
The immortal: Jean

They don't know of each other's existence, despite that they share one ultimate goal, kill the one person who split them. But if they meet will they show hostility towards one another or will they become allies? Original work of SLOTH_LUCCI

SOLUCCIE_ · Fantasy
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110 Chs

Armageddon III (Hell) 2/2

"So that's why Bel challenged you for his sword and it seems like it already bonded with you too"  Satan said.

"Satan, if it makes six more noises than I'll be mindless until I can eat him" Beezlebub said as he rushed Jean.

"Go for his soul and don't worry about destroying his body" Satan said.

"They really are nothing like humans" Jean said as the lines all over his body grew rigid.

Once Beezlebub threw an attack Jean waited until it got close enough and when it was he kicked it into the ground, after Jean landed on his club and tried to attack Beezlebub's head, his attack was faster and seemed more focused but he saw Satan appear in the corner of his left eye, he pulled the sword up although he managed block Satan's attack the force of the impact blew him away. His body bumped the ground a couple of time before he was able to land on his feet.

~GRRR~ Beezlebub was behind with his stomach rumbling and his attack already in line to swing across Jean's body but he dodged the attack and he threw an attack back and this time he had enough stregnth to fully cut through. He went for another attack aiming for Beezlebub's neck but just before it reached the skin on his neck, he turned his head to him and open his mouth which had millions of razor sharp teeth in rotation, as the blade of Jean's sword and the edge of his mouth mouth were about to collide, Satan threw his sword at Jean, it went through and he was sent flying.   towards the stairs but before he reached the bubble, Satan appeared above him, kicked the handle of his sword making it cut Jean's head off, then his kicked his body to the ground, then he kick his body to the ground. His body landed 4 feet away from the bubble, and his head 3 feet away.

~GRRRMMMM~ Beezlebub's rumbling stomach was heard from where they were standing and it was also barely shaking the ground.

"4 more times" Satan said before he heard something move around.

"Damn... I don't like fighting naked like this" Jean said as his body fully healed.

When Jean's body was fully regenerated, the black lines on his body grew more agitated but they also grew tighter on his skin, bringing more memories that spoiled his mood even more.

"We really do need to destroy your soul" Satan said.

~GRRRRMMM~ Beezlebub's stomach ranged throughout both the fifth and seventh floor 6 times while shaking the whole sixth floor.

"What the hell was that?" Jean said before he was hit in his side.

Beezlebub had appeared behind Jean and hit him with his spiked club upon impact Jean's arm and ribcage was broken it sent him flying towards the edge of the floor. Some of his bones was poking through his body as others were piercing his organs such as, his large and small intestines, his stomach, lung, and his heart.

"Son of a bit-" Before Jean could finish his sentence Beezlebub started hitting him over and over again with his spiked club.

When Beezlebub thought Jean was finally dead, he went to eat him, but Jean stopped his mouth from getting any closer by putting his hand on his upper and bottom lip but Beezlebub focused all of his weight into his head, forcing himself onto Jean. With all of his weight, Jean wasn't able to hold him up and he ended up collapsing but as soon as he tried closing his mouth Jean lodged the sword into Beezlebub's mouth so he wouldn't close it as he started clawing away at the back of his throat with claws made of his mana, he made sure they were as sharpened as they could be and with as much stregnth as he can put into.

When he climbed out of his mouth, Satan was already standing in front of him, trying to go for another attack but as the blade was next to Jean's neck, he used mana hardened his neck and turned his claws into armour reaching up to his elbow but they were for no reason as Satan sliced the mid part of his head off and kicked it away. He walked in front of Beezlebub and dropped Jean's severed body infront of him.

"Beez eat this, you'll probably calm down" Satan said.

Like a dog Beezlebub started chomping away at it disgustingly, not even Satan was able to watch him tear away at the severed body but when he was finished there was only a pool blood that quickly froze up and he stood up sniffing the air while walking around, he was looking for Jean and when his nose fixed on his scent, his eyes immediately targeted him.

Jean standing there looking at his already regenerated body, the liquid seeped into his pores for a little bit and when it popped back on to his skin it was completely different, he had one large circle in the center of his body, it looking like a hole with no start or end, the same agitated lines from earlier were still apparent on his body and they were leading to much smaller circles. There were some that were disconnected from the large hole that were only on his face which seemed like great cuts, his eyes also kept the black liquid but the lines were no longer apparent instead, they created an extra iris in each eye that connected to his optical nerves. But Jean seemed to be looking at them as if they were troublesome and suddenly they started rotating like cogs and growing much, much, much more tighter, almost as if they were trying to be engraved into his skin with them rotating at an increasing speed, steam started releasing from his body.

"Are you just gonna stare at him" Satan said after he pulled the sword out.

"...cooking..." Beezlebub mumbled.

"Huh?" Satan said as he put his ear closer.

"He cooking himself for me" Beezlebub said with a satisfied face.

"AAAHHH!!" Jean yelled as he collapsed and rolled on the ground, his yells ringed nonstop throughout the sixth floor.

"That's stupid, it's just his mana reacting to the amount of Dark blood in the air" Satan said as he tried rushing Jean.

Just after his foot moved something pushed his head into the ground "Let... food cook" Beezlebub said as foam flooded from his mouth.

"Alright, alright, I'll let your food cook, get off of me" Satan said as his blade pressed up against Beezlebub's neck.

Once Beezlebub let go of him and Satan pulled his sword to his side, Jean stopped yelling, Beezlebub looked to him with that same satisfied expression, Satan was still holding Belphegor's sword but it started pulling away from him, he kept a tight grip around it until spikes released from the hilt and stabbed him continuously, he quickly let go after being stabbed over 500 times, it flew towards with it's blade facing him but it instantly flipped, having it's handle face, when Jean grabbed it he had blood flowing back into his body after the black liquid finished throwing a tantrum.

"Stop saying this is the Sloth's sword, it's mines so keep your hands away from it" Jean said.

"Are you done?" Belphegor said as his stomach rumbled and he appeared behind Jean.

"These things added more space to my stomach so now I'm starving" Jean thought as he attacked him.

Beezlebub tried blocking the attack but upon impact he was sent flying away, Satan also tried tried attacking him but he disappeared. Jean appeared next to Beezlebub with his sword pointing at his temple, he started to slowly insert his blade into his head as if he was waiting for something but he quickly disregarded whatever he was looking for when Beezlebub grabbed him, Jean pushed his sword into Beezlebub's head and from the inside he sliced the top of his head off and quickly without thought just started cutting it into peices until all that was left was neck.

"You didn't help him this time?" Jean asked as he walked up to Beezlebub's unconscious body.

"No, I had faith that he would eat you but... what the fuck are you doing" Satan said as he watched the black liquid on Jean's body flowing on to Beezlebub.

"I'm hungry..." Jean said as the black liquid fully covered Beezlebub's body.

"I see" Satan said as he looked around.

"Are you not going to stop me" Jean said as he turned Beezlebub into a small ball.

"..." Satan stood behind Jean with his face as twisted as it ever was.

"...You piss me off" Jean said after he ate the ball and had the black liquid wrap around the peices of Beezlebub's head.

"Huh?!" Satan shouted in anger.

"You had ample time to save your friend but you didn't, you had much time to strike me and you still have that time but you don't do it, if I was you, I wouldn't let up on the attack until I carved my friend out of you" Jean said as the balls of black liquid crowded his hand.

"I learned from him that I shouldn't interrupt a demon's meal time" Satan said as his eyes got watery.

"....But you were about to strike me down.... is that the reason, your excuse why you didn't try to save your friend?" Jean asked after he ate the black liquid balls.

"An excuse?, I get it now, you see me standing here watching my friend get devoured and not even my sole reason for it, you think it's an excuse, is it because you lacked the ability to save your precious friends.... a death is a death there is no need to stop it from happening especially when the person dying is a demon/devil there also, me calling him my friend was just a replacement word for acquaintance as I was too lazy to say it, yeah that's it, he wasn't anything but an acquaintance at any moment we would've snapped at each other and targeted our heads, soul, or even our sacred treasure" Satan said.

"It's amazing despite what some humans think, it's nothing but hypothesizes of course it is, they never met the real thing, they only heard the rumors to get them on the side of god, Demons, Devils, Humans... and Me, we all have emotions, no matter what form it's in, no matter who it is, we are all practically the same" Jean said as he walked to Beezlebub's club.

"We are different. Much different. We look, act, and dress different, the levels and titles tell our stories, while you are all on the same level, no there isn't a level, besides you there isn't any human alive that can breathe the air here, it's probably because of that damn hound you got" Satan said as he kicked the club away.

"His name is Sefra not hound and I guess your right about that we are all completely different, I guess" Jean said.

"We talked for too long" Satan said as he tried to attack.

"I enjoyed it... a little, nonetheless make one mistake and you lose" Jean said as he blocked the attack.

The impact from the attack blew Jean approximately 10 meters away but as he was still in mid air, Satan appeared above him and and tried to hit him, but Jean blocked the force from the attack, however, it pushed him to the ground.

"I hate this step so much, it always brings out the worst memories" Jean thought as he dodged an attack.

When Satan threw another attack, Jean dodged it again and realizing that raising his blade will take too long, he landed a kick on Satan's chin, knocking him back, and stabbed Satan's left thigh, he twisted it and pushed it out through the side of his leg, leaving one half that resembled a broken down bridge of skin and muscle, he stomped on the other half, and broke completely through it, without letting up on the his attacks, Jean punched a hole through his chest then finally, he gently placed his blade on Satan's, and in one perfect, swift and precise motion, pulled back and sliced his head.... the black liquid came back and surrounded the unconscious demon.

Jean whistled and whistled until he ran out of breath, Sefra came flying down with a broken chin, fractured wing, his right eyeball hanging from it's socket, and blood dripping from his ears.

"I CA (can) HEAR YOU FIE (fine), STOP WHISLIG (whistling)" Sefra said not knowing how loud he was.

Jean let out a ball of mana from his hand and put in front of Sefra, he looked around and saw that Jean had finally dealt with the two Demons. When Sefra ate the ball of mana, all of his wounds healed.

"Thank you and sorry for not being able to help" Sefra said as he lowered his head.

"It's fine but I didn't think, he had landed a hit like that" Jean said as be walked to his clothes.

"Yeah the impact fucked me up and knocked me out for while" Sefra said.

"Hmm, who is next?" Jean asked as the black liquid disappeared from his body only leaving engravings.

"The next one is Leviathan aka the demon of envy" Sefra said.