

A guy who suffers and a girl who lives to fix the broken meet in the un luckiest situation. What could they possible have in store for us. Stick around to find out more.

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10 Chs

Chapter 6

Although Xiao Min took care of the pest that bothered him for years, his stepmother, the master mind was still alive. Xiao Min knew that if he did not handle that woman he would continue to suffer. Xiao Min pulled open the back door of the Maybach that pulled up in front of him. His fist clenched as he sat in silence thinking about the damage the step witch, he was about to hunt, did to him.

After being exiled to England Xiao Min leaved in bliss. He spent the first three months enjoying life away from his personal Disney villain. Unfortunately, it was cut short when assassins started hunting him. Beaten and bloodied he dragged himself through the slumps of London to hide from his pursuers. There he met a Chinese man in rags, who swept in with a round house kick to the head of the assassin. Acknowledging the man as his master, Xiao Min went through tedious training that enhanced his blood lust and killing intent. With his master's connections he started his business and private army. Unfortunately, as Xiao Min grew more powerful so did his enemies. To protect his master and protector, he decided to move back to China, with the ridiculous thought that at least his enemies there were weaker than those in Europe.

Xiao Min's jaw clenched, and his anger flared at the thought of his naivety. He was now stuck with the corpses of his trusted subordinates and a disfigured witch in the basement of his house. Xiao Min's thoughts came to a halt as the car pulled into the yard of a rundown abandoned house. Xiao Min squared his shoulders and marched towards the basement, ready to finally end the final boss so the game can be completed.

Xiao Min's eyes were blood shot as his blood lust raised and his killing intent thickened, suffocating his followers. Xiao Min clamped his eyes shut and took a deep breath to control himself after his fun activity. A pair of bright eyes and a porcelain face appeared in his mind allowing him to extinguish his blood lust and killing intent.

Xiao Min strolled out of the house and drove away with distracted thoughts. Xiao Min could not believe that the fiery short stack was able to calm him with just a single thought of her and he became even more determined to have her. Xiao Min's Xiaomi phone was once more removed from his pocket, and he informed his secretary to put a ban on Ling Fei's family business in an attempt to pressure her into being with him.