
The Ice Demon

Soviet_Nikita · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Civil War

As Nikita and Zane rest in Thaiden while Prince Luke and his two men make there way toward Adina. Like decided to stop at the town called Nornday. They decided to stop there because of they didn't have enough food to make it all the way to Adina and they wanted to see if they could gain support against the King.

When we got there we were surprised to see Kimlascan soldiers tearing down everything that would remind people of the Kingdom of Tula. They replaced are flag with a similar flag but with a fist in the middle surrounded by fire. And it looked like they decided to change the design of the Tula gaurd uniform. When we went into town I bought myself a coat with a hood so no one would recognize me as the prince. When we reached the center of town we saw many of are people trying to stop the Kimlascan soldiers from tearing down a statue of one of are first Kings. Then all a sudden we see two lightning bolts fly past us and hot a Kimlascan soldier. When we look where it came from we see two Tula soldiers and one Tula mage all yelling," For are Prince and are Kingdom!" I saw that they were outnumbered and tried to stop them from running into battle but it didn't work. One of my men decided to join them and so I decided that it's my duty to protect my people. I take out my sword and uncover my face. I then run into battle to support my men. I then heard a enemy soldier say," Men the Prince is here quickly kill him before he uses his power!" Then I see a longsword swing at me but I quickly duck below it and I swing upwards. I slice the guys stomach making him fall to the floor and quickly jump into the air and swing my sword over my head downwards toward my next foe. Once he went down I noticed the people began to riot and help us which made the Kimlascan soldiers fall back, my guess was that they were regrouping. I put away my sword as I see a young man approach me wearing chainmail armor. The man says," Greetings my Prince, I am the former leader of this village and would like to know if you would help me and my men take back this town from the Empire of Tula. My name is Synk Tempest and I'm a former soldiers in your personal army." He bowed to me once he finished, as I tell him," Greetings to you to and I will also gladly help your people retake your town from the Empire of Tula. I promise once this is finished I will claim the throne and bring back the Kingdom of Tula." Synk tells me how are enemy had regrouped there men near the library and are making there way toward the capital building. Are enemy had a total of 40 soldiers in the city of Nornday. We already killed 6 of them which leaves them with only 34 soldiers left. But the problem is Synk only has 5 soldiers including himself plus me and my 2 men only gives us 8 Tula soldiers against 34 Kimlascan soldiers. Synk comes up with the plan to have are people start another riot and while there distracted we attack them from behind. Most of them liked this plan but I didn't want to risk are people's safety.

I then came up with the plan to have that one mage to wait on the roof top of the capital building while mine and Synk's men wait for are enemy to attack are government building. While they defend themselves Synk an I will circle around them and launch a surprise attack on them. We decide to use this plan seeing how the Kimlascans are already marching toward are men. While Synk's men barracade the entrance of the building my men and the mage will be one the roof shooting arrows and lightning bolts at are enemy from above. While I see the enemy engage are troops I see quite a few of the fall because of the arrows. I then start running toward a Kimlascan mage behind everyone which I quickly take him out with my sword then I go for the next mage and take him out. Then someone yells," Behind us! It's an ambush!" Then I see almost all of the turn around. While I decide to use my magic against them. I then snap my fingers and a red flash blinds everyone around me. All my enemy sees is my 10 feet away from them then the red flash. I slice through 3 enemies when they see me running at them. Synk stops in confusion on what just happened. Synk the sees the red flash again. But right before he saw me next to a Kimlascan mage then a second after the flash I'm next to another Kimlascan soldier while 4 soldiers and that mage fall to the floor. To He Kimlascan soldiers begin to run away from the battle seeing how fast there friends are falling. Two of them tried to surrender but there own officer wearing gold armor kills them before they can. Then I hear the officer yell," Any who retreat or surrender will be recognized as a enemy soldier and will be killed as an enemy of are Glorious Empire!" I saw many Kimlascan soldiers look at me and back at there officer in fear. All of a sudden another red light flashes, with a second later the officer falls to the floor with me standing next to him. I yell out to my enemy," surrender now or you'll see the same fate as this man!" With that 11 of them all dropped their weapons and raised there hands all saying they surrender.