
The Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God

Thet say if you are quiet enough you could hear the lost sound of the dragons. Over 100,000 million years ago dragons disappeared from this world the voices from the gods also disappeared the world has changed with advice technology outstanding and talented people they are thousands of planets that now people can see the world has changed from before yet spirit beast have been suffering because of their unique powers and how humans can use it to become stronger, but the humans did not know they have awaken a ancient sleeping dragon that was known to destory a planet within a second no one could even see its enter body this dragon has been sealed away for over 30.9 billion years it's finally out but it's after revenge toward the humans that has destroyed the dragon clan, spirit beast, and demons. In a small city there lays a young boy who has always followed his older siblings around even on the day of awakening day he was a gentle yet cunning little guy. The world isn't simple but can this little guy truly bring piece to three races demons, spirit beast, and humans? Shen Riku Yuuto dream has always been to become a Heavenly Henjina Spirit Master and fleet commander. For a young master he must rise above his brothers and sisters he must walk through fire, throns, and blood. Shen Riku Yuuto might have a trashy spirit root but what he makes of it it's up to him. Attending the number one academy in the world Celestial Edrea Academy, makinh friends, finding allys, creating enemies taking revenge on those who harm his family what Shen Riku Yuuto doesn't known is within his body there lays a Immortal Chaos Golden Dragon God Body, a real dragon that is sealed away can Shen Riku Yuuto rise above Heaven and Earth can shake the enter Heavenly Edogend Continent?

Gloria_Drinka_1851 · Fantasy
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34 Chs

Chapter 11 {Beautiful Moment}

Both Shen Riku Yuuto and Freya walked deep in the forest and Shen Riku Yuuto found himself remembering that girl Angel he meant he didn't even know what she truly looked like. He stared at Freya and he could sense something was troubling her. They stopped in front of a clear waterfall. The cool air flew toward them and Freya closed her eyes and she rushed forward and jumped off the cliff. Shen Riku Yuuto let out a scream as he jumped down as well and splashed into the water. He swam up and saw a laughing Freya who was sitting on a rock. Her hair was wet but she did not mind. Shen Riku Yuuto swim toward and grabbed Freya's hand and pulled her back into the water.

"Ah brother!"

"There is that smile I grow to know and love pouty and sad Cherry doesn't suit you at all," Shen Riku Yuuto said as he pushed his out of his face and Freya narrowed but she tightly hugged Shen Riku Yuuto.

"Cherry don't cry no matter where I go you will come along we'll be together forever."

"Brother Riku, I have a question: one day Cherry lives, will you miss her?"

"Cherry are you going somewhere?"

Freya shook her head.

"No,no I am asking if."

"Of course I will miss you but don't talk about that no matter where we are. I will shield you. I will be your strongest shield and sharpest spear so please don't think of leaving me because I will be super sad."

Freya didn't say anything, only leaned on his shoulder and tears streamed down. She just wanted this beautiful moment to stay like this forever.

Two days later.

Didn't have to go to school. He was so nervous he didn't even eat. Freya went back to her old self acting like nothing happened that day.

"Dad, I am so nervous."

"Don't be, you will be fine."

"Are you sure? Alright I will be calm. Ahh this isn't working."

"Brother how this think of the worst you get something trashy you become more trashy and your life—"


Shen Riku Yuuto stared at Shen Xiso who was now eleven years old.

"Dear brother, I feel a bit like I should throw some punches with my hammers dare challenge me?" Shen Riku Yuuto asked.

"Think of good things, good luck mommy save me!" Shen Xiso shouted.



"Unlike your brother he has been working since he was six years old a guy who is fooling around in a video game room and you want to talk about a new game and get a damn job."

"Brother look what—."



"Shut up if you don't want me to drag you to training around brother good luck."

"Good luck," Freya said.

"Hehe thanks everyone."

"We will be going to Spirit Pendulum Sect."

"Dad wasn't found by a man named Yun So Lan?"

"You read your history but yes he was the founder of Spirit Padonia Sect at the time he was also a Duke son, he was also a hero to our Heavenly Edogend Continent everyone knows him from fighting three big battles one of them was against Alien Race called Zenhula, second was an evil cult that was called Sacrificed Blood Moon, and his last battle was a against a planet that was whipped which named Wua Planet he was truly powerful he was also a soul spirit weapon creator."

"Then Soaring Heaven Shen Sect was created by Shen Qin San who was the first human to reach godhood right?"

"Yes son, Shen Qin San was known for Holy Battle Sect but also fighting against a powerful sect beside Holy Battle Sect the Tower Moon Sect, when he created Sorading Heaven Shen Sect it was to defeat those two sect they wanted to capture his wife Xiao Yu the nine tail fairy demon goddess anyway after that war all his nine friends himself and his wife disappeared and then his of Yun So Lan and his wife fought in the war I told you his wife her name was Shen Sia Reina her nickname was Dragon Butterfly Goddess, disappeared as well, third the last hero was named Shen Nolan Li he married a spirit beast named Luna Ling he was the founder of one of the most powerful magic tower. Yes Magic Li Tower Sect that man was truly something else when it came to his spells and also magic but if it wasn't for him our world wouldn't be here at all. Those hero's are important because they protected our Heavenly Edogend Continent."

"But the Supreme Ruler does that, why don't we hear about them?"

"Because it's not big enough remember this was life and death for those heroes each of them almost lost their lives more than once."

Shen Riku Yuuto nodded his head as he let out a sigh and he stared at Spirit Pendulum Sect. His eyes couldn't help but widen even wider. All the three top sect all over different buildings all over the world. When the car parked Shen Riku Yuuto jumped down and walked inside Spirit Pendulum Sect on the wall it showed the founder of Spirit Pendulum Sect and his wife everywhere you can sense how powerful this building was and this isn't even the main Spirit Pendulum Sect building! A woman bowed her head.

"Hello my name is Zoe I will be helping you guys please follow me what would you like?"

"Miss my name is Shen Riku Yuuto and I am here to buy a spirit beast."

"I see we'll one hundred to four hundred cost 34,000 thousand Kruger's, that's all with the fee for spirit power test."

"What but wasn't it supposed to cost 25,000 Kruger?"

"That's from a ten to forty year old spirit beast."

Shen Riku Yuuto let out a deep breath; this wasn't his plan at all.

"Son, how about we?"

"No, we will do that when we are ten to forty year old."

"Alright follow me."