
The Immortal Fate Series: The Solar King's Fate

Fate. Destiny. Something so intangible and abstract, yet it controls your life and drives your decisions. The question consistently remains. How does one conquer something that they cannot change? Something that cannot be understood, something that can't be seen or touched. How does one change Fate itself? The Andarwil Continent, home to a myriad of races patronized by the Gods. The aloof mages, the proud dragons, the cold vampires, the hot-blooded werewolves and the powerful hybrids. All are welcomed on this continent. All except of course..... Volume 1 : The Solar King's Fate 17 year old Soteria had always spent her days at the Moon Lake Clan in suffering, thinking she would never escape them. Now, thanks to a series of unfolding events, Soteria is finally being led to the answers she has always wanted, and to the person she'd always seen in her dreams. But will the answers she seeks give her happiness, or will they ruin the paradise she has finally obtained for herself? The only thing she could be sure of, was that humbling a king was hard work.   Volume 2 : How To Tame a Dragon (Prince) Aletheia had always wanted to know where she came from. She finally got the answers she so desperately sought. However, that was only the beginning. Now she must deal with the problems arising from her parentage and find a way to tame a dragon before they both go up in flames. When the fate of an entire empire depends on them, just how much fire could Aletheia take? Well, the easiest way to subdue fire was always water.    Volume 3: A Princess' Reluctant Mate Alexia finally woke up, back in her own body. Knowing she had only a limited time to save her mate before all hell broke loose (literally), she rushed to the Artanes Empire to find him. But how can she convince him that she is who she says she is when he watched her die in his arms before? Volume 4: TBA Participating in the 'My Werewolf Lover and I' competition. I hope you guys like it. If you do, please support me. Feedback is also appreciated. Warning: Some sexual content Some abusive language and actions Please be advised accordingly. This is the first book I've ever written so feedback is appreciated. Thanks for checking it out!

Missa_Collingwood · Fantasy
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211 Chs

A Ticking Time bomb

After a moment of silence, Anthon, who was staring at them leaving, asked, "Who was the girl who fell unconscious?"


He was sure that it was her who let out that surge of power, but he wasn't completely certain since the girl with her also had the same feeling about her. He was relatively certain of that. They both possibly had incredibly pure bloodlines, which meant that their potential would be unmatched.


"You mean Soteria?" Nathan replied," She is just an orphan we took care of. She is basically the pack's 'slave' since she does everything for us without being paid."



Anthon grimaced. What a shitty person. Who tells people something like that with no shame? She's an orphan and she basically takes care of all of you and yet you look down on her? Not to mention he had such poor potential and a pitifully higher bloodline than the rest of them which was the sole reason he was able to become Alpha. Did he really think that gave him the right to look down on others? He couldn't even recognize the true potential of those girls there. Yes, those. What initially attracted him was Soteria's overwhelming bloodline but for some reason, the girl with her...



"Is the girl who carried her a cousin of hers?" 



"Huh? Not at all.Estelle's parents moved here just after she was born. They don't really know each other. " Nathan replied. 



That was odd, Anthon thought to himself. Their bloodlines resonated. He could tell. It was almost as though Estelle's bloodline had lain dormant or was suppressed until Soteria's activated just a while ago. That only happens to members of the royal family. Basically, only lineal descendants of the Lunar Queen. Their bloodlines often stayed dormant until eighteen because of the power they contained. It consistently adjusts the body for those years to allow them to safely awaken their power. 



"How old are they?" If they were under eighteen, it would mean that his speculation was headed in the right direction. He felt himself becoming more and more excited at the possibilities. Once he was certain, there was so much room for maneuvering. To do that, he needed them both.



Nathan looked at Anthon, surprised. Could it be that he wanted them both? "They are both currently seventeen years old," he answered. "May I ask why you wanted to know?" Could it be that the Clear Moon Alpha had particular tastes? They were both sweaty and dirty from the cooking and from being on the ground. Why would he still find them attractive at this point? Was it that he simply liked younger girls? 



"Can I have them?"



Now, Nathan was indeed taken aback, but he was also excited. It seemed he really did like them. Using two girls to exchange for the protection they'd enjoy under the Clear Moon Clan was definitely worth it. Just as he was about to agree, he was interrupted by his son.



"Father, you can't give Soteria away. I refuse to allow it. She is mine!"



Salana shook her head. She didn't understand her son's obsession with that ugly little mutt. She could see that her mate had almost struck a deal with Anthon so she pulled at Nathaniel, leading him away. He shook her off.



"She is mine. She's always been mine and you know that," he continued. 



"Well, I'll leave you two to settle whatever you need to. Let me know when you make your decision. Also, I hope that they'll be willing, not forced."



Nathan's face twisted at that point. Was he supposed to leave it to chance? Who cared about the fate of two little girls when the good of the clan was at stake.




Anthon could see the thoughts in Nathan's head through his eyes. That was why he tacked on the additional condition. He wasn't a trafficker or something. Why would he want them against their wills? He was known for his ruthlessness but that was toward enemies. People who meant harm to him and his clan. Not children. Yes, to him they were children. Perhaps it was because he was over 200 years old while they were only seventeen years old. 



He continued to ruminate over what took place earlier as they went back to their seats to resume their meal. After an hour or so of idle chat while eating, they were finally finished. 



"In any case, this has been a lovely dinner. I sneak for my Clan when I say it was well enjoyed," Anthon said while rising from his chair. "We should do this again." Not too soon though because I can't stand you,  he thought.




"We are certainly happy that you enjoyed it. It was our honor to have you grace us with your presence here," Nathan responded with a smile. "As to the other topic of conversation, I'll get back to you within a few days."




Anthon simply nodded in agreement. He had already warned Nathan so he should do anything stupid. 




Nathan on the other hand was overjoyed. They exchanged a few greetings and soon left. The clan members present breathed sighs of relief that everything went well and he was pleased with the result.  



Soon, Nathan thought to himself. Soon we will have the backing necessary so no one will be able to covet our land. I just need to deal with that mutt and Estelle. 




Just as he was giving out orders for the patrols, he remembered the time bomb he had ticking in his pack. His son. If he wasn't dealt with correctly, the entire thing would turn into a big mess. 




He sighed. What a big mess and over a stupid little girl of all things. How should he handle this, he mused. Salana would just make the situation worse, he was well aware of that.



"Let's just talk to him first and move from there," he decided. 




Song for this chapter is Fall Out Boys- Light Them Up....

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