
The Ice Crystal

The world is in grave danger of falling under the influence of Chaos. Two countries have already been corrupted and are at war with each other for no reason. Rias, a traveler looking for the legendary Ice Crystal that can end the wars and destroy Chaos's influence, goes on an amazing and tiring journey to find it and then another journey to defeat the evil clouding the land. *****Hey if you enjoy the story, support it here: https://www.amazon.com/Ice-Crystal-Kameron-Wright-ebook/dp/B07X81JKVK/ref=sr_1_1?crid=316A4O4WF2AMK&keywords=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wright&qid=1671404107&sprefix=the+ice+crystals+kameron+wrigh%2Caps%2C100&sr=8-1

CrystalStormGV · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 15

That night, a feast was held for us to wish us safe travels. I am given permission from Myriani to go and hunt, but only hunt one animal. I have to make sure that it's large enough for both me and Thoron. I can tell that he's been craving meat just as much as I am. I fashion a spear out fallen limb hoping that it's still good to use. I test its flexibility and check for any part of it to see if it has started to rot any. I then use an elven knife to split the tip of the limb so that I can put the knife into the slots and tie it together. I learned long ago that a wood tipped spear won't take down a deer no matter how hard you hit it or where you hit it. I'm hoping that this spear will do. Some of the archers that guard the village from the treetops had laughed at me for hunting with a spear. They don't know the hell I've been through with a bow. I cannot use a bow. I'll just keep failing and I don't have the patience with a bow as I do with a spear.

I use the vines and slide down to the forest floor. It's still muddy, but I've learned where to put my feet. One wrong step and you can scare the entire forest and when that happens, you'll come up empty handed. I land softly hoping not to disturb the water that still covers the ground. It had rained more than I thought. Surely the ground would've soaked up all the water by now. The sun is setting fast and I need to get something to eat. The elves would be great hunters if they hunted, but they only eat the fruits and berries that grow out in the forest. I envy them. If I grew up here, would I be an even greater fighter? Would I be a better person; more patient with people and kinder towards others. I know I'm harsh, but it's the way I was raised. First with the monks, then with the farmers, and finally with the people of Icelia. Tears begin to run down my face when I think of Icelia. All my friends and family are gone and I can't bring them back! I slam the spear into the peaty ground and clench my fists. The Ice Crystal glows faintly around my neck. It's soothing coldness calms me down. The time that I've spent here in the village, has taught me a lot. I've grown more patient and learned new fighting techniques. I have new appreciation for nature and how it thinks and how it breathes. Yes nature does breathe.

I turn my thoughts back towards hunting. I won't get anywhere thinking like this. I take the spear out of the ground and disappear through the dark forest. Small rays of light pierce the darkness. The beauty of the dark forest is breathtaking. You see things differently when it's dark out. Everything around the dark forest seems to be more threatening. A simple limb from the ground can look like a predator ready to leap at you. The quietness is another thing. All you can hear is the slight rustling of the leaves in the slight breeze. Most of the leaves had fallen, but some are still hanging in there. They remind me of how the world is. It's in pure chaos, but it still hangs in there, but just barely.

A slight rustle to my right jolted me from my thoughts. I hunker down as low as I can possibly go and stay still hardly breathing. It's been so long since I hunted. I just hope that I can still hit something. Then, the massive animal appeared out of the bushes. The deer has to be at least a good 200 pounds; the biggest I've ever seen in my life. I watch it go right past me. It seems like it didn't see me or just didn't care. As it's passing me, I stand up quick and quietly and throw the spear. It hits just behind the shoulder, right where I wanted it, but the deer doesn't fall. It turns it massive head into the new moonlight. It's a massive buck. It angerily gives out a snort and strikes the ground in frustration. This could not get any worst. It then charges towards me, but didn't get far. The deer stumbles in front of me and falls flat on his face. Blood drains from its mouth as the spear did its job. I finally let out a breath. I had been holding it since I didn't know what the buck would've done. Thankfully, I stuck it good. I walk up to it and see that it's still moving around. I take the spear and drive it deeper into its shoulder. I don't want it to suffer anymore than it has to. I guess that's another thing I've learned from the elves. Don't let anything suffer no matter who or what it is.

I drag the deer through the forest. The moonlight is bright and thankfully, I can see where I came from. I follow my footsteps until I get back to the village. I look above and see the torches that line the platforms and bridges. Already, a lot of the elves are waiting at the clearing where the elves train for combat. Their eyes light up when the see me dragging the massive animal behind me. They rush up to me and hug me. They must have been watching me hunt the entire time.

"Thank you for not letting the deer suffer." Eliose says, "You have grown much since you've arrived here, but your journey is just beginning. Come let us leave so she can get the meat ready. I'll tell our cooks to get ready. They will cook the meat for you and make sure that it lasts a part of your journey."

I smile and turn my attention to the deer. I gutted out in the forest and made sure that the blood as drained out. I don't want any elves being taken by surprise by a rogue animal smelling the fresh blood. However, I don't think any elf is in any real danger. One elf is worth ten soldiers in combat. No doubt they can a predator without injury. Getting the meat out of a deer is always a time consuming job, but I know that I'm on a schedule and cannot afford to waste any time, especially the elves. They want me and Thoron out of here by morning. The moon had only just came up, but it will take until midnight before I get what meat I can get. Not to forget that I have to drag what's left of the deer away from the village and then come back. Only then, will I finally get a chance to relax and eat some meat!


Hours of bloody work are finally over as I drag the deer far from the village. The elves had come back down and grabbed the meat for me. That was very nice of them. I don't think I have any energy left to do anything. I get back to the village and see that the moon is overhead. Bright and huge, it shines down on the entire village. I close my eyes and remember all who was lost. I know I need to move on, but it's not that easy. A voice emenates inside my head.

"Rias," Scion's voice calls out, "remember that you are not alone. There will always be somebody by your side. Yes I am talking about Thoron. Somewhere somehow, your paths intertwined and are destined to be together. Don't worry, as you get closer to the Ice Castle far to the south, more powers will awaken. I will always protect you. Now do you have any questions?"

"Is the Goddess protecting the world anymore," I begin, "or has She given up on us?"

"That is a question that is difficult to answer." Scion says, "And even harder to comprehend. You see, the Ice Crystal is the manifestation of the Goddess. Nothing is overseeing the land. The reason why the land is in chaos is because of the absence of the Goddess. Her powers are drained every few hundred years. So a new human is chosen to restore the Goddess's power by heading to the Ice Castle where her powers are being held by a beast. A beast that is so powerful that no human can defeat."

"Then how do we win?" I ask, "How do we restore Her powers?"

"You are human, but are imbedded with what power the Goddess has left. You are chosen to restore the world along with Thoron. Their will be choices that will have to be made, difficult choices, but you mustn't let your heart lead you. See with your eyes and think with your mind. That is your only salvation along this long and difficult path."

Just like that, he's gone and the noises of the forest return. I look down at the Ice Crystal as it hums against my chest. More powers will be unlocked as I get closer to the Ice Castle. What powers will I get and what will they do to me?

"Hey," I look up to see Thoron waving down at me, "you coming up to eat some delicious meat?"

"Be there in a minute!" I call back up to him.

Scion left me with more questions than answers. I only hope that I can do what is needed to bring peace to the war torn world that we all live in. I look back towards where the ruins of Icelia lay. I will have vengeance for all those who the dragons killed; I will make sure that whatever did that to my friends and my family, will pay!