
(1) The DREAM

"Akky....Heyyy...Agh..!! Orchid...Ms. Orchid..I'm your best friend Ellie...are you even listening...?? Hey..look in front...you're going to fall .... There's a.... HOLE!!.."

--Akky...Her name is Orchid. She's a teenager who is reading in her 3rd year of high school... though if someone doesn't know her... she'll be mistaken as an Adult. She doesn't have any parents. So she lives with her best friend Ellie....--

Ellie was talking with Orchid (Akky) who wasn't paying attention...and walking forward leaving her best friend behind. But Akky was about to fall as there was a Hole. But fortunately Scarlett hold her by her arm.

"Watch out! Look where you're going ...!!" Scar said as she was holding Her.

--Scar...Full name Scarlett, Who has an crush on Orchid.--

"Ah... thanks for that..." Akky said as she let out a sigh.

"Hey....you ok...?? Everything is fine Ellie..??" Scar said in a worried tone.

Ellie Just shrugged his shoulder in her response , indicating...'I dunno'.

"Hey...Akky tell me what's it...??"

"Uh...Scar! It's not something like that...I'm ok!"

"oh...Ok..not my problem! If you don't want to say...At least pay attention when you're walking! Ok! I'm... going.." Scar went after she said.

"Hey...Akky..Are you ok..!!?? by the way...it's getting late...Let's go home...!!" Ellie said as after Scar left and she came near Akky.


Akky's POV :_______

'I still can't figure out what was that dream about...I never saw him before...it's the first time I saw someone in my dream whom I never met... neither saw...is this Just my imagination..?? Made by me..?? I don't know either... I can't tell this to anyone... they'll not think anything about it...so I should Just keep it to myself...! My own Dream... I've to figure out about it more...and there's only one way to dream about it again...!'

Some person,

whom you see in your dreams ...they're not maybe just your imagination, Try to find them more in your dreams cause they're the one whom you love . Try to see them more to find yourself happy.....cause in the end of day only you can make yourself happy...and...also..they're not Just our imagination. They're the person whom we saw in reality but they're mixed with our imagination....that's why we can't recognize them...

_Andy_Watson_creators' thoughts