
The Immortal Assassin

A Famous Assassin reached the end of his life, but he took with him the most sought for invention humans made.

ThyCubeVT · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Demon

On a building rooftop , This Building was the tallest ones in the whole city. Cloud's End Cliff was often called the Death freefall. During the countless years, people who have fallen off this building were too many to count; none-had survived, including three Governors with overwhelming influence.

At this moment, on the edge of this roof, a black-haired black-eyed youth leaned on the side of a electrical generator that measured half his height. There was blood everywhere on top of his black clothing with many open wounds on his person. He was on the rock for just a few breaths worth of time yet a pool of blood was already beneath his feet.

His chest heaved and it could be said that the pace at which he breathed was heavy enough to cause fear in a person. On his entire body, every one of his muscles trembled slightly indicating his exhaustion and loss of strength. If it were not for the generator, he probably would not even be able to stand on his own. However, both of his eyes were cold and calm like two cold blades, shining with the ferocity of wolves. The edge of his mouth sneered with extreme disdain.

In front of him stood a dark crowd of people that blocked all his escape routes.

"Akira, You're cornered! If you obey us and hand over the case, perhaps we may allow you to live!"

"Today we're going to enforce justice for the people who died in your hands, get rid of this scourge! If you hurry up and quickly surrender the Case, we can let you die a happy death or you will taste the pain of a hundred bullets in your heart."

"Akira! Stop being so stubborn, your only way out is to hand over the Case! You're a dead man anyways."

Waves of roars came from the crowd, with everyone there shouting words like justice and righteousness. If any passerby saw this, they would be stunned by this scene. This dark crowd of people consisted of people from the famous Mafia that had a hold on multiple countries of the Asian Continent. The Leaders were all present, and even some of the forgotten old members were there as well. It was not too far-fetched to say that if one pick anyone out from this crowd, he would be someone that can shake any place with his name only.

Now, they were all gathered for this youth who had been pushed to the edge of this Building. Specifically, for the Black Case in his hand—the immortal serum.

While slowly approaching, the crowd shouted with threatening menace. When the Serum finally showed up again, they were faced with this irresistible treasure once more. After hunting for five full days, they could not wait to harvest the fruits of their labor.

"You guys… want this… Serum?"

Akira laughed coldly. As he slowly raised his right hand, a metal syringe full of green liquid with a dim radiance appeared in his hand. The moment this syringe appeared, everyone stopped in their tracks. Staring tightly at the green liquid, their eyes shone with greed.

To Akira, these people who were strong enough to scare the world looked weak and dumb. He slowly raised his eyes. Although cornered, his pupils shone with arrogance and mockery. a cheerful look was deep in his eyes. "you people ended many lives trying to create this, countless people seeking neither benefit nor fame but because of this Syringe, you guys killed many."

"i don't really mind it, people who died died, we shouldn't cry over spilled milk, but they weren't dead by my hands so i was curious about the reason of these thousands of deaths"

Every word of his contained Curiosity and Scorn.

Akira did not know who his parents were, it seemed like he was only a few years old when he went down the murderous path.

He smiled then roared, "You son of a b*tches, you want this syringe You. Are. All. Daydreaming!!"

After making this deep proclamation, Akira suddenly raised his hand and stabbed the content of the Syringe in his neck.

"What…. What are you doing!"

"He actually… took the syringe!"

"Akira! Do you want to die that badly!"

"It's fine, no big deal, we will kill him and take the the liquid from his blood!"

The Green Liquid entered his body, A faint green light emitted from the surface of his body.

"Kill him now! Otherwise the Liquid may change inside his body. That would be a huge problem!"

Roaring, a dozen people in the front row aimed for Akira at the same time. Looking at the figures of the people he was pushed to a corner because of them, Akira began to laugh. His laughter was weak and dry but still very arrogant, "I don't have the ability to kill you guys, but don't think that you can kill me! You pieces of trash are not worthy of killing me. If I die, I would die by my own hands! Hahahaha…"

After laughing Akira used every bit of his last strength to jump backwards.

"Stop him!!!"

Several hands reached out to Akira after realizing his intent but could not even grasp half his shadow. They could only watch as his body free fell down into the Ground.

I no longer have ties in this world. Unfortunately… I could not create enough chaos.

Akira gently held the silver pendant in front of his chest. It was the only thing he had on him since he was a little kid. The wind screamed past his ears as he slowly closed his eyes and let his body plunge deep into the air.