
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

End of Eternal War

With the death of Adam, the Eternal War came to a sudden and unexpected end. The surviving leaders of the alliance, Eve, Lilith, and Lucian, stood amidst the aftermath of the battle, surveying the destruction that had unfolded. The once ravaged lands now bore witness to the cost of their victory.

Recognizing the need for unity and a fresh start, the alliance leaders, along with the remaining factions, embarked on a path of reconciliation and collaboration. They gathered their forces and resources, setting aside their differences to form a new nation called the United Federation. Bound by a shared purpose and the desire for peace, they worked tirelessly to rebuild their shattered world.

Under the guidance of Eve, Lilith, and Lucian, the United Federation began to flourish. The alliance leaders showcased their wisdom and compassion, extending a hand of reconciliation to former enemies and fostering a spirit of cooperation among all factions. They established a system of governance that valued equality, justice, and the preservation of individual freedoms.

The United Federation served as a beacon of hope for all who had suffered through the horrors of the Eternal War. People from different races, backgrounds, and beliefs found solace and a renewed sense of purpose within its borders. Together, they worked to heal the wounds of the past and forge a future that celebrated diversity and unity.

However, amidst the triumph and newfound peace, Eve bore the burden of her encounter with Adam. Absorbing his power that granted her immense power, but it came at a great cost. The darkness within her, the remnants of Adam's malevolence, threatened to consume her from within.

Realizing the potential danger that lay dormant within Eve, the alliance leaders, along with the support of the United Federation, made the difficult decision to put her into a deep sleep. It was a measure taken to protect both Eve and the nation they had built. They believed that time would bring clarity and perhaps a solution to the darkness that haunted her soul.

And so, Eve was placed in a secluded sanctuary, her slumber guarded by the loyal and trusted few. The exact duration of her sleep remained unknown, for it was said that only when the world was ready and a new threat emerged would she awaken once again to fulfill her destiny.

The United Federation flourished in the absence of their beloved leader, guided by the collective wisdom and efforts of Lilith, Lucian, and the remaining alliance leaders. They continued to work towards peace, prosperity, and the eradication of any remnants of darkness that threatened their harmonious existence.

Centuries passed, and the memory of Eve's sacrifice and the Eternal War became tales passed down through generations. The United Federation grew strong, united, and resilient, a testament to the unwavering spirit of humanity.

Yet, deep beneath the surface of the slumbering world, the forces of darkness and ancient threats began to stir once again. The time of Eve's awakening approached, and with it, a new chapter in their shared history would unfold.

The United Federation, guided by the legacy of their fallen comrades, prepared for the impending challenges that awaited them. They knew that the world needed Eve's strength and resilience once more. With hope in their hearts, they awaited the day when their leader would rise from her slumber, ready to face the darkness and protect the world she had fought so fiercely to save.

And so, the United Federation stood as a testament to the enduring power of unity and the indomitable spirit of humanity. As they prepared for the trials ahead, they held onto the belief that together, they would overcome any obstacle and pave the way for a future where peace and harmony prevailed.

As time passed, Lucian, the devoted lover of Eve, eventually succumbed to the natural course of aging and passed away. His life had been one of bravery and sacrifice, and his memory lived on within the hearts of those who knew him. Though his physical presence was gone, his spirit continued to inspire and guide the United Federation in their pursuit of peace.

Lilith, on the other hand, remained untouched by the passing of time. The bloodline of the Paradise Children granted her eternal youth, a gift she carried from her lineage. While she mourned the loss of Lucian, her unwavering determination to protect the United Federation remained unyielding.

White Lilith, as she came to be known, took on the role of a revered advisor and protector of the United Federation. Her ancient wisdom and timeless beauty commanded respect from all who encountered her. She dedicated herself to upholding the ideals and vision that Eve, Lucian, and the alliance leaders had fought so valiantly for.

Under Lilith's guidance, the United Federation continued to thrive. The nation prospered, and its people lived in a world free from the horrors of the past. Lilith ensured that the values of unity, justice, and equality were upheld, and she actively worked to foster an environment where all could thrive.

However, Lilith could not help but feel the weight of her sister's absence. Eve's slumber remained unbroken, her presence hidden away from the world. Lilith longed for the day when Eve would awaken, for she believed that her sister held the key to unlocking the true potential of their shared destiny.

With the passing of centuries, rumors and prophecies began to circulate among the inhabitants of the United Federation. Whispers spoke of a time when the forces of darkness would rise once more, threatening to plunge the world into chaos. It was believed that Eve's awakening would coincide with this imminent threat, and that she would be the one to lead the charge against the encroaching darkness.

The people of the United Federation prepared themselves, knowing that their future rested on the return of their beloved leader. They embraced the teachings and principles passed down from Eve, Lilith, and the alliance leaders, and they trained diligently in preparation for the battles that lay ahead.

As the world braced itself for the coming storm, Lilith remained steadfast in her duty, guiding the United Federation with grace and determination. She knew that their survival depended on their unity and the strength they derived from their shared history.

And so, the United Federation stood as a beacon of hope and resilience, ready to face the challenges that awaited them. They waited patiently for the day when Eve would finally awaken from her slumber, ready to fulfill her destiny and bring light to the encroaching darkness.

In the depths of her eternal sleep, Eve stirred, her dreams filled with visions of battles yet to come. The time for her awakening drew near, and as the world teetered on the brink of uncertainty, the fate of humanity hung in the balance.

Only time would reveal the true nature of Eve's power and the role she would play in the fate of the United Federation and the world at large. The stage was set for a grand and epic confrontation, where the forces of light and darkness would collide once more, and the destiny of all would be decided.

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