
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 26 {Punishment}

"Someone fall from the fourth floor!" A student shouted from the outside.

"Ahh someone was thrown out of door what is wrong with room 501!?" Some guy asked. The RNA walked toward room 501 everyone had their Louis device out after all who is daring enough to start a fight on the first of school!? Chase Juan appeared in front of the kids with coldness.

"So you guys started fight go and see the vice dean Ashton," Chase Juan said in a cold manner and he pushed his glasses up.

"When you guys come back we will talk."

Shen Riku Yuuto picked up the half ripped up painting his eyes were full of sadness he found tape and he put it together he closed his eyes and he clenched his jaw. Dominic grabbed Shen Riku Yuuto hand he didn't say anything else he knows what he did was wrong.

Vice Dean Ashton was a scary men his eyes were ice cold green as he looked at five students he crossed his arms and he let out a breath.

"So Cole you decided to pull Shen Riku Yuuto not just that go through his thing ripped his sister painting, what you got was so gentle, now Kingston Hayden you thought it would be nice to provoke someone who is already angry, all five of you guys will join class six."

"WHAT!" The three guys shouted both Dominic and Shen Riku Yuuto were already in that class so they didn't care about it at all.


"This is your punishment, I hope you learn from this I should kick you all out as for you Shen Riku Yuuto since you were provoked first I won't punish you," Vice Dean Ashton said and all the kids walked away. Kingston Hayden was touched his chin as he stared at Shen Riku Yuuto he still can't believe he lost to this guy a plant type spirit root Master they are the weakest! No it must be a mistake his the best and he knows how strong and powerful he is so he can't just allow this to go.

"Brother I saw a cafe let's go eat there."

"Grass boy."


"Yes you are a Layui Si Grass type anyway fight me."

"Excuse me are you kids the one who got in fight?"

"Yes sir."

"That will be 30,000 Euij points."

"What our points we just earned."

"Nothing comes for free you guys decided to fight and you got a fight what else did you expect?"

The kids groaned and handed their points away.

"Fight me again."

"How about not."

"Fight me."

"Plus I have 30,000 points already someone handed it over to me what so you think you fight me I will pay for everyone."

Shen Riku Yuuto waved his hand.

"Alright deal!"

Kingston Hayden covered his mouth is this guy not scared at all it doesn't matter anyway he will beat that guy.


Two days later Shen Riku Yuuto sat up from his top bunk and he grabbed his blacksmith letter he jumped down and he kicked Dominic who was watching a horror movie.

"Boy you scare yourself and then you whine at me."

"Come on help a brother out."

"Anyway I am heading I am going to the blacksmith department."

"Alright when you stop by Alice Cafe can you get me my usual?"

Shen Riku Yuuto waved his hand they are broke and he wants him to go and get him food whatever. Shen Riku Yuuto was wearing his black shorts a white shirt he looked at the letter he hasn't opened it at all. In his honesty if he didn't go through his bag he would of forgot about this letter when he found the blacksmith department it was thirty minutes later he waved his hand men it's so damn hot some girls are actually wearing hoodies. Sigh Shen Riku Yuuto pulled his shirt up and he whipped his sweat with his white shirt.

"Oooh if isn't this little brother so handsome what are you doing here?" A woman asked as she pinched Shen Riku Yuuto cheeks.

"I am here to see Ryker Maxwell."

"Your ever beautiful little girl."

"I am boy."

"Little brother you will be so handsome your future wife will have to hold you tight."

Shen Riku Yuuto face so red why are they woman here!? In his master shop they were only guys same with that uncle as well!

"So you are here to see Ryker Maxwell do you have a appointment with him?"

"No no my master said to show up said to see him right away I can't do my test in front of anyone else oh and my uncle master Jones Nickson also said that he will just come here and beat him up!"

The two woman know that name so damn well that crazy bastard who has four disciple and his also has a letter for this boy?

"Who is your master?"

"Ming Ray."

"Follow us," the woman said and took Shen Riku Yuuto hand the moment they walked inside the blacksmith department he could feel everything was different he took a deep breath so amazing and so beautiful he thought to himself. When they were on the 21 floor the woman knocked on the door.

"Little lad my name is Maya and the other woman name is Everly."

"Who is it!?"

"Sir I brought a guest he is a disciple of Ming Ray and it seems Jones Nickson also knows this boy."

Ryker Maxwell opened the door and he stared at Shen Riu Yuuto the first thing he notice this boy is so young and every handsome and beautiful.

"Hello this is my two letters one from uncle master and the other is from Master Ray."

"So his teaching a beautiful girl I don't believe it he has never gotten close to anyone but me."

"I am a boy I swear!"

"Oh really? Come on as you know if you pass the test you will be part of Zion Empire Blacksmith, as you know we have ranks as well in blacksmith and if you want to upgrade you need to do a test and pass that test within the time limit. Here are the ranks my guess is that you didn't do task just practiced right?"

Rank 1: Vados

Rank 2: Wasen

Rank 3: Oban

Rank 4: Pauloris

Rank 5: Bluadis

Rank 6: Grandmaster Smith

Rank 7: Craftsmen

Rank 8: Saint Craftsmen

Rank 9: Half Step Divine Saint blacksmith

Rank 10: Divine Blacksmith

Rank 11: Half step Emperor Junica blacksmith

Rank 12: Emperor Junica Blacksmith

Rank 13: Immortal Eatras

Rank 14: Heavenly Qayai

Rank 15: Heavenly Path God Blacksmith

"No sir I did task and I earned money for it."

Ryker Maxwell eyes widen what has Ming Ray has been teaching this boy he doesn't even look that nervous at all!

"Tyler, come this boy will be taking our blacksmith test and you will come with me."

"Vice president Ryker you will be overseeing this?"

"Yes come on boy what are you going to choose?"

Shen Riku Yuuto saw the Fire and Ice Metal he grabbed it and he held out his bracelet and he pulled out the Dragon Bone Zippo Spirit Metal.

"Can I start?"

"Yes I am ready."

"Alright you can do as you please."

Shen Riku Yuuto summoned his two hammers his mind was now at the two metals he raised his hand and hit the metal at once. This is one hundred times hammers! This boy his rhythm are so fast yet so perfect. His speed is out siding and his working with two types of metals which makes him one of a kind. Shen Riku Yuuto did not stop as his speed became faster and faster his eyes shined brightly he put the two metal together he used his element of magic to metal the two metals and started making something.

Outside the testing room.

"Humph dad don't be annoying you dude take me to the testing room I will taking my second grade blacksmith test right now."

"Huh Zion Ruby you are such a genius."

"My dear daughter how about daddy comes and see."


"Stay away from my blacksmith test let's go and follow me I won't talk to you for a week!" Zion Ruby shouted.

The men who stood there he shook his head and he sighed she is the youngest second grade blacksmith. The men was Zion Camden the President of Zion Empire Blacksmith.

Zion Camden ears heard a banging and he found this sound so beautiful amazing who is taking a second grade test!

"You who is taking a test in here?"

"Oh a nine year old boy named Shen Riku Yuuto sir."

"What nine eyes old!" Zion Camden shouted and he grabbed the door handle and he released it.

"I can't go in not yet."

"You are the president who."

"Shut up my dad would kill me plus this rule is here for a reason a monster has appeared hehe I will meet him soon enough."