
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs


Kai stood before Black, his eyes filled with anticipation as the martial arts book was placed in his hands. He felt a surge of excitement course through his veins, eager to uncover the secrets contained within the pages.

Black: "This is the sacred tome of the Silat Two-Sword style, Kai. Within its ancient pages lie the knowledge of 14 forms, each possessing its own distinct power and purpose. Allow me to reveal the names of these forms to you."

Kai nodded, his focus sharpened as he prepared to absorb the wisdom that awaited him.

Black: "The 14 forms of the Silat Two-Sword style are as follows:

1.Dancing Blades

2.Whirling Tempest

3.Twin Serpents

4.Thundering Strikes

5.Celestial Harmony

6.Shattering Waves

7.Rising Phoenix

8.Crescent Moon

9.Swift Shadow

10.Storm's Embrace

11.Radiant Fury

12.Flowing River

13.Echoing Thunder

14.Eternal Balance"

As the names rolled off Black's tongue, Kai could already envision the fluid movements and intricate techniques associated with each form. He knew that mastering these forms would require dedication, focus, and unwavering determination.

Black then turned his attention to Seraphina, handing her the martial arts book of Silat Spear techniques.

Black: "Seraphina, this is the compendium of the revered Silat Spear style. Within its pages lie the wisdom of 9 forms, each representing a different facet of spear combat. Let me reveal their names to you."

Seraphina accepted the book with reverence, her eyes scanning the titles that held the essence of her future prowess.

Black: "The 9 forms of the Silat Spear style are as follows:

1. Piercing Gale

2. Leaping Dragon

3. Swift Serpent

4. Thundering Skies

5. Dancing Flames

6. Whispering Shadows

7. Blossoming Lotus

8. Eternal Serenity

9. Radiant Storm"

As Seraphina absorbed the names, she could almost feel the energy of the spear coursing through her veins. Each form held the promise of strength, agility, and precision, qualities she would strive to embody.

With the names of the forms etched into their minds, Kai and Seraphina prepared themselves for the rigorous training that awaited them. Their journey would take them to the secluded mountains within this dimension, where they would face physical and mental challenges, honing their skills under the watchful eye of Black.

And so, armed with knowledge and determination, they embarked on their path of mastery, ready to embrace the teachings of the Silat Two-Sword and Silat Spear styles and emerge as formidable warriors.

In the tranquil serenity of the secluded mountain range, Kai and Seraphina delved into their training with unwavering commitment. Each day brought new challenges and discoveries as they sought to embody the essence of the forms they had learned.

Under the watchful guidance of Black, they honed their physical prowess, pushing their bodies to their limits. The mountains echoed with the clash of steel as Kai deftly wielded his two swords, his movements fluid and precise. With every strike, he sought to embody the power and grace of the Dancing Blades form, twirling and spinning with the agility of a whirlwind.

Meanwhile, Seraphina embraced the teachings of the Silat Spear style, her weapon an extension of her being. With every thrust and parry, she channeled the energy of the Piercing Gale form, unleashing the force of a tempest upon her opponents. Her movements were a dance of lethal beauty, as she leaped and lunged with the finesse of a soaring dragon.

As the days turned into weeks and the weeks into months, Kai and Seraphina's skills blossomed under the intense training. Bruises and calluses adorned their bodies as testaments to their dedication and perseverance. The bond between them grew stronger, fueled by mutual respect and the shared pursuit of excellence.

Amidst their physical training, Black also nurtured their mental fortitude. He pushed them to confront their fears, to silence their doubts, and to embrace the ruthless efficiency required in battle. He taught them to let go of the constraints of justice, to shed the weight of morality, and to focus solely on achieving their objectives.

In the quiet evenings, as the sun dipped below the horizon, Black would gather them by a crackling campfire. There, he shared his wisdom and recounted tales of ancient battles and legendary warriors. He spoke of the delicate balance between power and restraint, cautioning them against the allure of darkness that could consume the unprepared.

Through his words, Kai and Seraphina began to understand the enigma that was Black. His cold and detached demeanor belied a depth of knowledge and experience that surpassed their understanding. Though he appeared indifferent to justice, his devotion to results was unwavering. They realized that he, too, carried the weight of his own past, his own struggles and losses.

As the years passed within the realm of training, Kai and Seraphina transformed into formidable warriors. Their bodies had been forged by the fires of relentless practice, their minds sharpened by the countless battles waged within their thoughts. They were now ready to face the challenges that awaited them beyond the secluded mountains.

The time had come to embark on their respective paths, armed with the teachings of the Silat Two-Sword and Silat Spear styles, as well as the indomitable spirit that burned within their hearts. Kai and Seraphina bid farewell to Black, expressing their gratitude for his guidance and promising to carry his teachings with them always.

With newfound confidence and a shared determination, they ventured forth into the world, prepared to face the trials and tribulations that awaited them. Their journey would be marked by victories and defeats, sacrifices and triumphs, as they sought to fulfill their destiny and find their place amidst the swirling currents of fate.

And so, the training in the secluded mountains became a pivotal chapter in their lives, shaping them into the warriors they wish to become. As the echoes of their footsteps faded into the distance, they carried the weight of their training, the wisdom of Black's teachings, and the flickering flame of their ambitions burning brightly within their souls.