
The Immortal Hero

In a world where Percy Jackson lived an ordinary mortal life, completely oblivious to the realms of mythology, the Fates make an unprecedented mistake. When Percy's life string accidentally slips through their fingers and plunges into the cosmic void, his destiny takes an unexpected turn. As a result, Percy is granted immortality, and the Fates, determined to rectify their error, bestow upon him extraordinary gifts. Now an immortal being with a mortal past, Percy finds himself at the center of a cosmic game, tasked with fixing the messes created by both the Fates and the bumbling gods of Olympus. Armed with newfound powers and an intimate knowledge of the mortal world, Percy embarks on quests to restore balance and order.

Phantom_M0narch · Book&Literature
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

I used to be an ordinary kid that went to Yancy Academy.

If you're reading this, it means you might be on the same path I once walked. I'm urging you to pay attention. The tale I'm about to recount is no work of fiction. It's the unadulterated truth. Take heed as you proceed.

My life wasn't always entangled with the extraordinary. I was just another student, blending in with the crowd. But everything changed one day. 

Please, consider my words carefully. The world you know might not be the complete picture. There's a hidden layer, a realm of myths and monsters, gods and demigods. Once you catch a glimpse of it, there's no turning back.

I've walked that treacherous path, and now I'm here to share my experiences, to guide those who might be facing a similar destiny. Brace yourself. The journey ahead is perilous, and the challenges you'll face are beyond imagination. But with knowledge comes power, and with power comes a chance to defy the odds.

So, dear reader, be cautious and be ready. The truth I'm about to unveil is both a gift and a burden. What you do with it will shape your fate in ways you can't yet fathom.

My name is Percy Jackson, I am 12 years old. Formerly just a student at Yancy Academy, I was a normal kid, and now I hold the memories of over a million different lifes.

As I stand at this crossroads of reality and myth, I feel the responsibility to share my story, my choices, and the consequences that unfolded. It's a narrative that defies the limits of the ordinary and thrusts you into a realm where the extraordinary becomes your new normal. Walk with me through the pages that follow, and together, let's navigate the intricate threads of destiny that have woven my life into something greater, and perhaps, guide yours to the same.

<--------------------------- >

"Perseus, if I could have your attention, please?" my teachers voice called me back to the present, pulling me out of my daze. He had just wrapped up his talk about the First Titanomachy.

"I apologize sir, can you please repeat what you had asked?" I replied, my mind still struggling to catch up.

"Why does mythology matter in real life and please give me an example." Mr. Brunner asked as he leaned on his wheelcair.

"Mythology matters in real life because it reflects cultural beliefs, values, and human experiences, offering insights into our collective history and providing a framework for understanding complex concepts and emotions." I answered. getting a nod from my dad

"Take the tale of Kronos eating his children" I continued. "The myth of Kronos eating his children from Greek mythology provides a powerful metaphor for the passage of time and the inevitability of change. Kronos, fearing a prophecy that one of his children would overthrow him, devours his offspring. This myth symbolizes the cycles of life, where the older generation makes way for the new. In real life, this myth can serve as a reminder that change is a natural and unavoidable part of existence, encouraging us to embrace transformation and growth rather than resist it."

Mr. Brunner's raised eyebrow caught my attention, and his response held a mysterious tone. "Perfect answer, full marks my boy!"

Leaving the , I made my way back to my dormitory. As I delved into my studies, the room seemed to cocoon around me. Books and notes held my attention, the soft rustle of pages turning creating a rhythm of focus. But that serenity was shattered in an instant. Agony erupted throughout my body, searing and relentless. It felt as if I was engulfed in flames, my very existence consumed by the inferno.

My vision blurred, my surroundings distorted by the intensity of the pain. My gasps for air were swallowed by the overwhelming sensation. It was a torment that defied all description, a torment that left me on the precipice of my endurance.

And then, just as abruptly as it began, the pain receded. It withdrew like a retreating tide, leaving me sprawled on the floor, gasping for breath. Sweat coated my skin, my body trembling from the ordeal. I struggled to make sense of what had just transpired, my mind a whirlwind of confusion.

As I lay there, trying to regain my composure, a brilliant light spilled across the room. It was blinding, a stark contrast to the dim lighting of the dormitory. Blinking rapidly, I shielded my eyes, the afterimage of pain still fresh in my senses.

As the bright light faded away, my vision slowly returned, revealing three women who seemed to have stepped right out of a fashion magazine. Tall and elegant, their presence was otherworldly, like a dream manifested in reality. Their eyes seemed to hold the wisdom of the ages. They all wore greek chitons and golden sandles, their black hair was long and fell down their shoulder in waves.

"Perseus Jackson, I am Clotho the spinner. " Clotho stepped forward as she spoke, her voice carrying a weight that transcended mere words. "We are the Fates, the ones that control the fabric of fate and destiny and we have come to seek your help."

"I am Lachesis the Allotter" Lachesis explained. "What you mortals don't know is that a world exists hidden from your sight, a world of gods and monsters, hidden by a viel called the mist."

"My name is Atropos the unturnable," The third Fate, Atrophos, her gaze unwavering, answered, "Your fate has been altered, your life-line stolen from our grasp. You exist outside our control, beyond the influence of destiny. This makes you uniquely capable of righting our mistakes and those of the gods themselves. We offer you a chance to mend the threads of fate and restore balance."

Their words hung in the air, heavy with consequence. After a moment of contemplation, I found my voice again. "Stolen by who?" The three fates caughed and looked away as Clotho answered slowly.

"Actually, not really stolen, more like it dissinagrated into ash?" Clotho admitted looking away. "So basically you kinda became immortal?" I looked at the three before I slowly came to a thought.

"Hold on, so your saying you were careless and probably dropped my life-line, the golden thread somewhere dangerous causing that crazy pain I had felt, and when I didn't die and became an... Immortal. You three decided to give me a job to fix all the gods problems?"

"Uh... basically?" Atrophos replied shrugging only for the other two to slap her behind her head.

"Ugh, fine, so how does this job actually work? I assume I gain some power or weapon that will allow me to become stronger?"

"You exist outside our control, beyond the influence of destiny. This makes you uniquely capable of righting our mistakes and those of the gods themselves. We offer you a chance to mend the threads of fate and restore balance." Clotho answered, lying in my bed. "You will train and become stronger and over time we shall give you a mission to complete and everytime you complete a quest you shall be rewarded with gifts."

"So I complete a quest and gain gifts, I agree but I am human, I don't even have powers."

Clotho, stepped forward. "We actually created a power that is unique just for you. So we present to you the Asus System, a tool of great power that will aid you on your journey."

She placed her hand on my forehead and I felt a flare of energy surge through me as a screen appeared infront of me floating. 

Welcome to the Asus System, please state your name.

"Uhm, there is this floating screen asking for my name." I responded slowly. 

"Well, go ahead. we will wait for you to set up the system." Atropos answered. 

"Uhm okay." I turned back to the screen. "Perseus Jackson."

Name registered. Running tests.... 10% completed..... 40% completed..... 65% complested.....70% completed.....89% completed....90%completed.....100% completed.

Welcome Perseus Jackson to the Asus System. Your starting stats have been registered, all known skills have been accounted for. 

To begin the tour and learn how the system runs, select Start. {Start} {Ignore}

I clicked Start and the screen changed. 

<Voice Commands>

Status Window is a voice command that brings up a window that shows the characters status (name, class, Health Points (HP), Mana Points (MP), level, attributes, title, money and attribute points). Attributes that can be increased via points gained from leveling:

Strength (STR) (Increases physical strength, muscle power)

Vitality (VIT) (Increases HP or health regeneration)

Dexterity (DEX) (Speed)

Intelligence (INT) (Increases MP)

Wisdom (WIS) (Increase mana resistance)

Magic Resistance increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.

Mana Regeneration increases by 1% every 10 WIS points.

Luck (LUK)

Attributes that can not be directly increased via points gained from leveling:

Physical resistance

Mana (MP)

Mana Regeneration (MR)

Magic Resistance

Health (HP)

Inventory Window: is a voice command that brings up a window that shows all the items he has obtained and stored including the clothes he wears and the weapons he has obtained and equipped. This is seen as a dimensional magic ability.

Skill List Window is a voice command that brings up a window with list of all the skills he has learned. When the skill icon is selected it shows all the current information of that skill.

Options Window is a voice command that brings up the options menu.

"Alright, lets start, open Status Window."

Name: Perseus Jackson

Age: 12

Level: 1

XP: 0/1,000

Title: the Immortal Gamer

Species: Human

HP: 100/100


Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

Luck: 10

Points: 10

Money: $150/ D0

"Okay, Thats a good start. Open Skill Window."

<Skills >

Gamer's Mind LVL. Max: Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through. Allows peaceful state of mind. Immunity to mental disorder.

Gamer's Body. LVL Max: Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. Sleeping in a bed restores HP, MP and all mass effects.

"Alright both look really good. Great anything else?"

"Nope tha should be it." Clotho replied. As the screen changed. 

Log in reward completed.




+5 Health Potion

+5 Mana Potion

+Leather armor

+Starter Sword

+Skill: Observe

I closed out of the tap and pulled up the skill Observe.

Observe. LVL 1: allowing the user to quickly gather information. The higher the skill, the greater the data obtained.

"Wow, this will be greatly useful." I turned to the three fates and used the skill on them. 

Lachesis, the Allotter. LVL. ????

Atropos, the Unturnable. LVL. ????

Clotho, the Spinner. LVL. ????

Lachesis, the Allotter, chuckled softly. "Awe are ytou trying to get a peak? Careful if the person is at a too high level they will know what you are doing. Do it to the wrong person and they will kill you, so be careful."

Atropos, the Unturnable, nodded in agreement. "My sister is right. And as a gift, we will each give you a skill that shall help you in your mission's."

Clotho raised her hand, and my skill screen popped up she literally used her finger to write in a new skill in a golden cursive. "The first skill is mine to give. I give you the skill, Skill Copy. Starting at level 1. With it you will be able to see other's innate talent and copy it for yourself."

Lachesis continued, her gaze unwavering as she did just as her sister. "The second skill is called Instant dungeon Create. A passive skill at Max level. Used to create instant dungeons. Stronger instant dungeons may be created according to level."

"And finally," Atropos added, "the third and last skill qill be... Beast Taming. Starting at level 1. It is a skill that will allow you to control or tame animals."

"Wow, what a veriaty of skills. Uhm... thanks? So, was that everything I'll need on this journey?"

Clotho nodded. "Precisely. It's a tool that will evolve and adapt to your needs, a gift from us to aid you in the tasks ahead."

Lachesis stepped closer, her gaze piercing through me. "But remember, Perseus Jackson, power is a double-edged sword. It can be a boon and a burden. Use these gifts wisely, and never underestimate the use of something, use your imagination."

As their words settled in, the Fates shared a knowing glance. Their presence seemed to fade slightly, the edges of their forms blurring, as if they were preparing to leave.

Atropos spoke, her tone carrying a weight of finality. "Every now and then we well notify you of a task you'll need to complete. Upon completion of the task we will reward you with gifts that will help your journey."

With that, the Fates began to recede, their forms fading like mist in the morning sun. But before they vanished entirely, Clotho's voice echoed in the air, a final piece of advice that lingered. "Remember, young mortal, the choices you make will shape not only your destiny but the fate of the world itself."

And then, in an instant, they were gone, leaving me with the Asus Gear 6 in my hand and a world of possibilities before me. As I stared at the device, I couldn't help but feel a mixture of excitement and trepidation. The journey ahead promised adventure, danger, and discovery. It was a path I couldn't ignore, a destiny I was now bound to fulfill.

I stood in my now empty room, as I closed the systems screens. "What a day."