
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Honor & Sacrifice

Ayumi and Toshiro, two valiant warriors who had fought side by side with their comrades, met their untimely end in that heart-wrenching moment. Their figures were engulfed in the deadly barrage, their bodies bearing the brunt of the monstrous attack. Their expressions of shock and pain were etched into the minds of those who witnessed the tragedy unfold.

Grief and sorrow mingled with the chaos, filling the air with an overwhelming sense of despair. Friends and allies lay fallen, their hopes and dreams extinguished in an instant. Tears flowed freely as the magnitude of the loss settled upon the surviving warriors. They were left to grapple with the harsh reality that victory came at a heavy cost.

Seraphina's voice wavered as she spoke, her words choked with emotion. "No... not them..."

Kai's features were a mask of anguish as he looked upon the fallen. "We were supposed to be the ones protecting them."

Nakamura's expression was one of grim determination, his fists clenched at his sides. "We can't let their sacrifice be in vain. We must press on."

Amidst the relentless barrage of attacks, the battlefield had transformed into a nightmarish landscape of death and destruction. The air was thick with tension and desperation as warriors and soldiers clung to whatever semblance of cover they could find, their movements restricted by the constant threat of deadly projectiles.

Each attempt to move from cover was met with a hail of enemy fire, cutting down anyone who dared to venture forth. The once-proud defenders of the city were now trapped, forced to huddle behind whatever scant protection they could find, their options dwindling as the onslaught continued.

Fear and frustration were etched onto the faces of those who witnessed the unrelenting carnage. Every moment seemed like an eternity as the body count continued to rise, the fallen left where they lay as a grim reminder of the stakes at hand.

Nakamura's voice cut through the chaos, his words a desperate plea for survival. "Hold your positions! We need to find a way to break through their ranks and regain control!"

Seraphina's grip tightened around her weapon as she exchanged a worried glance with Kai. "We can't stay pinned down like this. We have to find a way to push forward."

Kai nodded in agreement, his expression resolute. "If we stay here, we'll be picked off one by one. We need to make a stand and fight back."

As the survivors clung to their cover, the determination to overcome the odds burned fiercely within their hearts. The memory of their fallen comrades fueled their resolve, pushing them to find a way to break free from the suffocating grip of the enemy's onslaught.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, the warriors found themselves trapped in a nightmarish scenario. The once formidable defenders of the city now stood on the brink of despair, their minds fractured by the relentless onslaught and their hearts heavy with fear.

Nakamura's voice rang out, his words a desperate attempt to rally the shattered spirits of the warriors. "We can't give up now! We've faced challenges before and come out victorious. We must hold our ground and find a way to turn the tide!"

But his words seemed to fall on deaf ears, drowned out by the cacophony of panic and despair that echoed through the battlefield.

Seraphina's voice joined the fray, her own desperation palpable. "Remember why we're here! Remember the lives we've lost, the sacrifices that have been made! We can't let that be in vain!"

Yet even as she spoke, the weight of the situation seemed to crush the resolve of the warriors. Tears streamed down their faces, their trembling hands gripping their weapons with uncertainty. The once fierce determination that had burned within them now flickered like a dying flame.

Warriors huddled together, their voices a chorus of fear and hopelessness. "I don't want to die here... I want to go home... This is too much... We're outnumbered..."

The cries and pleas reverberated through the air, a stark reminder of the human vulnerability that lay beneath their warrior exteriors. The horrors they had witnessed, the losses they had suffered, had taken their toll, eroding their once unshakeable confidence.

Nakamura's and Seraphina's efforts to rally them seemed to be in vain as the grip of despair tightened its hold. The battlefield had become a battleground not only for physical survival, but for the very essence of their spirits.

Nakamura: tell all the Warriors to gather up, I wish to announce the plan to them.

Warriors start to gather up, some of them even vomit because of fear.

Nakamura: There no point standing around, we'll only be showered by more boulders, ready your weapons on the double!

Nakamura's words echoed across the battlefield, cutting through the heavy air like a blade. The warriors, their faces streaked with tears and etched with despair, listened intently as Nakamura unveiled the plan that would lead them to certain death.

Another voice chimed in, edged with bitterness. "Why should we follow your orders? What difference does it make if we charge to our deaths or cower here?"

Nakamura's words hung in the air like a haunting echo, each sentence driving deeper into the hearts of the gathered warriors.

"Everything that you thought had meaning, every hope, dream, or moment of happiness, none of it matters as you lie bleeding out on the battlefield," Nakamura's voice resonated with the weight of the bitter truth. The warriors exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting the stark reality of their situation.

"Does that mean that there was a point in our being born? Would you say that to our slain comrades? What about their lives? Were they meaningless?" Nakamura's questions cut through the air like a knife, the silence that followed heavy with introspection.

"They were not! Their memories serve as an example to us all!" Nakamura's voice surged with fervor, his unwavering conviction beginning to sway the hearts of those gathered.

"The courageous fallen, the anguished fallen, their lives have meaning because we, the living, refuse to forget them!" Nakamura's words struck a chord, rekindling the flames of honor and duty within the warriors.

"And as we charge to certain death, we trust our successors to do the same for us!" Nakamura's declaration held a solemn promise, a pact that united the warriors in a shared destiny.

"Because we warriors do not buckle or yield when faced with the cruelty of this war!" Nakamura's voice rang out, a rallying cry that stirred a newfound strength within each warrior's soul.

"Now then, let's get ready to die." Nakamura's final words were delivered with a resolute calmness, a quiet acceptance of the path they had chosen.