

~there was war between family and top powerhouse in high-tier world Ye family was destroyed the head of ye family ask this only son take this storage ring everything our family obtained is here , inheritance of The great Ye family, treasure,money, spirit stone, go and create Ye family that stronger than our enemy and take revenge for us this portal will take you to middle tier world or low tier world this is only way you can be alive ----- MC : if I have golden finger or system I don't have to sapure like this and my father and family don't have died like this ----- [ding] [ding] [ding] [ Immortal family system activated ] MC : "system what I need to become immortal" host : go and give birth your child or descendants every one of your blood descendants born you will level one small realm every time and gain treasure and etc... MC : what *\0/*

MrVillain · Eastern
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4 Chs


[Cultivation level/rank] :

(low tier world)

-body tempering/body refinement are same

-Qi gathering/refining are same

-foundation establishment

-core formation/crystallization


(middle tier world)

-golden core

-nascent soul

-soul formation

-soul transformation


(High tier world)

-body integration

-body transcendence tribulation


-Earth lord ( can travel in space)

-earth king

-earth emperor (can travel to spirit world)

-earth great emperor


(spirit world)

-spirit lord

-spirit king

-spirit emperor


(heaven world)

-heaven lord

-heavenly king

-heaven emperor

-heaven great emperor


(divine world)

-divine Lord

-divine king

- divine emperor

-divine great emperor


(immortal world)

- half immortal


-1 to 12 tier immortal


[Spirit stone level] :

-low tier stone

-middle tire stone

-high tire stone

-top tire stone

-super tire stone

-earth crystal

-spirit crystal

-heaven crystal

-divine crystal

-immortal crystal


[pill /weapon/talisman/formation/spiritual food and others] :

-low tier

-middle tier

-high tier

-top tier

-super tier

-earth level

-spirit level

-heaven level

-divine level

-immortal level


[cultivation technique rank] :

-low tier technique

-middle tire technique

-high tire technique

-top tire technique

-super tire technique

-earth level technique

-spirit level technique

-heaven level technique

-divine level technique

-immortal level technique
