
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 17

Iceltic- Land of green

Iceltic is covered in rolling plains that go on for miles. Forests dot the land where the elves reside. The major rivers that Iceltic depends on are called the Ingor River and the Morine River. The major forest that takes up nearly the entire center of the country is called Udylap Forest.

Icelia is the capital of Iceltic. The major city is small in comparison to Mankana, the capital of Argostia. The city is split up into three sections and is built like a ladder. Each section of the city is divided by walls. The castle is grand building that makes up the top of the city. Farmers and merchants make up the lower Icelia and is nothing but fields and shops. The center section houses all the soldiers. This is where the soldiers sleep, eat, train, and ready for battle. It is said that it would take a million men to take the city. The only way to get to each section of the city is to go through the iron gates that are closed during battle and night.

The surrounding land is nothing but rivers, mountains, and prairies. The major mountains are the southern mountains called the Speaking Stones in which the Elves say are sacred. The other mountain chain is called the Protectorate Mountains that separate Icelia from the rest of the country.

Major cities

To the north lies the great city of Steiger. Also protected by mountains, this city is nearly untouchable throughout the war. The only time it was in chaos was when the Goddesses powers became even more weakened. Farming is tough for the citizens, but with the help of a magician, they were able to cultivate land. They are the northernmost city of Iceltic and trades with a country to the North.

The last major city is on the Southern tip of the land that runs a great length of the Strait of Iceltic. The city holds the best ship-makers in the land. They fish for most of their food and trade fish for veggies and fruits. The city is known for housing the elven queen when she needs protection outside her lands. In the past, the people helped out the last chosen one.

Argostia- Land of desert and pointed stones

Argostia is a near Hell. Hardly anyone lived in the deserts of Argostia until the great city of Mankana was built. People felt protected until they found out that their ruler doesn't want anything to do with them.

Argostia is home to most of the dragons in the world. The dragons live in the mountains and are under Mankana control. Most of Argostia's soldiers are bloodthirsty bandits who boast incredible fighting skills.

Most of the land around Argostia is nothing but desert and mountain. One river runs through the entire country and begins in the mountains and ends at the Strait of Iceltic. Mankana the capital of Argostia is located only miles away from the Strait and controls the entire river system.


Mankana is a near impenetrable city. The walls themselves are several miles high that the Dragons and slaves built. Nearly a million lives were lost building the wall. The wall is several miles thick and houses the soldiers. It runs for over 100 miles and boasts the largest wall that any city built. Magicians aided the dying city when they made the land fertile. The city is only divided in two. The large castle in the middle with the surrounding city around it. Mankana is the only city in Argostia as the leader only wanted to rule over one people.

Seas and Oceans

The entire continent is surrounded by a sea. Little do the people know, is that they are in the middle of an even larger country. The sea is called Rambling sea as it seems to be always moving and changing. The ocean that is around the other continent is the gateway to the south that heads to the Ice Castle.

Strait of Iceltic

The Strait of Iceltic is thought to be made by early dragons. It runs the entire length of the continent cutting the two countries in half. The only way to get to each other, is a bridge named the Passing Bridge. This is where most of the war between the two countries have been fought.