
Eleanor's shock reaction

Eleanor ended the call with Lady Celeste, nerves jangled by the unexpected news - a series of raids had mysteriously crippled Vincent's supply lines. Her friend seemed poised to retaliate harshly.

This reeked of Shane's brazen interference. Eleanor groaned, hurrying to consult Xavier. If Shane was running amok in Eldoria, there was no telling the chaos that could erupt without context for the realm's subterfuge.

"Vincent relies upon more than political allies," she explained to her friends. "He is supported secretly by the Ancient Circle - vampiric warlords commanding deadly magic."

Xavier nodded gravely. "Yes, such primal beings escaped even the Dread Queen's grasp. They strike mercilessly when exposed."

Eleanor felt cold fear for Shane then. "If he has provoked Vincent and his Circle...they will retaliate brutally while I am unable to help Shane." She moved towards the portal orb. "I must return home at once!"

But Xavier stopped her with an urgent look. "That may only worsen the conflict if you cannot fully counter the Circle yet. We may have another option." He showed her mystical signs revealed in Shane's last covert photos - the potion maker!

"An outsider to the Circle, but in Vincent's employ. We can target and trace him back to your cousin."

Xavier hastened to an arcana vault, gathering enchanted chains. "I will come along to restrain the conjuror. Buy Shane and yourself time!"

Though frightened for her friend, Eleanor nodded firmly. By covertly striking those aiding Vincent, they could control the coming storm until her return on stronger terms.

She sent up a fervent prayer that Shane would be kept clear of lethal danger for a little while longer...


Xavier stepped through the portal, moving swiftly towards the cloaked figures awaiting him - the Hidden Circle, an ancient order sworn to combat primal supernatural forces. If anyone understood the vampiric Ancient Circle's powers, it was them.

"Prince Vincent has allied with those dread beings you once fought," Xavier explained gravely after the introductions for fighting were given.

"I must know their capabilities to thwart them."

The lead warlock gestured, the spectral walls around them filling with disturbing images - vampires materializing from shadows, enslaved legions with empty eyes, pyramids of bloodied skulls from their battlefields.

"Their strength is concealment and domination; mental enslavement," the warlock explained. "They feast slowly on lives rather than gore." More visions flowed by of horrifying urn artifacts, soul trapping spells.

Xavier watched uneasily at the gruesome accounts, steeling himself against the chill down his spine. Was Shane prepared for such evil? "How may I combat them?"

But the warlocks shook their heads. "Facing such foes openly is beyond mortal means. One may only ward their influence through cunning." They presented Xavier with an engraved blade. "You must play their games. Godspeed."

Departing back through the portal gratefully armed yet troubled, Xavier prayed that his skills proved enough to defend Shane and spare Eleanor worse confrontation with these lurking vampiric masters. For if their power continued unfettered, nowhere in Eldoria would soon be safe...


Eleanor paced up and down on the floor of her hidden mountain retreat, anxiously awaiting her advisor's arrival through the concealed portal. Xavier's disturbing update on the vampires' ghastly powers weighed heavily on her mind. She needed counsel combating this threat before Shane provoked further danger.

A shimmering gateway formed within the warding glyphs and her guest stepped onto the carved stones - Lady Amethyst, a former court arcanist turned mercenary mage since the Dread War. Few knew about primary magics as well as she did.

"My lady, welcome and thank you for coming secretly," Eleanor greeted her. "Eldoria faces supernatural peril in my absence." She described the vampiric Ancient Circle and Xavier's efforts to slow their influence which would come through Vincent.

Lady Amethyst listened intently, her sharp eyes glinting with purple fury - long hunters of such mystical parasites herself.

"You seek to offset this infestation then buy time I take it? Hmm..." She paced in her billowing purple gown, considering options.

Minutes passed while Eleanor fought back worst case fears before Amethyst snapped her fingers.

"The Anchor shards! Their essence should disrupt any vampiric powers in proximity temporarily. We fashion it into amulets to shield your agent and slow down their puppet prince."

Hope soared in Eleanor at the idea. She rushed to retrieve the Dread Queen's leftover fragments, imbued with dimensional power. With them and Amethyst's enchantments, she could guard Shane until her return!

"Brilliant, my lady! Let us swiftly craft these protections before the damned detect our efforts here..."

Lady Amethyst immediately set to work, clearing a ritual circle amidst Eleanor's retreat. Ancient tools and reagents materialized from her cloak - silver salts, crystalline powders, bone etchers.

"Pass me those Anchor shards, my queen. I shall impart their disruptive essence into warding charms."

Eleanor hurried to oblige, studying the archaic diagrams and symbols being drawn around the circle's perimeter with chalk. "You're certain these will shroud us from detection?" she asked anxiously.

Amethyst's look was grim as she inscribed the final glyphs, murmuring arcane utterances.

"If we wish to diminish those coffin masters' awareness, the masking cannot be half-made." She lit braziers around the circle which flared emerald flames. "Their scrying is beyond mere sight."

Satisfied with the manifold occulting wards now active, the mage gestured for Eleanor to stand back before crushing the Anchor shards over the burning coals. Noxious vapors billowed forth, coalescing into a nebulous miasma which Amethyst rapidly channeled and condensed.

Hour after agonizing hour ground went by as the two women fought to control that roiling force, siphoning it into awaiting gemstone matrices per Amethyst's obscure formulas. Eleanor wiped sweat from her brow, fighting off mental vertigo from the ritual's alien forces.

At last the unnatural energies stilled, solidifying into a handful of amulets imbued with the Anchor's anti-dimensional properties. Amethyst slumped exhausted but smiled thinly in triumph, handing them to Eleanor. "There - these talismans shall cloak the bearers from the Eyes of Thirst. For a while at least..."

Nodding wearily, Eleanor pocketed the precious charms, internally vowing to get them to Shane and Xavier through secret channels. Discretion was paramount - for the Ancient Circle's retaliation if they discovered her resistance would be beyond anything they had endured!