
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Broken hearts

Eve lay there, her body bruised and battered, unable to move as the helicopter descended to her location.

She watched through weary eyes as Federation soldiers, armed with guns, disembarked from the helicopter and approached her.

Gently, they lifted her, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. As they carried her to the helicopter, Eve's gaze fell upon the unconscious forms of her comrades – Kai, Seraphina, and Satan.

They were the survivors, the last remnants of the battle that had torn their world asunder. Her heart ached for them, for the losses they had endured.

Inside the helicopter, the world outside a blur, Eve mustered the strength to speak. Her voice was hoarse, her words weighed down by the heavy burden of her despair. "What… what happens now?"

The soldier who had accompanied her looked at her with a mix of sympathy and resolve. "We're not finished yet. Earth may be scarred, but it's not fully destroyed.

Three countries still stand, though they've suffered immense losses. The Federation endures, but without leadership, we're struggling to unite.

"Eve's brow furrowed, a mix of confusion and desperation evident on her face. "Leadership? Me?"

The soldier nodded. "You've led battles, shown strength in the face of darkness. Lilith is gone, and the realms need a leader to guide us in this final stand against Azathoth.

Eve's eyes widened, shock and terror gripping her heart. "No… I can't. I've lost so much. I can't lead anyone."

The soldier's voice was firm yet gentle. "Sometimes, leadership is thrust upon us. It's not about being ready; it's about rising when the world needs you most."

Eve's gaze dropped, tears welling up. She was haunted by memories of her fallen comrades, the destruction, the pain. The weight of it all threatened to crush her. "I don't know if I can…"

The soldier placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a reassuring squeeze. "None of us truly know until we try. The path ahead is treacherous, but together, we can find a way to end this war, to bring light to the darkness."

Eve's shoulders trembled as she absorbed his words. The helicopter carried them away from the battlefield, leaving behind a world in ruins.

Her heart was heavy with grief, but a flicker of determination began to burn within her. The road ahead was uncertain, and the losses they had suffered were unfathomable.

Tears streamed down Eve's face, a river of grief and despair. She looked out of the helicopter's window at the devastated landscape below, her heart heavy with the weight of all they had lost. In a voice that quivered with emotion, she spoke words that resonated with the depths of her soul: "In the midst of darkness, when all seems lost and the world is shattered, it is our tears that water the seeds of resilience.

"We rise not because we are unafraid, but because our courage is born from the ashes of our brokenness.

"Through every trial, every sacrifice, we find the strength to carry on, not because we have all the answers, but because we refuse to surrender to the void.

"Our tears do not define us; they empower us to embrace the fragments of our shattered dreams and forge a path of our own making, and as long as we stand together, hand in hand, heart in heart, our tears will be the ink with which we write our legacy, a testament to our unyielding spirit and unwavering hope."

As her voice faded into the air, the soldiers around her were silent, moved by the raw honesty and strength in her words. In that moment, Eve's tears became a symbol of both her pain and her determination to overcome, to lead, and to bring light to a world ensnared by darkness.

Amidst the ruins, the helicopter touched down on a small patch of relatively untouched ground.

As Eve stepped out, she was met with a sea of faces – survivors of the war, some wounded, others broken by loss, and a few holding onto the fragments of hope that still glimmered in their eyes.

A man, his face etched with sorrow, approached Eve. "You're the one they call Eve, aren't you? The one who led us into this nightmare?"

Eve's voice trembled as she replied, "I did what I thought was right, but I never wanted any of this."

"Right?" the man spat, his voice heavy with bitterness. "Look around you! Our homes are destroyed, our loved ones are dead, and all because of your actions."

A woman, clutching a small child to her chest, stepped forward. Her voice cracked as she spoke, "My husband... my children... they're gone. You promised to protect us, to lead us to victory, but all you've brought us is devastation."

Eve's heart ached as she gazed upon the sea of accusing eyes. "I never wanted any of this. I never wanted to be a leader. I'm just as lost and broken as all of you."

A teenage boy stepped up, his face a mix of anger and despair. "Lost and broken? What about us? Our lives are ruined because of you!"

Eve's eyes welled with tears. "I know I can't undo the past. But I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make things right."

A man, older and wearier, spoke up. "And what can you possibly do now? The damage is done. Our world is shattered."

Eve turned to face the devastated landscape, her voice resolute. "We may have lost everything, but we still have each other. We can rebuild, we can find a way to heal."

A young girl, no more than ten years old, stepped forward, her eyes filled with a mixture of innocence and pain. "But what about my mommy and daddy? They're gone."

Eve knelt down and gently embraced the girl. "I'm so sorry for what you've lost. I promise you, we'll find a way to honor their memory and create a world where no one has to suffer like this again."

As Eve and the survivors talked, emotions ran high. Some yelled, some cried, and others simply stood in stunned silence.

The air was thick with grief and anger, but beneath it all was a glimmer of determination – a collective resolve to rise from the ashes and forge a new path.

Amidst the chaos, a young man emerged from the crowd. He had a quiet strength about him, his eyes filled with a sense of purpose. "Blaming each other won't change what's happened. We need to come together, to find a way forward."

Eve looked at him, her heart swelling with a renewed sense of hope. "You're right. We need to stand united if we're going to overcome this."

And so, amidst the ruins and the pain, a group of survivors began to gather. Each person brought their own story, their own wounds.

With hundreds of new characters, each with their own unique personalities and experiences, they began to form a community of resilience, bound together by the shared goal of rebuilding their world from the ground up.

And as they looked to the uncertain future, they knew that the path ahead would be challenging, but they were not alone.