
Chapter 3 [She looks like a princess from a fairy tale]

It's finally over... The shoot is finally over...

Kiara slumped a bit as she got out of the room where the photo studio was, exhausted from trying to stay still for the camera.

With an exchange of "good work today" along with a bow, Kiara and her manager Kotori headed out of the building and onto the next scheduled activity. Which was a radio program where she's gonna be a guest on at a radio station which will take them around half an hour to get to by car.

How did I get the chance to be a guest on a radio show when I haven't even been an idol for that long..? Is it because of the rumours about me being a prodigy? No, It couldn't possible be that... Can it?

Kiara continued her thoughts about the reason why she was invited as a guest as they made their short and quite trip to the radio station as if she was really confused even though the reason behind was already quite obvious.

each and every singke one of the inside of the sound proof room where they did their multiple shows all the proper equipment insde of each, from expensive looking microphones attached to some arms that acted as their stands to the sound boards that they used for playing sound effects and a computer where they play the song that they broadcast.

Each one also had it's own sound booth where the audio engineers would control how loud the microphone and the music where making sure that they weren't too loud that the other wouldn't be that audible.

"You must be, Miss Kiara, right?"

A woman in her early twenties that looked like the host of the radio show that she'll be on bowed towards Kiara and her manager as she sees them enter the soundproof room.

It's been quite a while now since she left the swimsuit gravure shoot that's gonna be used for promotion for her debut as a solo artist along side a famous model that happened to join the shoot because she had an empty slot on her schedule after she arrived back at the agency from her shoot for a famous cologne brand in a studio somewhere in Los Angeles, USA.

And now the interview for the radio show that Kiara had went to as a guest was now also about to finish when the female host randomly decided to ask the question: "What did you think of when you were performing at the winter concert?"

Kiara's thought about this completely random question was: "Was my smile while I was performing stiff?"

She was rather reluctant to answer the host's question because of it being a little bit private...

But with a quick inhale from her mouth she answered: "I was thinking about what if my parents didn't make me transfer here and just let me stay in england."

"I didn't know you were a transfer student from the UK... What's like growing up there?"

The host added with now a curious look in her eyes signaling Kiara who was sat across the soundproof table to think of a good answer to reply with, She had placed a finger under her chin as if she was thinking really hard.

"Well..." She paused for a little bit and continued: "That's a really hard question to answer since my parent's didn't really let me go outside of the house because of the fear that I someone might kidnap me or I might get myself into a accident so I didn't really exprience the outside world except when I was dropped off at school." She finished her answer with a blank expression on her face which had previously been a happy one.

"I see... You're parents really cared about you..." The host's expression was a mix of pity and intrugue towards the young pink-haired foreigner.

"Well, Thanks for coming today." The host smiled at Kiara before saying: "That's it for the interview of the new idol Kiara Alcott." before pressing a button on the control panel in front of her which had serveral buttons on it making the show go into a commercial break before letting her out of the sound proof room.

She looks and talks like a princess from a fairy tale...

The radio host thought letting Kiara leave the room that had a lot of soundproofing done to it.


A big deal was made after Kiara had her radio interview on a radio show about music when she arrived at the international school that her parent's arranged for her to attend...

Some of her classmates who listens to the radio show that Kiara got a interview on immediatley surrounded her as she sat at her desk which was two rows of desks away from the front of the room where the blackboard and the teacher's lecturn was.

Her classmates also wanted autographs from her but a teacher had already entered the room and they were forced to take their sits to not get in trouble.

They finally left me alone...

Kiara sighed taking out a classical japanese book from her bag because of the first subject of that day being classical japanese.

The same people in her class kept on approaching her and the desk that sat at asking a lot of questions, some were random like: "When is your first single coming out?" and "You said on that radio show that you weren't allowed to leave your house back in the UK without permission, is that true?"

The day went on like this everytime that the teacher had left their classroom, she was treated like a small animal at a zoo.

Why can't they just leave me alone....?

There were also a group that didn't like that Kiara was getting most of the attention but decided to just keep quite and not do anything because her mother was a member of the school's board of directors and they could get expelled for bullying or harrassing her.

[To Be Continued...]

"Princess" was kind of overkill but I wanted it to look like the host was really amazed of her looks so yeah...

Next Chapter - [A sudden announcement and the same wierd dream]

SoraNekohimecreators' thoughts