
the dream story of teenage girl -I

In a small village name volta, there was a small coloneys usually used to exist .

Village was not too much devloped but it was ok to live a simple life there.

But the problem was the one that most of times people used to suffer from various supernatural creatures , no one in village know where this creatures came from many began to left the village and went to city to get saved from creature .

Slowly the village get empty people left the village .

Many years went and no go that way through the village .

As to get to village we have to cross a dense forest .

Usually forest looks dark even in daytime.the story of creature spread . People started to avoid that way .

Serena was a teenage girl. she used to love to have adventures in unknown places she used to travel with her friend Joseph .

Joshep and Serena were friends from there childhood .

They live to tease each other and have fun .

Joseph also love to have mysterious adventures .

Usually he love to spend time with Serena .

But after some Serena had went to London for further studies .

Joseph got alone .Then he started to show intreste in studies .

After many years Serena now going to get back to emphidea to meet her friend.

Serena get back to city and she meet her friend Joseph ,she got so happy as same Joseph as well have .

The decided to get toa alone place to have a nice talk with him

They went to the river near to there city .

They began to have fun in talking with each other. suddenly Joseph began to talk about there old adventures.

Serena get a tiny wish to get same type of adventure with Joseph again, he also want to have the same.

Next early morning both of them with the jeep of Serena father they went to a forest .

But the bad things was it was the same forest near to the village volta.

Both of them have no idea about that the forest have a creature with supernatural powers .

Serena have get in dense jungle .

Joseph were getting in back of her .

They were walking and they suddenly reach in middle of forest .

In the dark forest she saw a bright green light coming behind from from dense plants .

Both of them began to follow the light the light and they saw a big old tree with a light coming out of its trunk .

She really got excited and she touch the trunk ahe suddenly she get into a different world .

she was so surprised she didn't understand where does she came .

But the environment saw surrounding to her was so beautiful . she got attracted by the leafs of trees that were shining .

just like it have sparkle on its .

she began to look all around and she saw a river .

She get there she was observing herself reflection in the water .

Suddenly she saw a a girl with half fish and half human she got suprised .

But suddenly the thing got disappeared .

What was the story behind this world ,does the creature in volta village have some connection with all this ? And what happened to Joseph does he also got entered in this world let's see the answers of this question in part II of this story.

Although I was not a real writer I have written story because I always want to publish my own story

Vidya_Borkarcreators' thoughts