
The Immortal Eve [Apocalypse]

In a world ravaged by seven years of relentless war, nations have crumbled and civilization teeters on the brink of extinction. The relentless Shadow Army, led by ancient and malevolent gods, has brought death and devastation, reducing once-proud cities to ruins. Amidst this chaos, a desperate alliance known as the Frontier emerges, uniting the remnants of humanity, demons, elves, and angels in a final bid for suvival. As the war grinds to a bloody stalemate, Alexander, a soldier haunted by the brutal realities of conflict, finds himself in the fortified city of Pingyao. Here, he encounters Dr. Jin, a mad scientist whose eccentric genius might hold the key to turning the tide. Dr. Jin reveals the harrowing history of the Shadow Gods and the legendary Eight Blades forged to that could destroy the universe and make everything cease to exist but also rewrite it. Where the clash of steel and gun powered echoes through desolate landscapes and the cries of the fallen pierce the air like daggers, brutality reigns supreme. Blood flows freely, staining the earth crimson as warriors meet in deadly combat, their every strike infused with the raw fury of battle. Amidst the chaos, Alexander stands as a soldier, his sword cut down foes. Each blow he delivers is rage of violence, cutting through flesh and bone with merciless precision. Limbs are severed, bodies rent asunder, as Alexander's wrath knows no bounds. Doing the great battle 7 years ago against Azrael, Eve mysteriously disappeared in turn cause the apocalypse. Across the wasteland, survivors cuts a swath of destruction upon one another, blood flowing like river with the bodies of men, women, and children, with each day leaving a trail of carnage. As the battle rages on, the intensity of the violence only grows, each combatant driven by a primal urge to survive at any cost. Bodies pile up like cordwood, the stench of death hanging heavy in the air as the clash of steel continues unabated. In this crucible of bloodshed, there is no room for mercy or remorse. Only the strong survive, their will forged in the fires of war, their hearts hardened by the brutality of combat. And in the end, only the victor will emerge from the fray, their triumph measured in the bodies of the fallen. by ancient grudges, "Lost Honor" follows the journey of Eve, a once-powerful warrior stripped of her abilities and thrust into a conflict of cosmic proportions. As she navigates the treacherous landscape of alliances and betrayals, Eve grapples with lost memories and the burden of mortality, haunted by the ghosts of her past. Amidst the chaos, a mysterious figure known as Erebus plots to conquer Earth, unveiling a sinister plan that could spell doom for all. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, Eve must confront her own demons and forge unlikely alliances in a desperate bid to save humanity. As old enemies resurface and new threats emerge, Alexander & Eve's journey becomes a relentless horror of tragedies of blood and death.

Dondiago · Urban
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7 Chs

The eight blades

As Dr. Jin began his history lesson, the air in the room seemed to crackle with a strange energy, as if the very fabric of reality was shifting around them. Alexander listened intently, his curiosity piqued by the enigmatic tale unfolding before him.

"Long before the realms were created, long before the dawn of time itself, the universe existed in a state of primordial chaos," Dr. Jin began, his voice taking on a hypnotic quality. "It was in this chaotic void that the universe forged 70,033 blades, each imbued with a fragment of its divine essence."

Alexander's eyes widened in awe as he listened to Dr. Jin's words. The concept of these ancient blades, each holding immense power, was almost too much for his mind to comprehend.

"The first of these blades was 'Truth,'" Dr. Jin continued, his voice reverent as he spoke of the Sovereign of Revelation. "Forged by the Sovereign himself, 'Truth' held the power to reveal the secrets of the universe. It could show mortals the way of the law and create miracles from the deconstruction of all things."

As Dr. Jin spoke, Alexander found himself imagining the awe-inspiring abilities of 'Truth,' its power to shape reality itself with a mere thought.

"The second blade, 'Sky,' was forged by the Eternal Zenith," Dr. Jin continued, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "It was said to be able to form a barrier across the firmament, preventing the innumerable gods of misery from passing through to other realms."

Alexander marveled at the thought of such a powerful defensive weapon, capable of protecting entire realms from the darkest of threats.

"The third blade, 'Howl,' held the power to summon lightning to rend the heavens and meteors to rain down divine punishment," Dr. Jin explained, his voice tinged with awe. "It was a weapon of unparalleled destruction, capable of unleashing the wrath of the gods themselves."

As Dr. Jin spoke of 'Howl's' fearsome abilities, Alexander couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. The thought of such raw power in the hands of mortals was both thrilling and terrifying.

"The fourth blade, 'Mist,' had the ability to break the earth and tear clouds with biting wind and rain," Dr. Jin continued, his voice growing more animated with each passing moment. "It was a blade of chaos and upheaval, capable of reshaping the very landscape of existence."

Alexander listened in awe as Dr. Jin described the elemental fury of 'Mist,' imagining the devastation it could unleash upon the world.

"The fifth blade, 'Frost,' could freeze the land in an instant, covering it in a layer of ice and snow," Dr. Jin explained, his voice tinged with reverence. "It was a blade of winter's embrace, capable of bringing even the mightiest of warriors to their knees."

As Dr. Jin spoke of 'Frost's' chilling power, Alexander couldn't help but shiver at the thought of being trapped in its icy grip.

"The sixth blade, 'Fate,' held the power to control the reckless cycle of life and death," Dr. Jin continued, his voice taking on a somber tone. "It was a blade of destiny, capable of shaping the fate of mortals and gods alike."

Alexander pondered the implications of such a blade, the very essence of existence itself held within its grasp.

"And finally, the seventh blade was 'Origin,' and the eighth was 'End,'" Dr. Jin concluded, his voice trailing off into a whisper. "These two blades represented the beginning and the end of all things, the alpha and the omega."

As Dr. Jin finished his tale, Alexander sat in stunned silence, his mind reeling from the weight of the knowledge he had just been given. The existence of these ancient blades, each holding immense power, was a revelation that would forever change the course of history. And as he gazed at Dr. Jin, a sense of foreboding settled over him, as if he had just glimpsed the tip of a vast and unknowable iceberg lurking beneath the surface of reality.

As Lieutenant Lastimosa and Commander Cooper walked into the room, they caught the tail end of Dr. Jin's tale. Their faces were marked with curiosity and concern as they took their seats, their attention fixed on the mad scientist.

"What's the point of this history lesson, Dr. Jin?" Commander Cooper asked, his tone edged with impatience.

Dr. Jin's grin widened, his eyes gleaming with a mix of excitement and madness. "Ah, Commander, you have impeccable timing," he replied. "You see, the shadow horde has halted their relentless advance for a very specific reason—they are searching for these ancient artifacts. They seek the blades, but their true purpose remains a mystery to us."

Alexander, Lieutenant Lastimosa, and Commander Cooper exchanged uneasy glances, the gravity of Dr. Jin's words settling over them like a dark cloud.

Dr. Jin continued, his voice almost reverent, "The eight blades are scattered across Earth and the other realms. Each blade holds unimaginable power, capable of altering the very fabric of reality."

Anxiety rippled through the room, the tension palpable. The enormity of the situation was beginning to sink in, and the implications were terrifying. Yet, amidst the rising panic, Dr. Jin maintained his unsettling smile.

"But fear not," he said, his voice cutting through the tension. "I have a theory regarding the locations of the first two blades. 'Truth' is believed to be hidden within an ancient temple deep in the Pacific Ocean, a place forgotten by time itself. And 'Sky,' the blade that forms barriers across the firmament, is located in the celestial realm, protected by archangels."

The room fell silent as his words hung in the air. The daunting task of retrieving these blades seemed almost insurmountable, yet the knowledge of their potential locations offered a glimmer of hope.

Commander Cooper was the first to break the silence. "If what you say is true, Dr. Jin, then we must act quickly. We cannot allow the shadow horde to get their hands on these artifacts."

Lieutenant Lastimosa nodded in agreement. "But how do we proceed? The Pacific Ocean is vast, and the celestial realm is guarded by archangels. These are not easy places to infiltrate."

Dr. Jin's smile grew even more unnerving. "Indeed, Lieutenant. This will require careful planning and execution. We must assemble a team capable of facing the dangers ahead. The stakes have never been higher."

Alexander, feeling the weight of the responsibility pressing down on him, stepped forward. "We need to gather the best warriors and strategists from all the allied factions. This mission requires unity and precision. We cannot afford to fail."

Commander Cooper nodded, his expression resolute. "Agreed. We'll start assembling our forces immediately. Time is of the essence."

As the meeting drew to a close, a sense of urgency filled the room. They knew that retrieving the blades was their only chance to stop the shadow horde and save their world. But the path ahead was fraught with peril, and they would need every ounce of strength and courage to succeed.

With newfound determination, Alexander, Lieutenant Lastimosa, and Commander Cooper began to lay out their plans, ready to embark on a mission that would decide the fate of all realms. Dr. Jin watched them with a knowing smile, the flicker of madness still gleaming in his eyes, aware that the true battle was only just beginning.

As the gravity of their mission began to sink in, tension crackled in the air. Alexander stood with a hardened expression, his gaze fixed on Commander Cooper. The room was silent except for the distant hum of machinery, and Alexander's cold demeanor was palpable.

"I need to say something," Alexander began, his voice cutting through the silence like a knife. "Before we proceed any further, there's something we need to address."

Commander Cooper turned to face him, his brow furrowing in confusion. "What is it, Alexander?"

Alexander's eyes were steely, his jaw set in determination. "You're talking about gathering warriors and strategists as if we were embarking on some grand quest. But this isn't a fairy tale, Commander. This is war. And I'm not a warrior. I'm a soldier."

A hush fell over the room, the weight of Alexander's words sinking in. Commander Cooper's face darkened with anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "What are you getting at, soldier?" he demanded, his voice low and dangerous.

Alexander's gaze never wavered, his voice steady and cold. "A warrior fights for glory and honor, driven by ideals. A soldier fights because he has to, because it's his duty. You speak of unity and precision, but we've been losing this war because we keep underestimating the enemy. We keep thinking we can fight them on equal terms, with honor and valor. But that's not how we win this."

Dr. Jin watched the exchange with a twisted smile, the tension in the room palpable. Lieutenant Lastimosa shifted uncomfortably, her eyes darting between Alexander and Commander Cooper.

Commander Cooper took a step forward, his face inches from Alexander's. "And what exactly are you proposing, Alexander? That we abandon our principles? That we become like them?"

Alexander's eyes blazed with a cold fire. "I'm proposing that we stop pretending this is a fight we can win with honor alone. The shadow horde doesn't play by our rules. They don't care about honor or glory. They care about one thing: destruction. If we want to stop them, we need to be ruthless. We need to be willing to do whatever it takes to win."

Commander Cooper's face twisted with fury. "Watch your tone, soldier. You may think you're speaking out of necessity, but there's a line we don't cross. We don't become monsters to defeat monsters."

Alexander's expression hardened, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper. "And where has that line gotten us, Commander? Look around you. Our world is in ruins. Our people are dying. We can't afford to hold onto ideals that are getting us killed. If we want to survive, we need to be willing to sacrifice everything."

The room was deathly silent, the tension between the two men thick enough to cut with a knife. Lieutenant Lastimosa stepped forward, placing a hand on Alexander's arm. "Alexander, we understand your frustration. But we have to find a balance. We can't lose our humanity in the process."

Alexander shrugged off her hand, his eyes never leaving Commander Cooper's. "Humanity? What's left of it, anyway? The shadow horde won't stop until everything is ash. If we want to save what's left, we need to fight with everything we have. No more holding back."

Commander Cooper took a deep breath, his anger slowly giving way to a grim resolve. "Very well, Alexander. You've made your point. But remember this: once we cross that line, there's no going back. We fight to win, but we don't lose ourselves in the process. Understood?"

Alexander nodded curtly, his expression unreadable. "Understood, Commander."

Dr. Jin's smile widened, his eyes glinting with a mixture of amusement and anticipation. "Ah, the fire of conviction. Perhaps there's hope for us yet."