
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Journey to Suncia

While Prince Luke stayed in Nornday Nikita and Zane continue their adventure to get out of Tula and rejoin there people in O'khasis. Even though they are far from any help to get them back and are just surrounded by the unknown Kimlascan army in Tula.

Even though Zane and I were saved at Thaiden we still had a long journey to get back to are home country. We thought of the idea to go back to are Fortress of Lorlei seeing how it's the closest city to the border. We would like to get to the city as fast as possible so we don't have to lose any of are people here. But unfortunately we are to far from are army to request help. Also to add on top of that we only have 50 men. With are numbers so low it will be difficult if we to accidently run into an enemy army. I suggest to Lord Zane to just forget about all the stuff we were going to give to the King of Tula for peace offerings. The problem is Zane refused saying," Lord Alata does not deserve are offerings if they really allied himself with the Kimlascan Empire! We will bring all of this stuff and give it to are soldiers once we get back to are homeland." I can tell how mad he was even through is we just desert the offerings we could get off the road so it would be safer for us to travel. While I keep thinking it over I notice Lucy try comforting Zane and looks like they really care about each other.

With are small army stopping near some farmland Zane announced that we will be setting up camp here. When he said that Zane pulled me aside and told me," Nikita I need you and your squad to scout the small city of Suncia. If there are less then 10 guards there I want you and your squad to capture the city on your own." I was confused seeing how in my squad there's only Jade, Julian, Lucy, and I left in the squad. Seeing how Lux is in Thaiden cause of his injuries and Synk is supposed to be trying to find Prince Luke. I asked Zane," But how would me and my squad be able to take on even 5 men?" Zane smiled and said," Jade is very skilled with that short spear of his and I believe in you." I feel proud that Lord Zane believes in me but I don't think I'll be able to live up to his expectations. I then just go to find my squad but then I notice that Lucy was over hearing us. I look at her and question why she was here. Zane then said," It doesn't matter, remember Nikita she's my sister so take good care of her and don't let anything bad happen to her." I was kind of mad seeing how Lucy isn't the best warrior and Zane is sending her with me on a really risky mission. The only skilled one on my squad is Jade. But always I lead Lucy to tell Julian and Jade about are new mission.