
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 27

"Wake up." Myriani nudges me, "It's time to go."

I wake up to see Myriani's face looking down at me. I yawn and stretch before I stand up. The fire that Thoron had started the night before had disappeared into nothingness and Thoron had fallen asleep yet again. I guess I was a bit harsh on him. Killing a former friend and teacher kind of hit me hard. I didn't mean to snap at him, but still that gives him no right to get mad at me for no reason. We both just went through the death of former friends and teachers. I hope I don't face anyone as powerful as Clia, but I fear my father is stronger. I can feel the presence of the growing darkness.

"Lead the way milady." I tell her.

"No need for formalities." She says leading the way up a winding path, "You remember what I need to tell you?"

"Of course." I walk up to her side, "What happened?"

"Well," She scratches the back of her head, "I guess I'll start from the beginning. I was only halfway through the cave when I found the bracelet you're wearing. That's when I heard voice coming from further in the cave. I followed the voices until I reached an opening in the cave where I found the barbarians. I hid behind a couple large rocks to see what they were doing. I couldn't understand their language, but I did manage to catch 'revenge against those who sent us here.' I gasped a little too loudly and they managed to hear me. I forgot to bring my sword tried to fight my way out of the situation. They were too strong for me. They managed to grab my hands and legs and hauled me away to their village. I tried my best to knock out the barbarians, but ended up getting knocked out by them. I woke up in a stone hut with a locked door. I tried to pick the lock, but with no success. I walked back to the bed and sat down trying to figure a way out. Their was a window, but it had iron bars over it. Then one of them, he was a brute. He picked me up and... and... and undressed me! I couldn't fight back. I was too weak from hunger, thirst, and lack of sleep. He forced me to mate with him!"

"By the Goddess!" I hug her tightly, "Are you alright? There isn't anything wrong is there?"

"I'm fine." She looks away, "But my mind isn't. I've never mated before in my life and I wanted to have an elf mate. I don't know what to do anymore!"

"Calm down." I whisper in her ear, "I'll go with you the next time you go exploring. How did you escape?"

"After he forced me to you know." She begins her story once again, "He passed out with the keys still in the door. I got dressed and snuck out of the village. Thankfully, the cave wasn't too far from the village and I found my way back easily. That's when I found you fighting that Swordswomen. I watched you from afar. I didn't want to interfere and I still felt weird from earlier."

"I see." I tell her as we start walking again, "At least you're back safe. I don't know what I'd do without my friend. I would've scoured the entire mountain to find you with or without help."

"Thank you Rias." She smiles brightly, "That means a lot."

"Looky here boys!" A gruff voice sounds out, "We've found another woman. Good idea following this little one. Now why don't we head back to the village then?"