
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Lost family, Now my enemy

As the battle raged on, Eve's voice , her words cutting through the chaos with unwavering conviction.

Eve: "If words cannot reach you, Zadkiel, then I shall give you the only answer left. Death!"

Zadkiel's response came swiftly, his tone devoid of emotion as he accepted Eve's challenge.

Zadkiel: "So be it. I shall grant you the same fate."

Now knowing his true name, Eve, Seraphina, Kai, Erza, and Satan fought side by side, their collective strength and resolve pushing back against Zadkiel's overwhelming power. They unleashed a relentless onslaught of attacks, combining their martial skills, magic, and weaponry in a symphony of destruction.

Yet, despite their combined efforts, Zadkiel remained a force to be reckoned with. His movements were fluid and calculated, his strikes precise and devastating. Each clash echoed with the sounds of metal meeting flesh, accompanied by the crackling of powerful spells and the thud of bodies hitting the ground.

The battle escalated to godlike proportions, as the warriors tapped into the depths of their inner strength. Their forms became a blur of motion, as they defied their own limits in a desperate bid to overcome the seemingly insurmountable power of their adversary.

Blood painted the ground beneath their feet, wounds and injuries marking the toll of their brutal engagement. The battlefield became a canvas of chaos and devastation, a testament to the intensity of their struggle.

But even as the odds seemed stacked against them, the warriors fought on. They drew strength from their unwavering resolve and the bonds that tied them together. In their eyes burned a shared determination to protect their world from the encroaching darkness.

The clash of steel, the roar of thunderous spells, and the grunts of exertion filled the air. The battlefield became a stage for their ultimate confrontation, where life and death hung in the balance.

As the battle waged, the outcome remained uncertain. The fate of their world and the resolution of their personal journeys intertwined, each strike and parry serving as a testament to their unwavering spirits.

In this epic struggle of titanic proportions, the line between victory and defeat blurred, and the weight of their choices bore down upon them. Only time would reveal who would emerge triumphant from this dark tragedy, and whose sacrifices would shape the path forward.

The battle reached its devastating climax as Zadkiel unleashed his full power, overwhelming each of the warriors one by one. Their bodies bore the scars of their valiant efforts, their strength waning with every passing moment.

With a swift and calculated strike, Zadkiel severed Erza's left arm, a cruel blow that left her vulnerable and defenseless. As she fell to the ground, her life force fading, Zadkiel approached with an air of cold detachment.

Erza's voice, though weak, carried a fierce defiance as she faced her imminent demise.

Erza: "You may have defeated us, Zadkiel, but our spirits will endure. Our sacrifices will not be in vain."

Zadkiel, unmoved by her words, raised his weapon, preparing to deliver the final blow. But before he could strike, a voice echoed through the battlefield, filled with a potent mix of anger and sorrow.

Satan: "Enough, Zadkiel! Your lust for destruction ends here!"

Satan, his body battered and broken, stood between Zadkiel and his fallen comrades. His eyes blazed with a fiery determination as he summoned the last remnants of his strength.

Zadkiel, momentarily taken aback by Satan's resilience, paused in his tracks.

Zadkiel: "You cannot stop me, Satan. The power I possess is beyond your comprehension."

Satan: "Perhaps. But I will fight until my last breath to protect what remains."

With a burst of newfound energy, Satan launched himself at Zadkiel, engaging him in a final, desperate struggle. Their blades clashed, the sound reverberating through the air as their battle escalated to its climax.

As their fight raged on, the fate of the world hung in the balance. Each strike and parry was filled with the weight of their convictions, their conflicting ideals clashing with devastating force.

In the midst of the chaos, Eve, Seraphina, and Kai, injured and weary, looked on with a mix of despair and determination. They knew that their fallen comrades had not fought in vain, and their sacrifice would fuel their resolve to end this cycle of darkness and destruction.

As the battle between Satan and Zadkiel reached its climax, the outcome remained uncertain. Their swords danced with deadly precision, each blow carrying the weight of their shattered dreams and shattered lives.

In the face of overwhelming odds, the warriors refused to surrender. Their spirits burned with a fiery determination, even as their bodies screamed in agony. They fought not only for themselves but for the future of their world, clinging to a fragile hope that their sacrifices would pave the way for a better tomorrow.

The clash of their weapons echoed through the desolate battlefield, a testament to the indomitable spirit of humanity in the face of adversity. Whether it would be enough to overcome the darkness that threatened to consume them all, only time would tell.

As Zadkiel struck down Satan with a brutal blow, the battle seemed to teeter on the edge of despair. However, the tides of fate began to shift as Kai, driven by a surge of inner power, awakened his dormant Dragon bloodline. His eyes glowed with an otherworldly light as he unleashed a torrent of raw energy, transforming into a formidable Dragon-human hybrid.

Kai: "Zadkiel, your reign ends here! I will avenge my fallen comrades and put an end to your madness!"

With a thunderous roar, Kai charged at Zadkiel, his newfound strength and agility rivaling that of a legendary creature. His claws tore through the air, and his fiery breath scorched the battlefield as he unleashed his fury upon his opponent.

Meanwhile, Seraphina, fueled by a mix of grief and determination, rose from the ground. Her wounds pulsated with pain, but her resolve remained unshakable. She rejoined the fray, her blade gleaming with a renewed sense of purpose.

Seraphina: "You may have taken everything from us, Zadkiel, but we will fight until our last breath!"

With renewed strength, Seraphina and Kai fought alongside each other, their attacks combining in a symphony of destruction. Their coordinated strikes and fluid movements created a deadly dance, a testament to their unwavering bond and shared goal.

Their onslaught pushed Zadkiel to his limits, the calm facade he once held beginning to crack under the weight of their relentless assault. The battlefield became a maelstrom of power and chaos, as magic, swordplay, and sheer force clashed in a struggle for survival.

In this final battle, the line between victory and defeat blurred. Each warrior fought with an intensity born from the depths of their souls, refusing to yield to the darkness that threatened to consume them all. Their determination carved a path toward redemption, a glimmer of hope amidst the shadows.

As the clash continued, the fate of their world hung in the balance. The air crackled with energy, and the ground trembled beneath their feet. It was a battle not only for their own lives but for the salvation of all they held dear.

The battle raged on, a culmination of blood, sweat, and tears. Amidst the chaos, the warriors knew that they must prevail. For if they faltered, all hope would be lost, and the world would plunge into eternal despair.

As Zadkiel launched a ruthless kick into Seraphina's stomach, her body convulsed with pain, and she was sent hurtling through the air, crashing to the ground with a thud. The impact left her momentarily breathless, her vision blurred with the agony coursing through her.

Meanwhile, Kai managed to land a well-timed strike, leaving a deep cut across Zadkiel's face. Blood trickled down Zadkiel's cheek, staining his mask and revealing the true extent of his injuries. Despite the wound, Zadkiel remained composed, his expression unyielding.

Zadkiel: "Is that all you have, Kai? Your feeble attempts mean nothing to me. I am beyond pain, beyond mortal limitations."

With an unsettling calmness, Zadkiel retaliated with a swift and precise counterattack. His movements were a blend of elegance and ferocity, as if he were dancing with death itself. Kai, despite his newfound power, found himself struggling to keep up with Zadkiel's relentless assault.

As the battle reached its crescendo, the clash of their powers intensified. Kai's dragonic abilities granted him increased strength and resilience, but Zadkiel's skill and experience gave him the upper hand. Blow after blow, Kai fought valiantly, his determination shining through each strike.

Meanwhile, Seraphina, her body aching, forced herself to rise from the ground. Though weakened, her spirit remained unbroken. She knew she had to rejoin the fight, to stand alongside Kai and face Zadkiel together.

Gritting her teeth, Seraphina pushed through the pain and mustered her remaining strength. She charged back into the fray, her sword raised high. With a battle cry that echoed through the battlefield, she unleashed a flurry of strikes, aiming to disrupt Zadkiel's focus and create an opening for Kai.

The clash between the three warriors grew more intense, the air thick with tension and desperation. Each moment felt like an eternity as they fought on, their wills and resolve pushing them beyond their limits.

In this dire struggle, they fought not only for their own survival but for the world that lay on the precipice of destruction. Their determination burned brighter than ever, fueled by the memories of their fallen comrades and the unwavering belief that they could overcome the darkness that threatened to consume them.

As the battle raged on, the outcome remained uncertain. The clash of swords and the crackle of magic filled the air, a testament to the ferocity and desperation of their fight. In this dark tragedy, they fought not only for their lives but for the very essence of hope itself.