
The Idols: Part 1

I walked up to his throne, King Theodore of Reblin. He stared down to me, as if to look into my soul. Do I truly want to do this? I pull my knife from my jean pocket. I walk closer to the king. With a flash my knife goes into his throat. He doesn't scream out in surprise or in agony, instead, he sits there and takes it. I wonder if this is a bad idea. I watch him closely as his eyes flutter shut. When I pull the knife out, his neck seems to gasp; throb as if I myself can sense the pain. He takes his hands from behind his back carefully, as if I'm slow motion, to reveal a watch. He throws the bronze watch off the cliff and I watch it fall off slowly…

I arrive back at the village in my bed, covered in sweat, gasping The same place I was from the last day. I realize that I woke up from a dream. I pick up my steel knife and go on my real journey in the real world to go back up to Istaké Mountain. I tell my mom goodbye, and she waves me off and I go down the pathway. There it is, the beautiful mountain I call my home. I begin my climb. I feel myself shake as I climb up, not knowing why. When I reach the top the man is there. The one from my dream. I walk up to him, and I tap him on the shoulder. He turns.. He stares me in the eye as if to say "We have met before." I draw my sword, perhaps in a trance. He sits there with a grin, a wide and toothy one. I aim a stab into his neck, but instead of avoiding it he picks up his watch; my dream has come to life. He throws it off the cliff. I decide to wait to see what happens next.

With a gasp, I arrive at the village in my bed. The same place I was before. I realized that this wasn't a dream, that this was real. I pick up my knife and race on my journey up to the mountain, knowing what would be there When I reached the top of the mountain this time, he looks impressed, and I snarl. I had beat my time climbing up this horrible thing. I run towards him and kick him in the shin, attempting to grab the watch. He grunts and I reach for the beautiful watch, wishing to look at it. As I touch it, it burns my hand. Uncontrollably, I walk to the edge of the cliff. My hand trembles, and then lets go. Before it even begins to drop, I arrive back at the village in my bed with a sigh.

I begin on my dreaded journey again, but I grab a set of thick, leather gloves to test. This time when I reach the mountain and climb to the top, he has the watch out in front of him. Around two feet from me. I grab the watch with my glove and it finally doesn't burn me. I walk down the cliff with the bronze watch, I drop it on the way down and curse. I arrive at the village in my bed. Although I find myself already energized, as if I already stretched.

With a sigh, I pick up my knife and begin again. I do the same thing again, except putting the watch in a secure sack. I attach a pulley to bring the watch down safely. I manage to bring it down. But when I climb back up, he has the watch again. I stab him several times in the throat and arms, careful so that he doesn't use the watch. I finish by stabbing myself, to make sure I do not use the watch. I arrive back at the village in my bed safely. Although I stabbed myself, I

came back alive. I wake up and grab my knife, but I sit there for a while to think. I stab myself in the throat, and then…

I arrive back in my bed, already at the village. I am perfectly fine. So this tells me I am invincible, right? I walk back up onto the mountain, he has the watch in a secret case, locked to both of us. I know what he wants, I begin to yell in rage and jump towards him, slashing him in the stomach. He attempts to snap my neck, he fails. I pierce his heart with a quick stab. I grab my second blade and starting stabbing him in multiple places at once. He yells my name, "Jake." as I kill him. I walk down without the watch, and everyone cheers. But after a day's work, everything went black. I didn't arrive back in my bed. I heard the ringing in my head, "Jake." he said. Once again, he repeats, "Jake."

I arrive back in my bed, I check the clock, it's 7:00. I go back to sleep. When it turns to 9:00 it rings to wake me up. I push it off on accident while attempting to turn it off, and suddenly I felt tired again. Before I could pick it up my alarm went back on the desk and was at 7:00. All clocks of any type have this power it seems. If I drop my phone, clock, pocket watch, anything. I buy a pocket watch and sleep. I put the pocket watch, and all my clocks, on the floor. I hear an earthquake.

I rush out of my room to make sure everyone is okay. My sword cuts my leg as I run past. My mom has fallen off her bed, but she's fine. I come into my room and the floor caves in.

I sit back and think about what's been happening recently. Somehow, I still retain my memory after it falls. I've given up, I get rid of all my clocks and I sleep. My pocket watch though, I can't seem to get rid of. I hold on to it and cannot drop it. I think it has a bond to me, the same as the king. One thing is different though, he can drop his. Does this mean we can drop it in danger?

I robbed a store, as I was being arrested I threw my pocket watch. It dropped and I appeared back in my bed. What happens if I find where the king reappears? Does he reappear on the mountain? He couldn't, he has no bed or anything. Just a simple throne. I sit on the edge of the lake and think. The swans pass by as I throw them food. Swans love the bread, my mother hand makes it. It's art to me, and it's definitely art to the swans. I feel bad for the swans, they lost most of their water to the humans of this land. The final lake is where I sit. I wish the people wouldn't wreck it the way they do. I continue to feed them, picking up trash as I go. My friends come over and ask me some questions. They ask why I sit here and care for the swans when my mission is to become emperor. I respond to them, "Because it's a nice thing to do for the world, isn't it?" They smile at me and say that I should rule just for my kindness. They decide to come with me on this journey to the mountain.

As we go up the mountain, I dont feel as scared as I used to. I feel like something has changed. We walk up and the king throws his pocket watch off the cliff, but nothing happens. We don't go back home. So I go and fight the man, stabbing him in his throat.