, he was carrying a scythe while riding upon a pale and bony horse. The second was a knight in red armor from head to toe, riding on a blood red horse which leaked blood from it's mouth and eyes. The third was clad in white armor from head to toe, riding on a majestic horse with a bow on his back. And lastly the fourth one rode a black horse while a black cloak covered his body, he carried one potion which hung from his hip.

"We've been summoned?" The black robe entity asked.

"It appears so" The white knight answered.

"It appears the time has come, we must follow the orders of the lord of one the realms" The red knight said.

"Yes, to protect the realms, we must do as the lord commands" The entity in a black cloak replied

As they walked out of the door way, they looked down to see who had opened the door and release them. As they locked eyes with Father God, he spoke up "Help us defeat them and protect the homeland of which you were born on" he said as he pointed to Azure and Jean.

"…" Neither of them let a word escape their mouths as they looked at Jean and Azure walked towards them.

As Azure and Jean noticed the four horsemen were slowly approaching them, they put their guard although something was telling there was no need for it. The four horsemen noticed their hostility and put their weapons to the side.

"What the hell?!" Lucifer said as he look at Father God.

"Don't worry they won't betray us…. Hopefully" Father God said as he tightened his gripped on his short swords.

As Father God disappeared and reappeared behind Azure while swinging his blades down to her neck, Lucifer had done the same but reappeared behind Jean with his attack in motion. Although Azure and Jean gripped their weapons were ready to counter Father God's and Lucifer's attack.

"Bang" A slight sound was heard before the ground suddenly rose up which pushed the attacks and the attackers away.

As Jean and Azure were surprised, they immediately looked back at the four horsemen who were already less than a feet away from them.

"Our duty is to protect the holy lands and cursed floors, and follow the orders of the lords governing each land" The black robe entity said as his scythe was standing upright.

The four horsemen bowed their heads along with their horses. Bowing to Jean and Azure.

"We are the four horsemen of the apocalypse born to protect and serve the lands which is commonly referred as Heaven and Hell. And to serve as medium for humans who believe in my religion a path to the afterlife, I am Death: The first horsemen" Death said.

"I am to serve as a door to the path for humans who lost, I am War: the second horseman" War said.

"I am to serve as the lock for humans who won, I am Conquer: the third horseman" Conquer said.

"And finally I am to serve as a key to the humans with nothing, I am Famine: the fourth horseman" Famine said.

Azure and Jean stood there dumbfounded as they had no words or questions. Death raised his head and noticed they were a bit confused.

"We only protect the land and serve it's lords, the land which is now in your possession we must protect and serve you. With that being said, what would have us do?" Death asked.

Both Jean and Azure created a small ball of mana on the palm of their hands before walking up to the four horseman "Nothing" Azure said as she placed her hands on Death and War's head, Jean also placed his hand on Conquer and Famine's head.

As the balls of mana started swallowing the four horsemen, they didn't try to fight it instead they just accepted it as a way of serving their lords but as they were being swallowed without putting up a fight Azure seemed mad and disgusted as her hands quivered a bit.

Jean noticed as the walls dropped, Lucifer and Father God appeared already going for an attack. As Azure was just standing there with a disgusted look on her face just looking at the spot Death and War were recently bowing, not paying attention to Father God.

Jean landed a kick on Lucifer's stomach which blew him away, then he immediately got to Azure's side and landed a kick on Father God's head which was also able push him away.

"You still have one more target left, you could get as much blood from him as you want and we still have something to do after this" Jean said as he switched to his katana.

As Jean waited for her response Lucifer appeared next to him going for an attack which was faster than his previous one but it wasn't fast enough as Jean dodged it and swung his sword towards towards his neck.

With his blade less than a inch away from his neck, Father God appeared behind Jean, swinging his short sword down on his head to try and stop him from landing his attack on Lucifer but Azure immediately pushed up towards him. She deflected the attack and slit his neck as her blades started cutting through Father God's flesh, Jean's blade already cut through Lucifer's neck.

Although Azure's blades barely missed Father God's cervical spine, she pulled his head back and sliced right through it. Then she pulled her hand back and was able to cut right through the rest of the flesh that connected his head to his body.

"So the last thing for us to do here is devour them and this place" Azure said as a large ball of light appeared behind her.

"Yeah and next we go back to the ship…." Jean said as his shadow started expanding.