
The Immortal Enchanter

"This world is divided into two groups. Ordinary humans and those who are bestowed with the power of the gods In ancient times, because they saw many wars, the gods decided to look for pure-hearted humans who could help them stop the war. They are whom we call nowadays 'Enchanters'." Indra Soedirjo is an enchanter granted immortality by the gods who lost his family due to the Infuser attack several years ago. When he is still struggling to recover from his grief, he is asked by Fernando Valentino, his acquaintance, to protect his younger sister, who belongs to the rare Enchanter race—the fighting race—Ariel Valentino. a female high school student who always looks curt, spoiled by her father and her older brother, and very stubborn. Can Indra fulfil his duty to protect Ariel? Will it be precisely that mission that will make him find out the reason behind the death of his entire family? ***

Zhenxinxin828 · Fantasy
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153 Chs

Chapter 106

"That's pretty easy," Erna snapped her fingers with a confident smile. "All you need to do is trap their physical existence--which will soon be formed once their smoke form is completely discharged and re-forms into their human form.

"But how will I do that?"

"With your magic fire, of course."

"Eh?" Indra widened his eyes in disbelief. "But isn't this Infuser member's elemental type wind? How do I do that?"

Erna was silent for a moment when she heard Indra's question. The woman's brows furrowed, looking at her worriedly.

"Didn't Grandpa ever teach you how to trap enemies using your blue fire element?"

"What are you talking about?" Indra asked again.

"It's strange. I'm pretty sure our Grandpa taught you how to handle your blue flame element," Erna muttered in a half-whispered voice before Erna's face brightened instantly. "That's right. I forgot you lost almost all of your childhood memories."