
The Illusionist Vendetta

The story follows the life of a forsaken child whose world is shattered when his parents become the victim of illusionists. Abandoned by justice, he grows up harboring a deep-seated resentment toward the illusionist community and the apathetic organization tasked with their normal people's protection. Years later, he emerges as a formidable force, discovering his latent power to manipulate illusions. Consumed by his anguish and fueled by an unyielding thirst for retribution, he embraces his newfound abilities and assumes the role of a powerful villain. His sole purpose is exacting vengeance upon the illusionists and the neglectful organization that betrayed him. ------------------------------- A/N : I'm writing this for fun - Nomage

Nomage · Fantasy
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7 Chs


Ethan Lancaster, a forsaken child haunted by the tragic loss of both parents, found himself thrust into a world of chaos and conflict. A battle erupted between the malevolent illusionist and the formidable Anti-Illusionist (AI) government organization in the sprawling metropolis of Veridian City. Unbeknownst to Ethan, his humble abode in District 3 became the unfortunate epicenter of this cataclysmic clash.

On that fateful night, as the illusionist's nefarious powers clashed with the AI organization's resolute determination, a devastating barrage of illusions and countermeasures tore through the streets. Ethan's parents valiantly shielded him from the lethal onslaught, their love becoming an impromptu barrier against the destructive forces unleashed in the heart of their home.

Ethan, ensconced within the protective embrace of his parents, remained oblivious to the unfolding mayhem. Entranced by the illusions cast upon him, his innocent mind struggled to discern reality from the intricate web of deceit. Not until an intrepid AI soldier broke through the surreal veneer, shattering the illusions that had ensnared Ethan's perception, he awoke to the grim reality before him.

The moment he saw his parents laying in front of him with blood across their bodies, he screamed and cry for help but it was too late. The moment one of the soldiers approached him, he said that he is lucky that he still survive but his parents have died from losing too much blood.


What a wonderful day! My parents and I have just gone to the entertainment district to have a vacation. But I'm sad that it is already dark, so we have no choice but to go home and just spend the rest of our time in the house.

But something strange happened, why does our district look so quiet? there seems to be no one here, but I don't care because my parents are everything to me, so if I'm with them I will be safe.

But the strangeness keeps getting weirder, the moment we step into our neighborhood there is a weird smell that seems to be blood. Soon, my mind quickly denied the fact that it is something serious because why not? Our neighborhood and district are protected by the Anti-Illusionist Organization, so there's no way a fight will occur.

With each step we took, my parents and I moved closer to our home, unaware of the malevolent forces gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. The facade of security crumbled before my innocent eyes, but my mind, ever eager to shield me from harsh realities, remained steadfast in its denial. How could calamity befall us? We were protected, invulnerable to the ravages of the world beyond our doorstep.

My thoughts were completely shattered, when I saw a black-robed person wearing a mask clashing with a group of people looking like the AI Organization soldier. Suddenly, the black-robed person unleashes something like power in our direction. My parents, who know that it was an illusion, swiftly moved in front of me and shield me from the power of destruction, becoming a living shield that saves me from the hand of death.

It was common knowledge that an illusion power leashed by the illusionist is not that dangerous, but if they combined it with something else and do a trick it can even kill and slaughter human lives. An Illusionist can mess with our mind to see that a bullet looks like a safe thing that was only thrown at us.

But sadly, I was still caught in the illusion and can't see anything because the illusion blocked my vision with darkness. As the clash between the illusionist and the AI soldiers intensified, the cacophony of chaos enveloped me. I could hear the shouts, the clash of powers, and the anguished cries reverberating through the night. Yet, trapped within the suffocating darkness of the illusion, I remained oblivious to the devastation unfolding around me.

Time seemed to stand still as the illusion held me captive in its grip. The world outside became a distant echo, a mere phantom whispering of a reality I could not perceive. My parents' voices, once filled with love and reassurance, faded into the void, swallowed by the all-encompassing darkness.

In that void, my mind was tormented by visions of terror and despair. All that I saw was the illusionist's sinister smile, His eyes gleaming with malevolent glee. Shadows danced, contorting into strange shapes as if mocking the tragedy that happen to me. I cried out, my voice lost in the abyss, a desperate plea for an escape from the prison of illusions that held me captive.

Please someone, please get me away from this horrific abyss....

Suddenly, a flicker of hope emerged. Through the veil of darkness, a beam of light pierced the illusion, cutting through the shroud that had clouded my senses. It was the determined face of an AI soldier, the soldier's eyes that were burning with resolve, who had managed to break through the illusion's grip and reach out to me.

Once again, I can look onto the reality itself, freeing myself from the terror I had just trapped.

The soldier's voice, laced with urgency, cut through the deafening silence. "Kid!" they called, their words a lifeline amidst the chaos. With a surge of strength, they shattered the illusions that had ensnared me, unveiling the grim reality that had unfolded before my young eyes.

"Kid are you okay?" one of the soldiers asked me. But I can't even speak at that moment, my hands still trembling from the previous experience so I just nod at him. By the time I look to the side, lay my parents—lifeless, their bodies marked by the cruel touch of the illusionist's power. A torrent of grief washed over me, threatening to consume my fragile heart. The soldier's voice, tinged with sorrow, pierced through my anguish. "You are lucky to have survived," they said, their voice trembling with the weight of the tragedy.

At that moment, the world I had known shattered, leaving behind only fragments of a shattered reality. I cried and screamed as hard as I can. I put my hand in my chest as if a needle has just poked my heart. The illusionist had stolen not only my parents but also my innocence, leaving me adrift in a world teetering between truth and illusion. Determination welled within me, mingling with the grief and anger that coursed through my veins. I vowed to avenge the loss of my parents and to bring justice to those who had torn my world apart.


- Nomage