
The Immortal Eve

This tale is from 8000 years ago. [The first legend] that led to the [new legend] The tale that disappeared from peoples' memories now unfolded. Eve was thrown out of paradise and betrayed by her closest family, forced to fight and survive in a world full of war that have driven humankind to the brink of extinction, as the war is raged upon the heavens & the earth by her betrayed family in his quest to become God. In this war that tore heavens apart, destroyed earth, and even killed stars, those with no power could only face inevitable death. Alone, Weak and curse with immortality in a fight or die world while carrying the bloody rage of revenge while seeking answers of mysteries, that should never be revealed, and History long forgotten...

Dondiago · Fantasy
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103 Chs

Birth of Vengeful Heart

After a few hours of being unconscious, Eve Open her eyes and realize she was in a cave " where am i, I need to save my family, this must be a horrible nightmare" She saw a bright light coming from the Entrance, she slowly walked out the cave and saw a beautiful city full of people, then realized she was in the human world but unexpected.

A ray of fire struck down upon the city and burn everything in its path, leaving nothing but ash, dusts, and Rubble singled the beginning of New found horror.

Survivors screaming in agony while burning to death while Angels come down to the sky finishing off the remaining survivors, Slaughtery the innocent, Men, women's & Children.

An angel knows as Sonza notices Eve watching from the cave. The angel flew toward her and stabbed her in the arm, Sonza began to drag her to the other angels to play with her body.

They ripped out her left eye, cut off her right arm and then beat her continually until they finally decided to finish her off, Eve with barely any strength left and say "please kill me, I have nothing else to live for" While showing the eyes of hopelessness.

The Sonza replied, "weaklings have no rights, the law created by Lord Adam, and with that, you will die.

While enduring even more unbearable torture, Eve passes through several illusions monitored by a manifestation of herself - (Dark Eve). She recalls her life at paradise. where everything was peaceful, she watched her father overwork himself. and when she and the others were created by God, then later leaving father supporting her and everyone. eventually being killed by Adam just like the others, leaving Eve alone. Afterward, Her only source of comfort for a long time is Emptiness.,.

As Eve breaks further from the torture and the hallucinations, Sonza devises another method to break her. He places 2 human children in front of her bound and gagged and demands Eve choose which one to spare. She is unable to choose and offers herself instead, causing Sonza to kill the both of them in a fit of rage. Eve retreats back into her mind-scape where she is wracked with guilt. As the guilt eats at her, she envisions the people in her life that are either lost or might lose due to her self perceived weakness.

Her subsequently starts to assess herself, contemplating the fact that life is truly about compromise; for all along, she was weak, and lived by the belief of ' Kindness is happiness', which is the reason why she suffered so much. Dark Eve confronts Eve, warning her that if she was not a pacifist, her dearest ones would not have perished, and it is to be all her fault. The disadvantage would arise as a result of Eve's incompetence and weakness.

Emotionally traumatized, Eve finally comes to a resolve to accept herself as an Unholy Being and goes through a remarkable transformation both psychologically and physically. She escapes her shackles and then mercilessly defeats Sonza. She pins Sonza to the ground.... then, at that moment, he breaks his neck.

As Eve's perception of the devastating reality sinks in, her grief and anger intertwine, fueling a fire within her that refuses to be extinguished. The weight of her loss and the injustice of it all drive her to find strength she never knew she possessed. With each step, she embraces her newfound resolve, vowing to become a force to be reckoned with.

The echoes of her own words reverberate in her mind, reminding her that life didn't have to be this chaotic and unfair. She begins to question the very fabric of this distorted world and the motives behind Adam's actions. What drove him to commit such atrocities? What was the true nature of their existence? These questions, though unanswered, ignite a spark of curiosity within Eve, an insatiable hunger for the truth.

Eve's perception of the environment intensifies. The air crackles with an electric energy, mirroring the storm brewing within her. The once-dimmed sun, obscured by thick clouds, begins to break through, casting rays of light upon the desolate land. It's as if the universe itself responds to Eve's determination, offering her a glimmer of hope.

She gazes at the ruins around her, the remnants of a once-beautiful world. The ashes and rubble serve as a painful reminder of the lives lost, but they also become the fuel for her vengeance. Each speck of dust, each fragment of destruction, becomes a symbol of her determination to honor her family and avenge their deaths.

As she moves forward, her physical appearance undergoes a remarkable transformation. Her wounds heal miraculously, her right arm regenerates, and her left eye, once lost, is made whole again. Her black hair turns blonde, a visual manifestation of her metamorphosis from a victim to a warrior. Her eyes, once blue, now radiate a fiery red, reflecting the fire burning within her soul.

With a newfound strength coursing through her veins, Eve grasps a sword that materializes before her, a symbol of her resolve to face the challenges ahead. The rain, cold and relentless, washes away the bloodstains on her body, purifying her as she prepares to take on the angels who have ravaged humanity.

She then grabbed a sword then begins to slaughter all the angels, one by one as she cut them down then eventually killed them all, blood Spattered from the bodies she cut down while the cold rains fall down upon her.

Eve's perception shifts from fear to rage. She approaches the barely alive angel, her voice firm yet tinged with sadness. She demands answers, seeking to understand the truth behind the chaos that has consumed their world. The angel, on the brink of death, reveals the shocking revelation that God is dead, killed by Adam himself. The war waged against humanity, Demons and the gods for 7000 years were a result of Adam's thirst for power.

As the angel's feeble voice trembled with the weight of his revelation, Eve's world crumbled around her.

Eve: "God... dead? Killed by Adam?"

Her voice was barely a whisper, filled with disbelief and horror at the magnitude of the revelation.

The truth hit her like a tidal wave, crashing over her with a force she could barely comprehend. The wars, the suffering, the endless cycle of violence—all orchestrated by Adam's thirst for power.

Eve's mind struggled to process the incomprehensible revelation as the angel's words hung heavy in the air. Seven thousand years? It couldn't be possible. To Eve, it felt like only moments had passed since she was thrown out of paradise.

Eve: "No... it can't be. How could so much time have passed?"

Her voice quivered with disbelief, her thoughts swirling with confusion and denial. It felt like a cruel trick, a nightmare from which she couldn't wake.

Her voice quivered with disbelief, her thoughts swirling with confusion and denial. It felt like a cruel trick, a nightmare from which she couldn't wake.

But as she looked around at the world ravaged by centuries of war and strife, the truth began to sink in. The reality of their situation was undeniable, no matter how much she wished it weren't true.

Eve: "Seven thousand years... how could I have been asleep for so long? How could Adam have done all of this?"

Her heart heavy with sorrow and regret, Eve realized that the world she once knew was gone, replaced by a bleak landscape of suffering and despair. And as the weight of millennia pressed down upon her, she knew that her journey to confront Adam and end his reign of terror would be fraught with challenges unlike anything she had ever faced before.

Eve's mind reeled with the implications of this revelation, the betrayal of everything she had ever known. But amidst the chaos of her thoughts, a fierce determination ignited within her.

Eve: "This ends now. Adam's reign of terror ends now."

The weight of this revelation settles upon Eve's shoulders, solidifying her conviction. She that her quest for revenge is not just personal but also a battle for her very survival of in this war. She vows to stand against the tyranny of Adam and to restore balance to a world torn asunder.

As Eve stood amidst the ruins, her heart heavy with sorrow, a flicker of hope sparked within her. She refused to accept that everything was lost, that this world was destined to be forever consumed by chaos and despair. In the midst of the destruction, she found a glimmer of purpose, a reason to rise above the ashes and fight back.

With each passing moment, her resolve grew stronger. She vowed that next time, she would not succumb to weakness. She would embrace her newfound strength and channel her rage into a force for change. No longer would she allow herself to be a victim of circumstance. She would shape her own destiny.

Her father's words echoed in her mind, the tales of a sun that once bathed the world in its radiant light. It seemed like a distant memory, a fairy tale from a forgotten era. But deep within her, a yearning stirred—a yearning for a world where beauty and peace could coexist.

Its white beautiful flame lit the heavens and the earth, making the sky the brightest blue you ever seen, but now it's sounded like something from a fairy tale ever since the Eternal war started.

The Earth burns in the flames of war and rains down the ashes of the Dead, But these ashes.... it's the least i can do to honor them.

The golden rays of the setting sun painted the desolate landscape in hues of fiery orange and deep crimson. Eve stood at the edge of a crumbling cliff, her blonde hair billowing in the wind as she gazed out at the ravaged world before her. The scars of war marred the once-vibrant earth, and the distant echoes of battle reverberated through the air. She clenched her fists, her heart heavy with sorrow and rage.

It had now been 9 months since her expulsion from paradise since Adam, the one she once loved, had turned against her. His betrayal had shattered her world, leaving her with nothing but a burning desire for revenge. Now, she stood alone, cursed with immortality that offered no solace, only the burden of witnessing the horrors that unfolded around her.

The sounds of clashing swords and the crackling of arcane spells reached her ears, drawing her attention to the nearby battlefield. The war between humanity and the celestial beings had escalated to new heights, and the heavens themselves seemed to tremble under the weight of the conflict. Angels with wings of shimmering light clashed with demons wreathed in darkness, while gods unleashed their wrath upon both sides.

Eve knew that she possessed no supernatural powers, no divine heritage to aid her in this relentless struggle. She was a mere mortal, although one who could not die of old age. Her only weapons were her determination and the skills she had acquired over the long months of survival in this war-torn world.

With a sigh, she turned away from the battlefield, her gaze falling upon the ruined remains of what was once a flourishing city. Broken buildings jutted out of the ground like jagged teeth, a testament to the destructive power unleashed upon the earth. The cries of the wounded and dying echoed in her ears, haunting her every step.

She walked through the desolation, her footsteps accompanied by the whispers of forgotten lives and shattered dreams. Memories of her family, long gone, resurfaced in her mind. Adam's betrayal had not spared them, and their loss fueled the fire of her vengeance.

As she navigated the decimated streets, a group of human soldiers approached, their faces etched with weariness and despair. They regarded Eve with suspicion, their hands tightly gripping their weapons. In this war-ravaged world, trust was a rare commodity.

"Who are you?" one of the soldiers demanded, his eyes narrowing as he assessed her. "Are you with Adam's faction?"

Eve met his gaze, her own eyes filled with a mixture of pain and determination. "I am no ally of Adam," she replied, her voice steady. "I am Eve, cast out of paradise, betrayed by him. I seek only one thing: revenge."

The soldier studied her for a moment as if searching for any signs of deceit. Finally, he nodded, his expression softening slightly. "We've heard tales of you, Eve. Some see you as a threat, while others believe you may hold the key to Adam's downfall. But trust is not easily given in these times. Prove your loyalty, and perhaps we can fight together."

Eve nodded in understanding. She knew she had to prove herself to show these weary soldiers that she was not their enemy. She joined their ranks, honing her combat skills and learning the strategies of war. The soldiers soon realized that she was a formidable ally, her agility and mastery of weaponry surpassing even the most seasoned fighters.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months, then later into years as the war raged on. Eve fought alongside her newfound comrades, her rage burning brighter with each battle. She witnessed the fall of angels, the obliteration of demons, and the wrath of vengeful gods.

Year 1689, October, Emperor Morpheus decides to stop the attacks on the Angels & Demons so that the soldiers can rest. And then they will strike again next summer. As a result, they won't need Lucian and his mercenary. Rin wonders what they will do as while on stand by, and it would be bad to just sit during the winter. Lucian then states they had just been hired to assist the northern frontline. will do what mercenaries do and go to where the battlefield is.

Eve's reputation as a fearsome warrior spread like wildfire among the human factions engaged in the war against celestial beings. Her skill and unwavering determination earned her respect, and many came to believe that she could be the key to toppling Adam, the one who had plunged the world into chaos.

The soldiers who once regarded her with suspicion now looked to her as a beacon of hope. They gathered around her, seeking guidance and strength in the face of overwhelming odds. Eve became a symbol of resistance, a rallying point for those who refused to surrender to the forces of destruction.

Under the banner of vengeance, Eve led her loyal band of fighters into battle. They traversed war-torn lands, traversing

treacherous terrains and battling against supernatural adversaries. Each victory carried them closer to their ultimate goal: confronting Adam and ending his reign of terror.

As they moved through the devastated realms, Eve learned more about the different factions within humanity. Some fought alongside her, driven by a shared desire for justice and retribution. Others, however, remained loyal to Adam, viewing him as a deity worthy of worship. These factions became obstacles on Eve's path, hindering her progress and testing her resolve.

In one particular encounter, Eve and her group stumbled upon a stronghold inhabited by a fanatical sect devoted to Adam. They were met with hostility and fanaticism, their adversaries fueled by an unwavering faith in their twisted beliefs. The battle was fierce, with the clash of swords and the eruption of magic filling the air.

Eve fought with a ferocity born of her own personal tragedy. Her blade sliced through the ranks of Adam's followers, leaving a trail of fallen zealots in her wake. She faced their leader, a charismatic figure who believed himself to be Adam's chosen disciple.

The confrontation was intense, the clash between their weapons echoing with the weight of their conflicting ideologies. Eve's eyes burned with determination, her voice laced with defiance.

"You worship a betrayer, a murderer!" shecried, parrying blow after blow. "He destroyed everything I held dear. I will not rest until I bring him to justice!"

The zealot's eyes blazed with fanatical fervor. "Adam is the true bringer of enlightenment! He will reshape the world according to his divine vision!"

Their duel continued, each strike and parry a testament to their unwavering convictions. Eve's skills proved superior, her mastery of combat surpassing her opponent's blind devotion. With a final, decisive strike, she disarmed the zealot and brought him to his knees.

"You see now," Eve whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow. "Adam's path is one of destruction. Join me, and together, we can end his reign."

The defeated zealot stared up at her, a flicker of doubt in his eyes. Slowly, he nodded, acknowledging the truth in her words. He cast aside his misguided beliefs, choosing to align himself with Eve and the cause of justice.

News of Eve's triumph over the zealots spread, further solidifying her growing reputation as a force to be reckoned with. Other factions within humanity began to question their allegiance to Adam, swayed by the stories of her bravery and the promise of a world freed from his tyranny.

Eve's journey became a quest not only for revenge but also for redemption and salvation. She sought to unite the fractured remnants of humanity under a single banner to rally them against the common enemy that threatened their existence.

With her trusted comrades by her side, Eve ventured forth, traversing perilous landscapes and engaging in deadly battles. Each step brought her closer to Adam, closer to the reckoning she sought. The path was treacherous, fraught with obstacles.

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