
The Ice Emperor in Naruto

Reborn As Naruto into the shinobi World, watch his journey to becoming the ice Emperor while he tries to protect his loved ones and family. Just writing for fun don’t be negative in the comments, good vibes

CookieFromAjar · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 7

"Put down the barrier the storm has subsided" a anbu shouted

After they put down the barrier they saw an extremely handsome teenager he hand now long Snow White hair that has become light blue at the ends and one of his eyes where a pupil should be there was a extremely beautiful snowflake.

"What was that just now explain!!!" A anbu yelled

"Yea you fox!!" Yelled a civilian

"Kill the demon fox!!" Yelled another civilian

When Naruto heard this his eyes turned extremely cold, then Naruto scanned through all the people present till his eyes landed on hinata who was being held by a couple jonin that looked to be roots. And that completely enraged Naruto

"YOU ROOTS! LET HINATA GO RIGHT NOW!!" Naruto yelled turning on his ice powers making hundreds of ice spears floating in the sky ready to kill the roots and other ninjas that dare to harm hinata at any time.

"You! What do you think your doing! Lord danzo told us to protect the princess of the hyuga clan from you." A ninja from the roots yelled

Naruto sneered " if you don't let hinata go in 5 seconds you die" then a strong murderous intent shot out from Naruto

" five, four, three, two, one" Naruto said, they did not let go then 20 ice spears shot out creating a shock wave before the roots could even move or react they died with ice spears in there bodies

Naruto quickly dashed to hinata and hugged her " are you ok I was so worried if anything happened to you I… I " before Naruto could finish

"Thank you" Hinata said weakly with trembling hands "you don't need to thank me I'll do anything for you even my give my life if need be"

When hinata heard this her heart warmed but immediately said " no Naruto I can't let you ever give your life for mine!" Hinata said firmly

"I don't care, if your in trouble anything I can give. even if my life then I will, you can't change what my heart wants to do for the person I love" Naruto said with soft eyes

But then he heard another yell

"He's a demon he killed the hyuga ladies escorts" a civilian yelled

" he betrayed the village" another civilian yelled

"He's the fox demon" more civilian's started to spread rumors

"Naruto how could they, you just saved me" Hinata said with disbelief

"It's danzo he wanted me to kill his Roots so he could spread more rumors and get more people to hate me, but that doesn't matter I only care about you in the hole world. So why should I care what they think?" Naruto said with a small fake smile

but hinata saw through it immediately she could feel the hatred he had for danzo and his emotionless eyes towards the people and she too had hate for danzo and has lost a lot of the so called will of fire to protect these people.

Then a anbu captain not from the roots showed up " lord Hokage wishes to meet with you in the Hokage office"

"Fine but I'm bringing hinata, I'm not letting her out of my sight" Naruto said

The anbu didn't respond and led the way

Naruto and hinata entered the Hokage office where Hiruzen Sarutobi and danzo were sitting and standing next to each other

" explain yourself why did you freeze the ninja school and killed three fellow ninja's" danzo said coldly

Hiruzen Sarutobi stayed quiet to listen, Naruto sneered "first off my body is constantly evolving after I ate that fruit and I will accidentally not be able to control my power and fall unconscious, and Mr Hokage should already know this so don't waist my time on stupid questions.

As for killing your so called ninjas there not Ninjas but your brain washes roots that are responsible for ruining my life since I was born and spreading rumors and making it so I have no way to make money and almost starve to death."

When Hiruzen Sarutobi heard this he glared at danzo.

As for When hinata heard this a murderous intent was seen in her eyes tawards danzo, which suprised Naruto as he has never seen hinata with those eyes. But it also warmed his heart even more towards Hinata than it was before. Making him believe he would not hesitate to not give his life to hinata.

Naruto continued "As for why I killed your roots they were trying to kidnap hinata so of course I would kill them, I would kill anyone if they chose to harm hinata no exceptions" Naruto said glaring at both Hiruzen Sarutobi and danzo

"Cough.. cough I understand your reasons you may go" Hiruzen Sarutobi said

Before Naruto and hinata left Naruto said "make sure to put me and hinata in the same squad I don't want hinata to have any slip ups for your sake danzo, and those anbu spying on me 24/7 fuck of I've been able to sense you for more than a couple years and so has hinata don't spy on me anymore" Naruto said and he flared his kage level chakra, making danzo and Sarutobi look at him in shock

When Naruto and hinata left on there way to the river Hinata asked worried "Naruto will everything be ok they won't do anything to you right?"

"They can't do anything to me if they wanted to they don't have the strength and for another reason I'll tell you when we get to the river we should not talk here about this" Naruto said

At the river sitting on the grass watching the river go by with hinata by Naruto's side with there hands locked together

"The reason why they can't act on me in the first place is because I have the nine tails sealed inside me. I'm the nine tails jinchuriki" Naruto said

It did surprise hinata but not much, there were a lot of rumors going around and most of them were about the nine tails and Naruto

"Oh not surprised? Well I guess there were a lot of rumors going on about me and kurama" Naruto said

"Kurama?" Hinata asked

"Ah that's nine tails name" Naruto said

"Nine tails has a name? Well that makes sense" Hinata kept on pondering

"Hey brat did I say you could tell her my name?" Kurama said in his body

"Hinata is the only really reason for me living, so of course I told her" Naruto said without thinking

"Kurama thought it made sense well, he was in Naruto's body this hole Time watching his life and the only reason Naruto could keep on motivating himself to live on is Hinata so it made sense to the fox"

"So Hinata it looks like we're going to be able to be on the same squad it should be fun to be able to do missions together too" Naruto said

"Yea I'm exited too!" Hinata said looking very happy