
The Idol’s Wife

Strong, independent, career and goal oriented, she is not just the idol’s wife. She has a name. She is Dr. Amelia Elizabeth Fitzgerald. Amy, is a pediatric neurosurgeon, who at young age, accomplished more than other surgeons twice her age. Trying to forget her past trauma and proving that she is more than a mogul’s daughter, Amy accepted a time-consuming, mind boggling job under Global Health Organization. Right before her contract was over, Amy met Jim and two immediately hit off at their first meeting, or was it the second? As Amy find that she is falling deeply with Jim, she is force to face the downside of loving a well-liked celebrity. Now, she finds herself in a situation where she might have to choose between love or career. What will Amy choose? The career she worked so hard for? Or her lover she deeply longed for? Follow Amy’s story as she find herself being romantically involved with “Jim” one of the member of Axis21- a KPoP boy band who took the world by storm and the “Jim” the man that quavered Amy’s world upside down. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events and incidents are purely fictional and are product of author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental and does not reflect the views and opinions of said person, events, organizations, places, and incidents. This novel contains mature content not suitable for young children. Copyright: Cover photo is owned by the author. Any content related to The Idol's Wife is use without consent and without proper credit, copyright may be reported.

PurpleLilyTurf · Urban
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77 Chs

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7:30 am:

Jim: Morning, babe. Are you at work? I thought you don't work till later?

8:00 am:

Jim: Sorry I was not able to eat dinner with you. 

8:30 am:

Jim: Are you doing surgery? I miss you. 

8:31 am:

I love you.

11:45 am:

Is everything okay?

Amy glanced at her phone again; she was not supposed to be in the hospital early, but after reading Lily's text message, she could not fall back to sleep. 'Why would Jim lie to me?' 

Amy's heart was beating a million miles per minute; she could not help but remember when she caught Noah kissing another girl after she had decided to accept his proposal. It shattered Amy. She swore never to give any man that power again. 

But Jim. Jim was supposed to be the exception. And the day she gave her heart away, he lied and went to see his ex-lover. And that text, ugh, that text.